function Invoke-WhiskeyNodeTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Runs a Node build. .DESCRIPTION The `Invoke-WhiskeyNodeTask` function runs Node builds. It uses NPM's `run` command to run a list of NPM scripts. These scripts are defined in your package.json file's `Scripts` property. If any script fails, the build will fail. This function checks if a script fails by looking at the exit code to `npm`. Any non-zero exit code is treated as a failure. You are required to specify what version of Node.js you want in the engines field of your package.json file. (See https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#engines for more information.) The version of Node is installed for you using NVM. You may additionally specify a version of NPM to use in the engines field of your package.json file. NPM will be downloaded into your package's 'node_modules' directory at the specified version. This local version of NPM will be used to execute the list of `NpmScript` and then will be removed from 'node_modules' at the end of the build. This task accepts these parameters: * `NpmScript`: a list of one or more NPM scripts to run, e.g. `npm run SCRIPT_NAME`. Each script is run indepently. * `WorkingDirectory`: the directory where all the build commands should be run. Defaults to the directory where the build's `whiskey.yml` file was found. Must be relative to the `whiskey.yml` file. * `NpmRegistryUri` the uri to set a custom npm registry Here's a sample `whiskey.yml` using the Node task: BuildTasks: - Node: NpmScript: - build - test This task also does the following as part of each Node.js build: * Runs `npm install` to install your dependencies. * Runs NSP, the Node Security Platform, to check for any vulnerabilities in your depedencies. * Saves a report on each dependency's license. .EXAMPLE Invoke-WhiskeyNodeTask -TaskContext $context -TaskParameter @{ NpmScript = 'build','test', NpmRegistryUri = 'http://registry.npmjs.org/' } Demonstrates how to run the `build` and `test` NPM targets in the directory specified by the `$context.BuildRoot` property. The function would run `npm run build test`. #> [Whiskey.Task("Node",SupportsClean=$true, SupportsInitialize=$true)] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [object] # The context the task is running under. $TaskContext, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [hashtable] # The task parameters, which are: # # * `NpmScript`: a list of one or more NPM scripts to run, e.g. `npm run $SCRIPT_NAME`. Each script is run indepently. # * `WorkingDirectory`: the directory where all the build commands should be run. Defaults to the directory where the build's `whiskey.yml` file was found. Must be relative to the `whiskey.yml` file. # * `NpmRegistryUri` the uri to set a custom npm registry $TaskParameter ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState Write-Warning -Message ('The ''Node'' task has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Whiskey. It''s functionality has been broken up into individual smaller tasks, ''NpmInstall'', ''NpmRunScript'', ''NspCheck'', and ''NodeLicenseChecker''. Update the build configuration in ''{0}'' to use the new tasks.' -f $TaskContext.ConfigurationPath) $startedAt = Get-Date function Write-Timing { param( $Message ) $now = Get-Date Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] [{1}] {2}' -f $now,($now - $startedAt),$Message) } if( $TaskContext.ShouldClean() ) { Write-Timing -Message 'Cleaning' $nodeModulesPath = (Join-Path -path $TaskContext.BuildRoot -ChildPath 'node_modules') if( Test-Path $nodeModulesPath -PathType Container ) { $outputDirectory = Join-Path -path $TaskContext.BuildRoot -ChildPath '.output' $emptyDir = New-Item -Name 'TempEmptyDir' -Path $outputDirectory -ItemType 'Directory' Write-Timing -Message ('Emptying {0}' -f $nodeModulesPath) Invoke-WhiskeyRobocopy -Source $emptyDir -Destination $nodeModulesPath | Write-Debug Write-Timing -Message ('COMPLETE') Remove-Item -Path $emptyDir Remove-Item -Path $nodeModulesPath } return } $npmRegistryUri = $TaskParameter['NpmRegistryUri'] if (-not $npmRegistryUri) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message 'Property ''NpmRegistryUri'' is mandatory. It should be the URI to the registry from which Node.js packages should be downloaded. E.g., BuildTasks: - Node: NpmRegistryUri: https://registry.npmjs.org/ ' } $npmScripts = $TaskParameter['NpmScript'] $npmScriptCount = $npmScripts | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Count' $numSteps = 6 + $npmScriptCount $stepNum = 0 $originalPath = $env:PATH $activity = 'Running Node Task' function Update-Progress { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Status, [int] $Step ) Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status $Status.TrimEnd('.') -PercentComplete ($Step/$numSteps*100) } $workingDirectory = (Get-Location).ProviderPath try { Update-Progress -Status 'Validating package.json and starting installation of Node.js version required for this package (if required)' -Step ($stepNum++) Write-Timing -Message 'Installing Node.js' $nodePath = Install-WhiskeyNodeJs -RegistryUri $npmRegistryUri -ApplicationRoot $workingDirectory -ForDeveloper:$TaskContext.ByDeveloper Write-Timing -Message ('COMPLETE') if( -not $nodePath ) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Node version required for this package failed to install. Please see previous errors for details.') } Update-Progress -Status ('Node.js version required for this package is installed') -Step ($stepNum++) $nodeRoot = $nodePath | Split-Path $npmGlobalPath = Join-Path -Path $nodeRoot -ChildPath 'node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js' -Resolve if( -not $npmGlobalPath ) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('NPM didn''t get installed by NVM when installing Node. Please use NVM to uninstall this version of Node.') } Update-Progress -Status ('Getting path to the version of NPM required for this package') -Step ($stepNum++) Write-Timing -Message 'Resolving path to NPM.' $npmPath = Get-WhiskeyNPMPath -NodePath $nodePath -ApplicationRoot $workingDirectory Write-Timing -Message ('COMPLETE') if( -not $npmPath ) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Could not locate version of NPM that is required for this package. Please see previous errors for details.') } Set-Item -Path 'env:PATH' -Value ('{0};{1}' -f $nodeRoot,$env:Path) $noColorArg = @() if( ($TaskContext.ByBuildServer) -or $Host.Name -ne 'ConsoleHost' ) { $noColorArg = '--no-color' } Update-Progress -Status ('npm install') -Step ($stepNum++) Write-Timing -Message 'Installing Node.js modules.' & $nodePath $npmPath 'install' '--production=false' $noColorArg if( $LASTEXITCODE ) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('NPM command `npm install` failed with exit code {0}.' -f $LASTEXITCODE) } if( $TaskContext.ShouldInitialize() ) { Write-Timing -Message 'Initialization complete.' return } if( -not $npmScripts ) { Write-WhiskeyWarning -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message (@' Property 'NpmScript' is missing or empty. Your build isn''t *doing* anything. The 'NpmScript' property should be a list of one or more npm scripts to run during your build, e.g. BuildTasks: - Node: NpmScript: - build - test '@) } # local version of npm gets removed by 'npm install', so call Get-WhiskeyNPMPath to download it again if necessary $npmPath = Get-WhiskeyNPMPath -NodePath $nodePath -ApplicationRoot $workingDirectory foreach( $script in $npmScripts ) { Update-Progress -Status ('npm run {0}' -f $script) -Step ($stepNum++) Write-Timing -Message ('Running script ''{0}''.' -f $script) & $nodePath $npmPath 'run' $script '--scripts-prepend-node-path=auto' $noColorArg Write-Timing -Message ('COMPLETE') if( $LASTEXITCODE ) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('NPM command `npm run {0}` failed with exit code {1}.' -f $script,$LASTEXITCODE) } } Update-Progress -Status ('nsp check') -Step ($stepNum++) $nodeModulesRoot = Join-Path -Path $nodeRoot -ChildPath 'node_modules' $nspPath = Join-Path -Path $nodeModulesRoot -ChildPath 'nsp\bin\nsp' $npmCmd = 'install' if( (Test-Path -Path $nspPath -PathType Leaf) ) { $npmCmd = 'update' } Write-Timing -Message ('Installing NSP.') & $nodePath $npmPath $npmCmd 'nsp@2.7.0' '-g' Write-Timing -Message ('COMPLETE') if( -not (Test-Path -Path $nspPath -PathType Leaf) ) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('NSP module failed to install to ''{0}''.' -f $nodeModulesRoot) } Write-Timing -Message ('Running NSP security check.') $output = & $nodePath $nspPath 'check' '--output' 'json' 2>&1 | ForEach-Object { if( $_ -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { $_.Exception.Message } else { $_ } } Write-Timing -Message ('COMPLETE') $results = ($output -join [Environment]::NewLine) | ConvertFrom-Json if( $LASTEXITCODE ) { $summary = $results | Format-List | Out-String Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('NSP, the Node Security Platform, found the following security vulnerabilities in your dependencies (exit code: {0}):{1}{2}' -f $LASTEXITCODE,[Environment]::NewLine,$summary) } Update-Progress -Status ('license-checker') -Step ($stepNum++) $licenseCheckerPath = Join-Path -Path $nodeModulesRoot -ChildPath 'license-checker\bin\license-checker' $npmCmd = 'install' if( (Test-Path -Path $licenseCheckerPath -PathType Leaf) ) { $npmCmd = 'update' } Write-Timing -Message ('Installing license checker.') & $nodePath $npmPath $npmCmd 'license-checker@latest' '-g' Write-Timing -Message ('COMPLETE') if( -not (Test-Path -Path $licenseCheckerPath -PathType Leaf) ) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('License Checker module failed to install to ''{0}''.' -f $nodeModulesRoot) } Write-Timing -Message ('Generating license report.') $reportJson = & $nodePath $licenseCheckerPath '--json' Write-Timing -Message ('COMPLETE') $report = ($reportJson -join [Environment]::NewLine) | ConvertFrom-Json if( -not $report ) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('License Checker failed to output a valid JSON report.') } Write-Timing -Message ('Converting license report.') # The default license checker report has a crazy format. It is an object with properties for each module. # Let's transform it to a more sane format: an array of objects. [object[]]$newReport = $report | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name' | ForEach-Object { $report.$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'name' -Value $_ -PassThru } # show the report $newReport | Sort-Object -Property 'licenses','name' | Format-Table -Property 'licenses','name' -AutoSize | Out-String | Write-Verbose $licensePath = 'node-license-checker-report.json' $licensePath = Join-Path -Path $TaskContext.OutputDirectory -ChildPath $licensePath ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $newReport -Depth 100 | Set-Content -Path $licensePath Write-Timing -Message ('COMPLETE') } finally { Set-Item -Path 'env:PATH' -Value $originalPath Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed -PercentComplete 100 } } |