function Invoke-WhiskeyTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Runs a Whiskey task. .DESCRIPTION The `Invoke-WhiskeyTask` function runs a Whiskey task. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Whiskey.Context] # The context this task is operating in. Use `New-WhiskeyContext` to create context objects. $TaskContext, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] # The name of the task. $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [hashtable] # The parameters/configuration to use to run the task. $Parameter ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState function Invoke-Event { param( $EventName, $Property ) if( -not $events.ContainsKey($EventName) ) { return } foreach( $commandName in $events[$EventName] ) { Write-WhiskeyVerbose -Context $TaskContext -Message '' Write-WhiskeyVerbose -Context $TaskContext -Message ('[On{0}] {1}' -f $EventName,$commandName) $startedAt = Get-Date $result = 'FAILED' try { $TaskContext.Temp = Join-Path -Path $TaskContext.OutputDirectory -ChildPath ('Temp.{0}.On{1}.{2}' -f $Name,$EventName,[IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) if( -not (Test-Path -Path $TaskContext.Temp -PathType Container) ) { New-Item -Path $TaskContext.Temp -ItemType 'Directory' -Force | Out-Null } & $commandName -TaskContext $TaskContext -TaskName $Name -TaskParameter $Property $result = 'COMPLETED' } finally { Remove-WhiskeyFileSystemItem -Path $TaskContext.Temp $endedAt = Get-Date $duration = $endedAt - $startedAt Write-WhiskeyVerbose -Context $TaskContext ('{0} {1} in {2}' -f (' ' * ($EventName.Length + 4)),$result,$duration) Write-WhiskeyVerbose -Context $TaskContext -Message '' } } } function Merge-Parameter { param( [hashtable] $SourceParameter, [hashtable] $TargetParameter ) foreach( $key in $SourceParameter.Keys ) { $sourceValue = $SourceParameter[$key] if( $TargetParameter.ContainsKey($key) ) { $targetValue = $TargetParameter[$key] if( ($targetValue | Get-Member -Name 'Keys') -and ($sourceValue | Get-Member -Name 'Keys') ) { Merge-Parameter -SourceParameter $sourceValue -TargetParameter $targetValue } continue } $TargetParameter[$key] = $sourceValue } } function Get-RequiredTool { param( $CommandName ) $cmd = Get-Command -Name $CommandName -ErrorAction Ignore if( -not $cmd -or -not (Get-Member -InputObject $cmd -Name 'ScriptBlock') ) { return } $cmd.ScriptBlock.Attributes | Where-Object { $_ -is [Whiskey.RequiresToolAttribute] } } $knownTasks = Get-WhiskeyTask $task = $knownTasks | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name } if( -not $task ) { $task = $knownTasks | Where-Object { $_.Aliases -contains $Name } $taskCount = ($task | Measure-Object).Count if( $taskCount -gt 1 ) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Found {0} tasks with alias "{1}". Please update to use one of these task names: {2}.' -f $taskCount,$Name,(($task | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name') -join ', ')) return } if( $task -and $task.WarnWhenUsingAlias ) { Write-Warning -Message ('Task "{0}" is an alias to task "{1}". Please update "{2}" to use the task''s actual name, "{1}", instead of the alias.' -f $Name,$task.Name,$TaskContext.ConfigurationPath) } } if( -not $task ) { $knownTaskNames = $knownTasks | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name' | Sort-Object throw ('{0}: {1}[{2}]: ''{3}'' task does not exist. Supported tasks are:{4} * {5}' -f $TaskContext.ConfigurationPath,$Name,$TaskContext.TaskIndex,$Name,[Environment]::NewLine,($knownTaskNames -join ('{0} * ' -f [Environment]::NewLine))) } $taskCount = ($task | Measure-Object).Count if( $taskCount -gt 1 ) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Found {0} tasks named "{1}". We don''t know which one to use. Please make sure task names are unique.' -f $taskCount,$Name) return } $TaskContext.TaskName = $Name if( -not $task.Platform.HasFlag($CurrentPlatform) ) { Write-Error -Message ('Unable to run task "{0}": it is only supported on the {1} platform(s) and we''re currently running on {2}.' -f $task.Name,$task.Platform,$CurrentPlatform) -ErrorAction Stop return } if( $TaskContext.TaskDefaults.ContainsKey( $Name ) ) { Merge-Parameter -SourceParameter $TaskContext.TaskDefaults[$Name] -TargetParameter $Parameter } Resolve-WhiskeyVariable -Context $TaskContext -InputObject $Parameter | Out-Null [hashtable]$taskProperties = $Parameter.Clone() $commonProperties = @{} foreach( $commonPropertyName in @( 'OnlyBy', 'ExceptBy', 'OnlyOnBranch', 'ExceptOnBranch', 'OnlyDuring', 'ExceptDuring', 'WorkingDirectory', 'IfExists', 'UnlessExists', 'OnlyOnPlatform', 'ExceptOnPlatform' ) ) { if ($taskProperties.ContainsKey($commonPropertyName)) { $commonProperties[$commonPropertyName] = $taskProperties[$commonPropertyName] $taskProperties.Remove($commonPropertyName) } } $workingDirectory = $TaskContext.BuildRoot if( $Parameter['WorkingDirectory'] ) { $workingDirectory = $Parameter['WorkingDirectory'] | Resolve-WhiskeyTaskPath -TaskContext $TaskContext -PropertyName 'WorkingDirectory' } $taskTempDirectory = '' $requiredTools = Get-RequiredTool -CommandName $task.CommandName $startedAt = Get-Date $result = 'FAILED' $currentDirectory = [IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory() Push-Location -Path $workingDirectory [IO.Directory]::SetCurrentDirectory($workingDirectory) try { if( Test-WhiskeyTaskSkip -Context $TaskContext -Properties $commonProperties) { $result = 'SKIPPED' return } $inCleanMode = $TaskContext.ShouldClean if( $inCleanMode ) { if( -not $task.SupportsClean ) { Write-WhiskeyVerbose -Context $TaskContext -Message ('SupportsClean.{0} -ne Build.ShouldClean.{1}' -f $task.SupportsClean,$TaskContext.ShouldClean) $result = 'SKIPPED' return } } foreach( $requiredTool in $requiredTools ) { Install-WhiskeyTool -ToolInfo $requiredTool ` -InstallRoot $TaskContext.BuildRoot ` -TaskParameter $taskProperties ` -InCleanMode:$inCleanMode ` -ErrorAction Stop } if( $TaskContext.ShouldInitialize -and -not $task.SupportsInitialize ) { Write-WhiskeyVerbose -Context $TaskContext -Message ('SupportsInitialize.{0} -ne Build.ShouldInitialize.{1}' -f $task.SupportsInitialize,$TaskContext.ShouldInitialize) $result = 'SKIPPED' return } Invoke-Event -EventName 'BeforeTask' -Property $taskProperties Invoke-Event -EventName ('Before{0}Task' -f $Name) -Property $taskProperties Write-WhiskeyVerbose -Context $TaskContext -Message '' $startedAt = Get-Date $taskTempDirectory = Join-Path -Path $TaskContext.OutputDirectory -ChildPath ('Temp.{0}.{1}' -f $Name,[IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) $TaskContext.Temp = $taskTempDirectory if( -not (Test-Path -Path $TaskContext.Temp -PathType Container) ) { New-Item -Path $TaskContext.Temp -ItemType 'Directory' -Force | Out-Null } $parameter = Get-TaskParameter -Name $task.CommandName -TaskProperty $taskProperties -Context $TaskContext & $task.CommandName @parameter $result = 'COMPLETED' } finally { # Clean required tools *after* running the task since the task might need a required tool in order to do the cleaning (e.g. using Node to clean up installed modules) if( $TaskContext.ShouldClean ) { foreach( $requiredTool in $requiredTools ) { Uninstall-WhiskeyTool -InstallRoot $TaskContext.BuildRoot -Name $requiredTool.Name } } if( $taskTempDirectory -and (Test-Path -Path $taskTempDirectory -PathType Container) ) { Remove-Item -Path $taskTempDirectory -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } $endedAt = Get-Date $duration = $endedAt - $startedAt Write-WhiskeyVerbose -Context $TaskContext -Message ('{0} in {1}' -f $result,$duration) Write-WhiskeyVerbose -Context $TaskContext -Message '' [IO.Directory]::SetCurrentDirectory($currentDirectory) Pop-Location } Invoke-Event -EventName 'AfterTask' -Property $taskProperties Invoke-Event -EventName ('After{0}Task' -f $Name) -Property $taskProperties } |