<# .SYNOPSIS Adds a new major version tag to the current git repository. .DESCRIPTION Finds the most recent semantic version tag in the current git repository, increments the major version, and creates a new tag based on this new version. .PARAMETER Message The message to associate with the new tag. .PARAMETER CurrentBranchOnly Restricts the search for prior version tags to the current branch. By default all branches are searched. .LINK #> function Add-MajorVersionTag { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)][string]$Message, [switch]$CurrentBranchOnly ) $elements = GetLatestVersionElements -CurrentBranchOnly:$CurrentBranchOnly $major = [int]::Parse($($elements[0])) $major++ $NewTag = "v$major.0.0" git tag -a $NewTag -m $Message WriteSuccessMessage $($elements[3]) $NewTag $Message } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a new minor version tag to the current git repository. .DESCRIPTION Finds the most recent semantic version tag in the current git repository, increments the minor version, and creates a new tag based on this new version. .PARAMETER Message The message to associate with the new tag. .PARAMETER CurrentBranchOnly Restricts the search for prior version tags to the current branch. By default all branches are searched. .LINK #> function Add-MinorVersionTag { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)][string]$Message, [switch]$CurrentBranchOnly ) $elements = GetLatestVersionElements -CurrentBranchOnly:$CurrentBranchOnly $minor = [int]::Parse($($elements[1])) $minor++ $NewTag = "v$($elements[0]).$minor.0" git tag -a $NewTag -m $Message WriteSuccessMessage $($elements[3]) $NewTag $Message } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a new patch version tag to the current git repository. .DESCRIPTION Finds the most recent semantic version tag in the current git repository, increments the patch version, and creates a new tag based on this new version. .PARAMETER Message The message to associate with the new tag. .PARAMETER CurrentBranchOnly Restricts the search for prior version tags to the current branch. By default all branches are searched. .LINK #> function Add-PatchVersionTag { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)][string]$Message, [switch]$CurrentBranchOnly ) $elements = GetLatestVersionElements -CurrentBranchOnly:$CurrentBranchOnly $patch = [int]::Parse($($elements[2])) $patch++ $NewTag = "v$($elements[0]).$($elements[1]).$patch" git tag -a $NewTag -m $Message WriteSuccessMessage $($elements[3]) $NewTag $Message } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a new semantic version tag to the current git repository. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new semantic version tag to the current git respository based on the provided version string. .PARAMETER Tag The new semantic version tag to apply. Must be in the format 'v0.0.0'. .PARAMETER Message The message to associate with the new tag. .LINK #> function New-VersionTag { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)][string]$Tag, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)][string]$Message ) if ($Tag -notmatch "v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") { throw "$Tag is not a valid version number. Use the format 'v1.2.3'." } git tag -a $NewTag -m $Message Write-Host "New tag created`: $Tag $Message" -ForegroundColor Cyan } function WriteSuccessMessage { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)][string]$OldTag, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)][string]$NewTag, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)][string]$Message ) Write-Host "Version Incremented`: $OldTag --> $NewTag $Message" -ForegroundColor Cyan } function GetLatestVersionElements { param ( [switch]$CurrentBranchOnly ) if ($CurrentBranchOnly) { $lastTag = git describe $index = $lastTag.indexOf('-') if ($index -lt 0) { $lastTag.Substring(1).split('.') # return array of version numbers $lastTag.Substring(1) # return the unsplit original } else { $lastTag.Substring(1, $index - 1).split('.') # return array of version numbers $lastTag.Substring(1, $index - 1) # return the unsplit original } } else { $lastTag = git for-each-ref refs/tags/v* --format="%(refname:short)" --sort=-v:refname --count=1 if ($null -eq $lastTag) { throw "Couldn't find any previous version to increment!" } $lastTag.Substring(1).split('.') # return array of version numbers $lastTag # return the unsplit original } } Export-ModuleMember *-* |