
# Copyright (c) 2017, the WebKit for Windows project authors. Please see the
# AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is
# governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

  Installs gperf.
  Downloads the specified release of gperf and unzips it to the specified
  location on disk.
  Before installation `Register-SystemPath` should be used to add the install
  location to the system path.
  .Link Register-SystemPath
  .Parameter Version
  The version of gperf to install.
  .Parameter InstallPath
  The path to install at.
    # Install 3.0.1
    Install-Gperf -Version 3.0.1 -InstallPath C:\gnuwin32

Function Install-Gperf {
    [string] $version,
    [string] $installPath

  $url = ('{0}/gperf-{0}' -f $version);

  Install-FromArchive -Name 'gperf' -Url $url -InstallPath $installPath;