
    The IisLogging DSC resource is used to set the logfile settings for all
    websites; for individual websites use the Log options under xWebSite.
    ## Requirements
    * Target machine must be running Windows Server 2012 R2 or later.
    ## Known issues
    All issues are not listed here, see https://github.com/dsccommunity/WebAdministrationDsc/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+in%3Atitle+IisLogging.
    Key - String
    The directory to be used for logfiles
    Write - StringArray
    Allowed values: Date, Time, ClientIP, UserName, SiteName, ComputerName, ServerIP, Method, UriStem, UriQuery, HttpStatus, Win32Status, BytesSent, BytesRecv, TimeTaken, ServerPort, UserAgent, Cookie, Referer, ProtocolVersion, Host, HttpSubStatus
    The W3C logging fields
    Write - String
    Allowed values: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, MaxSize
    How often the log file should rollover
.PARAMETER LogTruncateSize
    Write - String
    How large the file should be before it is truncated
.PARAMETER LoglocalTimeRollover
    Write - Boolean
    Use the localtime for file naming and rollover
    Write - String
    Allowed values: IIS, W3C, NCSA
    Format of the Logfiles. Only W3C supports LogFlags
    Write - String
    Allowed values: File, ETW, File,ETW
    Specifies whether IIS will use Event Tracing or file logging
.PARAMETER LogCustomFields
    Write - InstanceArray
    Custom logging field information in the form of an array of embedded instances of DSC_LogCustomField CIM class
configuration Sample_IisLogging_LogFlags
        # Target nodes to apply the configuration
        [String[]] $NodeName = 'localhost'
    # Import the module that defines custom resources
    Import-DscResource -Module WebAdministrationDsc
    Node $NodeName
        IisLogging Logging
            LogPath = 'C:\IISLogFiles'
            Logflags = @('Date', 'Time', 'ClientIP', 'ServerIP', 'UserAgent')
            LogFormat = 'W3C'
configuration Sample_IisLogging_Rollover
        # Target nodes to apply the configuration
        [String[]] $NodeName = 'localhost'
    # Import the module that defines custom resources
    Import-DscResource -Module WebAdministrationDsc
    Node $NodeName
        IisLogging Logging
            LogPath = 'C:\IISLogFiles'
            Logflags = @('Date', 'Time', 'ClientIP', 'UserName', 'ServerIP')
            LoglocalTimeRollover = $true
            LogPeriod = 'Hourly'
            LogFormat = 'W3C'
configuration Sample_IisLogging_Truncate
        # Target nodes to apply the configuration
        [String[]] $NodeName = 'localhost'
    # Import the module that defines custom resources
    Import-DscResource -Module WebAdministrationDsc
    Node $NodeName
        IisLogging Logging
            LogPath = 'C:\IISLogFiles'
            Logflags = @('Date', 'Time', 'ClientIP', 'UserName', 'ServerIP')
            LoglocalTimeRollover = $true
            LogTruncateSize = '2097152'
            LogFormat = 'W3C'