about_Whiskey_Tasks SHORT DESCRIPTION This topic lists all Whiskey tasks and the global task properties (i.e. properties available on every task). LONG DESCRIPTION ## Tasks Whiskey has the following tasks: * `CopyFile`: copies files. * `Delete`: deletes files. * `DotNetBuild`: runs `dotnet build` command. * `DotNetPack`: runs `dotnet pack` command. * `Exec`: runs an executable/program. * `GetPowerShellModule`: installs a PowerShell module. * `MSBuild`: runs MSBuild, the Microsoft build engine. * `NodeLicenseChecker`: runs license checker, a Node module/command that scans and reports on Node module license metadata. * `NodeNspCheck`: runs NSP, a vulnerability scanner for Node projects. * `NpmConfig`: runs the Node `npm config` command. * `NpmInstall`: runs the Node `npm install` command. * `NpmPrune`: runs the Node `npm prune` command. * `NpmRunScript`: runs the Node `npm run-script` command. * `NuGetPack`: runs the `nuget.exe pack` command. * `NuGetPush`: runs the `nuget.exe push` command. * `NuGetRestore`: runs the `nuget.exe restore` command. * `NUnit2`: tests .NET assemblies with NUnit 2. * `NUnit3`: tests .NET assemblies with NUnit 3. * `Parallel`: runs queues of tasks in parallel/asynchronously. * `Pester3`: runs PowerShell tests wth Pester 3. * `Pester4`: runs PowerShell tests with Pester 4. * `Pipeline`: runs pipelines defined in the current whiskey.yml file. * `PowerShell`: executes a PowerShell script. * `ProGetUniversalPackage`: creates a universal ProGet package. * `PublishBitbucketServerTag`: tags a repository in Bitbucket Server. * `PublishBuildMasterPackage`: creates and deploys a package in BuildMaster. * `PublishNodeModule`: publishes a Node module (i.e. runs the `npm publish` command). * `PublishPowerShellModule`: publishes a PowerShell module. * `PublishProGetAsset`: publishes a file to a ProGet asset directory. * `PublishProGetUniversalPackage`: publishes a universal ProGet package to ProGet. * `SetVariable`: creates a variable that you can use in your whiskey.yml file. * `TaskDefaults`: sets default task properties. * `Version`: sets the version number for the current build. ## Common Task Properties Every Whiskey task has these properties: * `OnlyBy`/`ExceptBy`: controls if a task runs if the build was started by a developer or a build server. By default, a task always runs. Valid values are `Developer` or `BuildServer`. * `OnlyDuring`/`ExceptDuring': controls if a task will run in the current run mode. Valid values are `Initialize`, `Build`, and `Clean`. Useful for having custom initialization tasks, cleaning tasks, etc. Make sure the task actually does work in the chosen mode. Some tasks don't have anything to clean or initialize, in which case these properties would have no affect. * `OnlyOnBranch`/`ExceptOnBranch`: controls what branch a task should run on. By default, a task runs on every branch. When a build is run by a developer, there is no branch information, so tasks that have this property will never run by a developer. Wildcards are supported. * `WorkingDirectory`: the directory in which the task should run. By default, this is the directory of the whiskey.yml file. |