
    Loads custom tasks so you can use them in your build.
    The `LoadTask` task loads custom tasks into your build. Set the `Path` parameter to a list of paths to PowerShell script files that contain tasks. Wildcards are allowed.
    If any file contains no tasks, the build build will fail. If Whiskey has already loaded tasks from a file during the current build, it is skipped.
    In order for Whiskey to find and run your tasks, they must be scoped at the script level, i.e. prefix all your task functions with the `script:` scope, e.g.
        function script:MyTask
    See `about_Whiskey_Writing_Tasks` for documentation on how to write your own tasks.
    * `Path` (***mandatory***): a list of paths to PowerShell script files, each containing task functions.
    ## Example 1
        - LoadTask:
            Path: Build\Whiskey\*.ps1
    Demonstrates how to load tasks. In this example, all the tasks in all the `*.ps1` files the `Build\Whiskey` directory are loaded.