# Copyright (c) 2017, the WebKit for Windows project authors. Please see the # AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is # governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. <# .Synopsis Invokes a CMake Build. .Description Powershell wrapper for calling a CMake build. .Parameter Path The path that contains the root CMakeLists.txt. .Parameter BuildPath The path to build at. .Parameter InstallationPath The root install path. .Parameter BuildType The type of build to do. .Parameter Platform The platform to build for. .Parameter Options Additional CMake options for the build. #> Function Invoke-CMakeBuild { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $path, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $buildPath, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $installationPath, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Release','Debug')] [string] $buildType = 'Release', [ValidateSet('ninja','vs2015','vs2017')] [string] $generator = 'ninja', [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [string] $platform, [Parameter()] [string[]] $options = @() ) # Select the generator $genArgs = @('-G') if ($generator -eq 'ninja') { $genArgs += 'Ninja'; } elseif ($generator -eq 'vs2015') { $genArgs += @('"Visual Studio 14 2015"', 'Win64'); } else { $genArgs += @('"Visual Studio 15 2017"', 'Win64'); } # Add all arguments if ($platform) { $genArgs += ('-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME={0}' -f $platform); } $genArgs += ('-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={0}' -f $buildType); $genArgs += ('-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={0}' -f $installationPath); $genArgs += ('-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH={0}' -f $installationPath); $genArgs += $options; $genArgs += ('-B{0}' -f $buildPath); $genArgs += ('-H{0}' -f $path); # Create the generate call $genCall = ('cmake {0}' -f ($genArgs -Join ' ')); Write-Host $genCall; Invoke-Expression $genCall # Create the build call $buildArgs += @('--build', $buildPath, '--target', 'install'); if ($generator -ne 'ninja') { $buildArgs += ('--config', $buildType) } $buildCall = ('cmake {0}' -f ($buildArgs -Join ' ')); Write-Host $buildCall; Invoke-Expression $buildCall; } |