
function Invoke-WhiskeyNodeTask
    Runs a Node build.
    The `Invoke-WhiskeyNodeTask` function runs Node builds. It uses NPM's `run` command to run a list of NPM scripts. These scripts are defined in your package.json file's `Scripts` property. If any script fails, the build will fail. This function checks if a script fails by looking at the exit code to `npm`. Any non-zero exit code is treated as a failure.
    You are required to specify what version of Node.js you want in the engines field of your package.json file. (See for more information.) The version of Node is installed for you using NVM.
    You may additionally specify a version of NPM to use in the engines field of your package.json file. NPM will be downloaded into your package's 'node_modules' directory at the specified version. This local version of NPM will be used to execute the list of `NpmScript` and then will be removed from 'node_modules' at the end of the build.
    This task accepts these parameters:
    * `NpmScript`: a list of one or more NPM scripts to run, e.g. `npm run SCRIPT_NAME`. Each script is run indepently.
    * `WorkingDirectory`: the directory where all the build commands should be run. Defaults to the directory where the build's `whiskey.yml` file was found. Must be relative to the `whiskey.yml` file.
    * `NpmRegistryUri` the uri to set a custom npm registry
    Here's a sample `whiskey.yml` using the Node task:
        - Node:
          - build
          - test
    This task also does the following as part of each Node.js build:
    * Runs `npm install` to install your dependencies.
    * Runs NSP, the Node Security Platform, to check for any vulnerabilities in your depedencies.
    * Saves a report on each dependency's license.
    * Prunes developer dependencies (if running under a build server).
    Invoke-WhiskeyNodeTask -TaskContext $context -TaskParameter @{ NpmScript = 'build','test', NpmRegistryUri = '' }
    Demonstrates how to run the `build` and `test` NPM targets in the directory specified by the `$context.BuildRoot` property. The function would run `npm run build test`.

    [Whiskey.Task("Node",SupportsClean=$true, SupportsInitialize=$true)]
        # The context the task is running under.

        # The task parameters, which are:
        # * `NpmScript`: a list of one or more NPM scripts to run, e.g. `npm run $SCRIPT_NAME`. Each script is run indepently.
        # * `WorkingDirectory`: the directory where all the build commands should be run. Defaults to the directory where the build's `whiskey.yml` file was found. Must be relative to the `whiskey.yml` file.
        # * `NpmRegistryUri` the uri to set a custom npm registry

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    if( $TaskContext.ShouldClean() )
        $nodeModulesPath = (Join-Path -path $TaskContext.BuildRoot -ChildPath 'node_modules')
        if( Test-Path $nodeModulesPath -PathType Container )
            $outputDirectory = Join-Path -path $TaskContext.BuildRoot -ChildPath '.output' 
            $emptyDir = New-Item -Name 'TempEmptyDir' -Path $outputDirectory -ItemType 'Directory'
            Invoke-WhiskeyRobocopy -Source $emptyDir -Destination $nodeModulesPath | Write-Debug
            Remove-Item -Path $emptyDir
            Remove-Item -Path $nodeModulesPath
    $npmRegistryUri = $TaskParameter['NpmRegistryUri']
    if (-not $npmRegistryUri) 
        Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message 'Property ''NpmRegistryUri'' is mandatory. It should be the URI to the registry from which Node.js packages should be downloaded. E.g.,
        - Node:

    $npmScripts = $TaskParameter['NpmScript']
    $npmScriptCount = $npmScripts | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Count'
    $numSteps = 6 + $npmScriptCount
    $stepNum = 0

    $originalPath = $env:PATH
    $activity = 'Running Node Task'

    function Update-Progress


        Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status $Status.TrimEnd('.') -PercentComplete ($Step/$numSteps*100)

    $workingDir = $TaskContext.BuildRoot
    if( $TaskParameter.ContainsKey('WorkingDirectory') )
        $workingDir = $TaskParameter['WorkingDirectory'] | Resolve-WhiskeyTaskPath -TaskContext $TaskContext -PropertyName 'WorkingDirectory'

    Push-Location -Path $workingDir
        Update-Progress -Status 'Validating package.json and starting installation of Node.js version required for this package (if required)' -Step ($stepNum++)
        $nodePath = Install-WhiskeyNodeJs -RegistryUri $npmRegistryUri -ApplicationRoot $workingDir -ForDeveloper:$TaskContext.ByDeveloper
        if( -not $nodePath )
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Node version required for this package failed to install. Please see previous errors for details.')
        Update-Progress -Status ('Node.js version required for this package is installed') -Step ($stepNum++)

        $nodeRoot = $nodePath | Split-Path
        $npmGlobalPath = Join-Path -Path $nodeRoot -ChildPath 'node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js' -Resolve
        if( -not $npmGlobalPath )
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('NPM didn''t get installed by NVM when installing Node. Please use NVM to uninstall this version of Node.')

        Update-Progress -Status ('Getting path to the version of NPM required for this package') -Step ($stepNum++)
        $npmPath = Get-WhiskeyNPMPath -NodePath $nodePath -ApplicationRoot $workingDir
        if( -not $npmPath )
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('Could not locate version of NPM that is required for this package. Please see previous errors for details.')

