.VERSION 1.0 .GUID e113cd95-5822-4114-89c8-8293422b655a .AUTHOR Rob Sewell .DESCRIPTION Runs some t-sql to gather some information about requests from the sys.dm_exec_requests dmv to estimate the amount of time remaining for a statement which can be filtered by BACKUP,RESTORE,INDEX,DBCC,STATS commands .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS SQL, Queries, Commands, Time, When Will SQL Complete .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .Synopsis A quick function to estimate the completion time of a SQL Statement .DESCRIPTION Runs some t-sql to gather some information about requests from the sys.dm_exec_requests dmv to estimate the amount of time remaining for a statement which can be filtered by BACKUP,RESTORE,INDEX,DBCC,STATS commands .PARAMETER Server The SQL Server to query .PARAMETER CommandType The type of command to filter for Backup, Restore, Index,DBCC,Stats .PARAMETER OGV Sends Results to Out-GridView .EXAMPLE When-WillThisSQLComplete -Server Fade2black Returns SPID, Login Name,Domain, NTUserName,Database, %,START_TIME,STATUS,COMMAND,EST_COMP for all processes on Fade2Black .EXAMPLE When-WillThisSQLComplete -Server SQLServer1 -Commandtype Backup Returns SPID, Login Name,Domain, NTUserName,Database, %,START_TIME,STATUS,COMMAND,EST_COMP for all processes where the command includes Backup on SQLServer1 .EXAMPLE When-WillThisSQLComplete -Server Fade2black -OGV Returns SPID, Login Name,Domain, NTUserName,Database, %,START_TIME,STATUS,COMMAND,EST_COMP for all processes on Fade2Black using Out-GridView .NOTES AUTHOR : Rob Sewell http://sqldbawithabeard.com #> function When-WillSQLComplete { param([string]$Server, [ValidateSet("Backup", "Restore", "Index","DBCC","Stats")] [string]$Commandtype, [switch]$OGV ) $BaseQuery = @" USE MASTER GO SELECT DER.SESSION_ID as SPID, RTRIM(SP.Loginame) as 'Login Name', RTRIM(SP.nt_domain) as Domain, RTRIM(SP.nt_username) as NTUserName, '[' + CAST(DER.DATABASE_ID AS VARCHAR(10)) + '] ' + DB_NAME(DER.DATABASE_ID) AS [Database], DER.PERCENT_COMPLETE as '%', DER.START_TIME, DER.STATUS, DER.COMMAND, DATEADD(MS, DER.ESTIMATED_COMPLETION_TIME, GETDATE()) AS EST_COMP, DER.CPU_TIME FROM SYS.DM_EXEC_REQUESTS DER left join sys.sysprocesses SP on DER.Session_id = SP.spid --Apply this Where Clause Filter if you need to check specific events --such as Backups, Restores, Index et al. "@ $BackupCMD = @" WHERE COMMAND LIKE '%BACKUP%' "@ $RestoreCMD = @" WHERE COMMAND LIKE '%RESTORE%' "@ $IndexCMD = @" WHERE COMMAND LIKE '%INDEX%' "@ $DBCCCMD = @" WHERE COMMAND LIKE '%DBCC%' "@ $StatsCMD = @" WHERE COMMAND LIKE 'UPDATE STAT%' "@ switch ($Commandtype) { Backup {$query = $BaseQuery + $BackupCMD } Restore {$query = $BaseQuery + $RestoreCMD} Index {$query = $BaseQuery + $IndexCMD} DBCC {$query = $BaseQuery + $DBCCCMD} Stats {$query = $BaseQuery + $StatsCMD} default {$query = $BaseQuery } } try { $results = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server -Database master -Query $query } catch { Write-Warning "FAILED to gather information from $Server" } If($results) { if($OGV) { $results | Out-GridView } else { $results | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap } } else { Write-Output "There were no results for the $Commandtype queries on $Server" } } |