function Save-WebJEAFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Saves the WebJEA Config to the specified file name .DESCRIPTION Saves all changes to the configuration file specified. This will make all changes permanent and takes effect on the next page load. .EXAMPLE Save-WebJEAFile .EXAMPLE Save-WebJEAFile -File "C:\ps\config.json" .PARAMETER File The file to save the changes to, if not specified, saves the changes to the file that was opened. .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Mark Domansky Creation Date: 2018-01-13 Purpose/Change: Initial release #> #requires -version 3 #r#equires -pssnapin <snapin> -version X.x #r#equires -modules {<module-name>} #r#equires -shellid <shellid> #r#equires -runasadministrator [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True,ConfirmImpact='Low')] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, HelpMessage='Where do you want to save the configuration to?')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$File ) #/param begin { $WJConfig = Get-WJPrivateData -key "WJConfig" $WJConfigFile = Get-WJPrivateData -key "WJConfigFile" if ($WJConfigFile -eq $null -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('File')) { write-error "Parameter File required." } } #/begin process { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" write-verbose "Generating Output" $output = ConvertTo-Json $WJConfig -depth 6 #determine which file to save to $outputfile = $null if ($file -ne $null) { $outputfile = $file } elseif ($WJConfigFile -ne $null) { write-verbose "Overwriting Existing File" $outputfile = $WJConfigFile } else { #there wasn't a file in privatedata, and there wasn't one specified Write-Error "No File specified." return } write-verbose "Saving to $outputfile" #prefer saving to the user specified path, but save to the originally opened file, if there was one. else error if ($outputfile -ne $Null) { Write-Verbose "Saving WJConfig to $outputfile" $output | out-file -FilePath $outputfile -Encoding ascii $outputfile = resolve-path $outputfile } else { write-error "No File specified." } } #/process end { #change the privatedata to the outputfile name Write-Verbose "Setting WJConfigFile to $Outputfile" Set-WJPrivateData -key "WJConfigFile" -value $outputfile } #/end } #/function |