function Invoke-WhiskeyPipelineTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Runs the tasks in a Whiskey pipeline. .DESCRIPTION The `Pipeline` task runs pipelines defined in your `whiskey.yml` file. Pipelines are properties that contain a list of tasks. You are required to have a default `BuildTasks` pipeline. Other pipelines exist side-by-side with your `BuildTasks` pipeline, e.g. BuildTasks: - Pipeline: Name: BuildASpecificThing BuildASpecificThing: - MSBuild: Path: SpecificThing.sln In this example, the default `BuildTasks` pipeline runs the `BuildASpecificThing` pipeline. Use the `Pipeline` task if you want the ability to run parts of your builds in isolation, e.g. if you have multiple applications to build, you can declare a dedicated pipeline for each. Your default build runs them all, but you can run a specific pipeline by passing that pipeline's name to the `Invoke-WhiskeyBuild` function. ## Properties * `Name`: a list of pipelines to run. Pipelines are run in the order declared. ## Examples ### Example 1 BuildTasks: - Pipeline: Name: BuildASpecificThing BuildASpecificThing: - MSBuild: Path SpecificThing.sln This example declares two pipelines: `BuildTasks` and `BuildASpecificThing`. The `BuildTasks` pipeline runs the `BuildASpecificThing` pipeline. ### Example 2 BuildTasks: - Pipeline: Name: - BuildASpecificThing - BuildAnotherThing BuildASpecificThing: - MSBuild: Path SpecificThing.sln BuildAnotherThing: - MSBuild: Path BuildAnotherThing.sln This example demonstrates how to run multiple pipelines with the `Pipeline` task. In this example, the `BuildASpecificTing` tasks will run, followed by the `BuildAnotherThing` tasks. #> [CmdletBinding()] [Whiskey.Task("Pipeline")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [object] $TaskContext, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [hashtable] $TaskParameter ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState if( -not $TaskParameter['Name'] ) { Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Name is a mandatory property, but is missing or doesn''t have a value. It should be set to a list of pipeline names you want to run as part of another pipeline, e.g. BuildTasks: - Pipeline: Name: - One - Two One: - TASK Two: - TASK ') } $currentPipeline = $TaskContext.PipelineName try { foreach( $name in $TaskParameter['Name'] ) { Invoke-WhiskeyPipeline -Context $TaskContext -Name $name } } finally { $TaskContext.PipelineName = $currentPipeline } } |