# Copyright (c) 2017, the WebKit for Windows project authors. Please see the # AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is # governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. <# .Synopsis Selects and initializes the Visual Studio environment for use. .Description Initializes Visual Studio and Ninja builds. If a version is not specified it will search for a compatible environment. .Parameter Architecture The architecture to target. .Parameter Version The Visual Studio version to use. Either `vs2015` or `vs2017`. If not the value is not specified then the script will look for a compatible environment. #> Function Select-VSEnvironment { param( [ValidateSet('x86', 'amd64')] [string] $architecture = 'amd64', [ValidateSet('vs2015', 'vs2017', 'vs2019', 'vs2022')] [AllowNull()] [string] $version ) # Find version if not specified if (!$version) { if (Test-Path (Get-VSBuildTools2022InstallationPath)) { Write-Host 'Found VS2022 Build Tools'; $version = 'vs2022'; } elseif (Test-Path (Get-VSBuildTools2019InstallationPath)) { Write-Host 'Found VS2019 Build Tools'; $version = 'vs2019'; } elseif (Test-Path (Get-VSBuildTools2017InstallationPath)) { Write-Host 'Found VS2017 Build Tools'; $version = 'vs2017'; } elseif (Test-Path (Get-VSBuildTools2015InstallationPath)) { Write-Host 'Found VS2015 Build Tools'; $version = 'vs2015'; } else { Write-Error 'Could not find a compatible Visual Studio instance'; return; } } # Get vcvarsall.bat path $vcvars = $null; if ($version -eq 'vs2022') { $vcvars = Get-VSBuildTools2022VCVarsAllPath; } elseif ($version -eq 'vs2019') { $vcvars = Get-VSBuildTools2019VCVarsAllPath; } elseif ($version -eq 'vs2017') { $vcvars = Get-VSBuildTools2017VCVarsAllPath; } else { $vcvars = Get-VSBuildTools2015VCVarsAllPath; } Write-Host $vcvars; if (!(Test-Path $vcvars)) { Write-Error ('Could not find {0}' -f $vcvars); return; } Initialize-VSEnvironment -Architecture $architecture -Path $vcvars; # Initialize ninja $compilerExe = 'cl.exe'; $compilerPath = (Get-Command $compilerExe).Path; Write-Host ('Found compiler at {0}' -f $compilerPath); Initialize-NinjaEnvironment -CC $compilerPath -CXX $compilerPath; } |