about_Whiskey_NuGetPush_Task SUMMARY Publishes a NuGet package to a NuGet repository. DESCRIPTION The `NuGetPush` task publishes a NuGet package (files with `.nupkg` extensions) to a NuGet repository using the `nuget.exe push` command. By default, it publishes all *.nupkg files in the output directory. You must supply a `Uri` property and an `ApiKeyID` property, which should be the URI to the NuGet repository to publish to and the ID of the API key to use, respectively. API keys must be added in your `build.ps1` script using Whiskey's `Add-WhiskeyApiKey` function. The task will fail the build if a package with the current version already exists. Because nuget.exe gives no indication if publishing failed or succeeded, the task checks for the newly published package after publishing. Some repositories take awhile to show available packages, so to skip this behavior, use the `SkipUploadedCheck` property. PROPERTIES * Path: the path to the .nupkg files to publish. By default, all .nupkg files in the output directory are published. * Symbols: whether or not to publish symbols package. If this is `true`, the task only publishes files that match the `*.symbols.nupkg` wildcard. * **Uri** (*mandatory*): the URI to the NuGet repository to publish to. This is passes as-is to the `nuget.exe push -source` parameter. When publishing to nuget.org, use the value `https://nuget.org/api/v2/package`. * **ApiKeyID** (*mandatory*): the ID of the API key to use. Add API keys to your build.ps1 with the `Add-WhiskeyApiKey` function. The `ApiKeyID` property and the `Add-WhiskeyApiKey` function's `ID` parameter must match. * Version: the version of nuget.exe to use to publish. The default is to use the latest version of NuGet. * SkipUploadedCheck: set to `true` to not check if the package is immediately available after publishing. The default value is `false`, which means the build will fail if the just-uploaded package isn't available. EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 BuildTasks: - NuGetPush: Uri: https://nuget.org/api/v2/package ApiKeyID: nuget.org SkipUploadedCheck: true Demonstrates how to publish to nuget.org. All *.nupkg files in the output directory are published. EXAMPLE 2 BuildTasks: - NuGetPush: Uri: https://proget.example.com/nuget/NuGet/ ApiKeyID: ProGet Path: $(WHISKEY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)\nuget\Whiskey*.nupkg Demonstrates how to publish specific packages to an internal ProGet feed named "NuGet". In this example, only files in a `nuget` directory in the output directory that match the wildcard `Whiskey*.nupkg` are published. EXAMPLE 3 BuildTasks: - NuGetPush: Uri: https://nuget.org/api/v2/package ApiKeyID: nuget.org Version: 4.1.0 Demonstrates how to use a specific version of NuGet. In this case, Whiskey will use version 4.1.0. EXAMPLE 4 BuildTasks: - NuGetPush: Uri: https://proget.example.com/nuget/NuGet/ ApiKeyID: ProGet Symbols: true Demonstrates how to public symbol packages. In this case, only package whose filenames match wildcard `*.symbols.nupkg` are published. |