about_Whiskey_PublishBuildMasterPackage_Task SUMMARY Creates and deploys a release package in BuildMaster. DESCRIPTION The `PublishBuildMasterPackage` task creates a release package in BuildMaster. By default, it also starts a deployment of the package to the first stage of the release's pipeline. It uses the `New-BMPackage` function from the `BuildMasterAutomation` module to create the package. It uses the `Publish-BMReleasePackage` to start the deployment. Set the `ApplicationName` property to the name of the application in BuildMaster where the package should be published. Set the `ReleaseName` property to the name of the release in BuildMaster where the package should be published. Set the `Uri` property to the base URI to BuildMaster. Set the `ApiKeyID` property to the ID of the API key to use when publishing the package to BuildMaster. Use the `Add-WhiskeyApiKey` to add your API key. Set the `DeployTo` property to map an SCM branch to its corresponding BuildMaster release where packages should be created and deployed. `BranchName` and `ReleaseName` are required. The task will fail if the current branch is not mapped to an existing release. `StartAtStage` and `SkipDeploy` are optional. By default, a deployment will start at the first stage of a release pipeline and will not be skipped. PROPERTIES * `ApplicationName` (mandatory): the name of the application in BuildMaster where the package should be published. * `ReleaseName` (mandatory): the name of the release in BuildMaster where the package should be published. * `Uri` (mandatory): the BuildMaster URI where the package should be published. * `ApiKeyID` (mandatory): the ID of the API key to use when publishing the package to BuildMaster. Use the `Add-WhiskeyApiKey` to add your API key. * `PackageVariable`: the variables to configure in BuildMaster unique to this package. By default, the package will not have any package-level variables. * `PackageName`: the name of the package that will be created in BuildMaster. By default, the package will be named "MajorVersion.MinorVersion.PatchVersion" * `StartAtStage`: the stage of the release pipeline where the package should start its deployment. By default, the package will be released to the first stage of the pipeline. * `SkipDeploy`: the release package should be created, but not automatically deployed. By default, the package deployment will be started. EXAMPLES ## Example 1 Publish: - PublishBuildMasterPackage: ApplicationName: TestApplication ReleaseName: ProdRelease Uri: https://buildmaster.example.com ApiKeyID: buildmaster.example.com Demonstrates the minimal configuration needed to create and deploy a package. In this case, a package will be created on the `ProdRelease` release of the `TestApplication` application at `https://buildmaster.example.com` using the API key with the `buildmaster.example.com` ID. The package will be deployed to the first stage of the release's pipeline. ## Example 2 Publish: - PublishBuildMasterPackage: ApplicationName: TestApplication ReleaseName: ProdRelease Uri: https://buildmaster.example.com ApiKeyID: buildmaster.example.com PackageName: TestPackage StartAtStage: TestStaging In this case, the package will be named `TestPackage` instead of the default "MajorVersion.MinorVersion.PatchVersion". The package will be deployed to `TestStaging` stage of the `ProdRelease` release's pipeline. ## Example 3 Publish: - PublishBuildMasterPackage: ApplicationName: TestApplication ReleaseName: ProdRelease Uri: https://buildmaster.example.com ApiKeyID: buildmaster.example.com SkipDeploy: true In this case, a package will be created on the `ProdRelease` release of the `TestApplication` application. The package will not be deployed because the `SkipDeploy` property is defined. |