# Copyright (c) 2017, the WebKit for Windows project authors. Please see the # AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is # governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. <# .Synopsis Installs a MSYS2 package through pacman. .Description Downloads a MSYS2 package from pacman onto the system. .Parameter Name The name of the package. .Parameter NoVerify If set the installation is not verified by attempting to call an executable with the given name. .Parameter Options A list of options to pass in. #> function Install-FromPacman { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$name, [Parameter()] [string]$verifyExe = '', [Parameter()] [switch]$noVerify = $false ) $bash = Get-Command 'bash' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'; if ($null -eq $bash) { Write-Error ('Could not find bash to use to install {0}' -f $name) -ErrorAction Stop; } # Temp file for output # MSYS2 has a problem with interactive docker shells so just pipe output # to a temporary file and read from that to get results of commands. # $outFile = New-TemporaryFile; $bashCmd = ('pacman --noconfirm -S {0}' -f $name); $bashExpression = ("bash -lc '{0}'" -f $bashCmd); Write-Information -MessageData $bashCmd -InformationAction Continue; Invoke-Expression $bashExpression > $outFile; Get-Content $outFile; if (!$noVerify) { if ($verifyExe -eq '') { $verifyExe = $name; } Write-Information -MessageData ('Verifying {0} install ...' -f $name) -InformationAction Continue; $verifyCommand = (' {0} --version' -f $verifyExe); Write-Information -MessageData $verifyCommand -InformationAction Continue; Invoke-Expression $verifyCommand > $outFile; Get-Content $outFile; } Remove-Item $outFile; } |