        Set-Item -Path 'env:PATH' -Value ('{0};{1}' -f $nodeRoot,$env:Path)

        $noColorArg = @()
        if( ($TaskContext.ByBuildServer) -or $Host.Name -ne 'ConsoleHost' )
            $noColorArg = '--no-color'

        Update-Progress -Status ('npm install') -Step ($stepNum++)
        & $nodePath $npmPath 'install' '--production=false' $noColorArg
        if( $LASTEXITCODE )
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('NPM command `npm install` failed with exit code {0}.' -f $LASTEXITCODE)
        if( $TaskContext.ShouldInitialize() )

        if( -not $npmScripts )
            Write-WhiskeyWarning -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message (@'
Property 'NpmScript' is missing or empty. Your build isn''t *doing* anything. The 'NpmScript' property should be a list of one or more npm scripts to run during your build, e.g.
- Node:
  - build
  - test

        # local version of npm gets removed by 'npm install', so call Get-WhiskeyNPMPath to download it again if necessary
        $npmPath = Get-WhiskeyNPMPath -NodePath $nodePath -ApplicationRoot $workingDir
        foreach( $script in $npmScripts )
            Update-Progress -Status ('npm run {0}' -f $script) -Step ($stepNum++)
            & $nodePath $npmPath 'run' $script '--scripts-prepend-node-path=auto' $noColorArg 
            if( $LASTEXITCODE )
                Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('NPM command `npm run {0}` failed with exit code {1}.' -f $script,$LASTEXITCODE)

        Update-Progress -Status ('nsp check') -Step ($stepNum++)
        $nodeModulesRoot = Join-Path -Path $nodeRoot -ChildPath 'node_modules'
        $nspPath = Join-Path -Path $nodeModulesRoot -ChildPath 'nsp\bin\nsp'
        $npmCmd = 'install'
        if( (Test-Path -Path $nspPath -PathType Leaf) )
            $npmCmd = 'update'
        & $nodePath $npmPath $npmCmd 'nsp@latest' '-g'
        if( -not (Test-Path -Path $nspPath -PathType Leaf) )
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('NSP module failed to install to ''{0}''.' -f $nodeModulesRoot)

        $output = & $nodePath $nspPath 'check' '--output' 'json' 2>&1 |
                        ForEach-Object { if( $_ -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { $_.Exception.Message } else { $_ } } 
        $results = ($output -join [Environment]::NewLine) | ConvertFrom-Json
        if( $LASTEXITCODE )
            $summary = $results | Format-List | Out-String
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('NSP, the Node Security Platform, found the following security vulnerabilities in your dependencies (exit code: {0}):{1}{2}' -f $LASTEXITCODE,[Environment]::NewLine,$summary)

        Update-Progress -Status ('license-checker') -Step ($stepNum++)
        $licenseCheckerPath = Join-Path -Path $nodeModulesRoot -ChildPath 'license-checker\bin\license-checker'
        $npmCmd = 'install'
        if( (Test-Path -Path $licenseCheckerPath -PathType Leaf) )
            $npmCmd = 'update'
        & $nodePath $npmPath $npmCmd 'license-checker@latest' '-g'
        if( -not (Test-Path -Path $licenseCheckerPath -PathType Leaf) )
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('License Checker module failed to install to ''{0}''.' -f $nodeModulesRoot)

        $reportJson = & $nodePath $licenseCheckerPath '--json'
        $report = ($reportJson -join [Environment]::NewLine) | ConvertFrom-Json
        if( -not $report )
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('License Checker failed to output a valid JSON report.')

        # The default license checker report has a crazy format. It is an object with properties for each module.
        # Let's transform it to a more sane format: an array of objects.
        [object[]]$newReport = $report | 
                                    Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | 
                                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name' | 
                                    ForEach-Object { $report.$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'name' -Value $_ -PassThru }

        # show the report
        $newReport | Sort-Object -Property 'licenses','name' | Format-Table -Property 'licenses','name' -AutoSize | Out-String | Write-Verbose

        $licensePath = 'node-license-checker-report.json'
        $licensePath = Join-Path -Path $TaskContext.OutputDirectory -ChildPath $licensePath
        ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $newReport -Depth 100 | Set-Content -Path $licensePath

        $productionArg = ''
        $productionArgDisplay = ''
        if( $TaskContext.ByBuildServer )
            $productionArg = '--production'
            $productionArgDisplay = ' --production'

        Update-Progress -Status ('npm prune{0}' -f $productionArgDisplay) -Step ($stepNum++)
        & $nodePath $npmGlobalPath 'prune' $productionArg $noColorArg
        if( $LASTEXITCODE )
            Stop-WhiskeyTask -TaskContext $TaskContext -Message ('NPM command `npm prune{0}` failed, returning exist code {1}.' -f $productionArgDisplay,$LASTEXITCODE)
        Set-Item -Path 'env:PATH' -Value $originalPath


        Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed -PercentComplete 100