# Copyright (c) 2018, the WebKit for Windows project authors. Please see the # AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is # governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. <# .Synopsis Installs XAMPP. .Description Downloads the specified release of Ruby and installs it silently on the host. A silent install of XAMPP does not allow a path to be specified so the install will always be present at C:/xampp. .Parameter Version The version of XAMPP to install. .Example # Install Install-Xampp -Version #> function Install-Xampp { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$version ) $major,$minor,$patch,$build = $version.split('.') if (-not $build) { $build = '0' } if ($major -eq '7') { $toolchain = 'VC15'; } else { $toolchain = 'VS16'; } $url = ('{0}.{1}.{2}/xampp-windows-x64-{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}-{4}-installer.exe' -f ($major,$minor,$patch,$build,$toolchain)); $options = @( '--unattendedmodeui','none', '--mode','unattended', '--launchapps','0', '--disable-components','xampp_mysql,xampp_filezilla,xampp_mercury,xampp_tomcat,xampp_perl,xampp_phpmyadmin,xampp_webalizer,xampp_sendmail' ); Install-FromExe -Name 'xampp' -url $url -Options $options -noVerify; } |