
    Restores NuGet packages.
    The `NuGetRestore` task restores NuGet packages. Set the `Path` property to the path to the solution file, packages.config file, Microsoft Build project, or a project.json file whose packages you want to restore.
    By default, `NuGetRestore` downloads and used the latest version of NuGet. Set the `Version` property to pin this task to a specific version of NuGet.
    You can pass custom arguments to NuGet.exe via the `Argument` property. Arguments are passed as-is. `Argument` should be an array of arguments.
    The NuGet executable doesn't report success or failure. If the NuGet restore fails, you'll see compilation errors instead of a problem with this task.
    ## Example 1
    This demonstrates how to restore the NuGet packages for a Visual Studio solution.
        - NuGetRestore:
            Path: MySolution.sln
    ## Example 2
    This demonstrates how to pin the task to use a specific version of NuGet, in this case, `4.1.0`. Without the `Version` attribute, the latest version of NuGet is used.
            Path: MySolution.sln
            Version: 4.1.0
    ## Example 3
    This demonstrates how to pass custom arguments to NuGet.exe with the `Argument` property. In this example, packages will be put in a `packages` directory in the build root (i.e. the same directory as your `whiskey.yml` file).
            Path: packages.config
            - "-PackagesDirectory"
            - $(WHISKEY_BUILD_ROOT)\packages