
$modulePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent) -ChildPath 'Modules'

# Import the WebAdministrationDsc Common Modules
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $modulePath `
        -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'WebAdministrationDsc.Common' `
            -ChildPath 'WebAdministrationDsc.Common.psm1'))

Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath 'DscResource.Common')

# Import Localization Strings
$script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -DefaultUICulture 'en-US'

function Get-TargetResource
        This will return a hashtable of results

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Assert-Module -ModuleName WebAdministration

    Write-Verbose -Message $script:localizedData.VerboseGetTargetResource

    return @{
        LogFormat              = (Get-Value 'siteDefaults/logFile' 'logFormat')
        TraceLogDirectory      = ( Get-Value 'siteDefaults/traceFailedRequestsLogging' 'directory')
        DefaultApplicationPool = (Get-Value 'applicationDefaults' 'applicationPool')
        AllowSubDirConfig      = (Get-Value 'virtualDirectoryDefaults' 'allowSubDirConfig')
        IsSingleInstance       = 'Yes'
        LogDirectory           = (Get-Value 'siteDefaults/logFile' 'directory')


function Set-TargetResource
        This will set the desired state

        Only a limited number of settings are supported at this time
        We try to cover the most common use cases
        We have a single parameter for each setting

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSDSCUseVerboseMessageInDSCResource", "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $IsSingleInstance,

        [String] $LogFormat,

        [String] $LogDirectory,

        [String] $TraceLogDirectory,

        [String] $DefaultApplicationPool,

        [String] $AllowSubDirConfig

    Assert-Module -ModuleName WebAdministration

    Set-Value -Path 'siteDefaults/logFile' -Name 'logFormat' -NewValue $LogFormat
    Set-Value -Path 'siteDefaults/logFile' -Name 'directory' -NewValue $LogDirectory
    Set-Value -Path 'siteDefaults/traceFailedRequestsLogging' -Name 'directory' -NewValue $TraceLogDirectory
    Set-Value -Path 'applicationDefaults' -Name 'applicationPool' -NewValue $DefaultApplicationPool
    Set-Value -Path 'virtualDirectoryDefaults' -Name 'allowSubDirConfig' -NewValue $AllowSubDirConfig


function Test-TargetResource
        This tests the desired state. If the state is not correct it will return $false.
        If the state is correct it will return $true

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSDSCUseVerboseMessageInDSCResource", "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $IsSingleInstance,

        [String] $LogFormat,

        [String] $LogDirectory,

        [String] $TraceLogDirectory,

        [String] $DefaultApplicationPool,

        [String] $AllowSubDirConfig

    Assert-Module -ModuleName WebAdministration

    # check for the various given settings:

    if (-not(Confirm-Value -Path 'virtualDirectoryDefaults' `
                           -Name 'allowSubDirConfig' `
                           -NewValue $AllowSubDirConfig))
        return $false

    if (-not(Confirm-Value -Path 'siteDefaults/logFile' `
                           -Name 'logFormat' `
                           -NewValue $LogFormat))
        return $false

    if (-not(Confirm-Value -Path 'siteDefaults/logFile' `
                           -Name 'directory' `
                           -NewValue $LogDirectory))
        return $false

    if (-not(Confirm-Value -Path 'siteDefaults/traceFailedRequestsLogging' `
                           -Name 'directory' `
                           -NewValue $TraceLogDirectory))
        return $false

    if (-not(Confirm-Value -Path 'applicationDefaults' `
                           -Name 'applicationPool' `
                           -NewValue $DefaultApplicationPool))
        return $false

    return $true


#region Helper Functions

function Confirm-Value
        [String] $Path,

        [String] $Name,

        [String] $NewValue

    if (-not($NewValue))
        return $true

    $existingValue = Get-Value -Path $Path -Name $Name
    if ($existingValue -ne $NewValue)
        return $false
        $relPath = $Path + '/' + $Name
        Write-Verbose($script:localizedData.ValueOk -f $relPath,$NewValue);
        return $true


function Set-Value
        [String] $Path,

        [String] $Name,

        [String] $NewValue

    # if the variable doesn't exist, the user doesn't want to change this Value
    if (-not($NewValue))

    # get the existing Value to compare
    $existingValue = Get-Value -Path $Path -Name $Name
    if ($existingValue -ne $NewValue)
        Set-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST' `
                                     -Filter "system.applicationHost/sites/$Path" `
                                     -Name $Name `
                                     -Value "$NewValue"
        $relPath = $Path + '/' + $Name
        Write-Verbose($script:localizedData.SettingValue -f $relPath,$NewValue);


function Get-Value
        [String] $Path,

        [String] $Name

    return Get-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST' `
                                        -Filter "system.applicationHost/sites/$Path" `
                                        -Name $Name


Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource