
$baseName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($PSCommandPath)
$script:PSModuleInfo = Test-ModuleManifest -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$baseName.psd1"
$script:PSModuleInfo | Format-List | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object { Write-Debug $_ }
$scriptName = $script:PSModuleInfo.Name
Write-Debug "[$scriptName] - Importing module"
#region [functions] - [public]
Write-Debug "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - Processing folder"
#region [functions] - [public] - [ConvertTo-WebQueryString]
Write-Debug "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [ConvertTo-WebQueryString] - Importing"
filter ConvertTo-WebQueryString {
        Converts an object to a properly formatted web query string.

        This function takes an input object (typically a hashtable) and converts it into a web query string.
        It encodes the keys and values to ensure compatibility with URLs.
        If the `-AsURLEncoded` switch is provided, the encoding will be URL-friendly, using `+` for spaces instead of `%20`.

        ConvertTo-WebQueryString -InputObject @{a = 1; b = 2 }


        Converts a hashtable into a query string with key-value pairs.

        ConvertTo-WebQueryString -InputObject @{a='this is value of a'; b='valueOfB'}


        Converts a hashtable where values contain spaces. The default encoding uses `%20` for spaces.

        ConvertTo-WebQueryString -InputObject @{a='this is value of a'; b='valueOfB'} -AsURLEncoded


        Converts a hashtable while using `+` for spaces, which is preferred in some URL encoding schemes.


        # The input object to be converted into a query string.
        # Must be a hashtable or convertible to one.
        [hashtable] $InputObject,

        # Switch to enable alternative URL encoding (`+` for spaces).
        [switch] $AsURLEncoded

    $parameters = if ($AsURLEncoded) {
        ($InputObject.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
        }) -join '&'
    } else {
        ($InputObject.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
        }) -join '&'

    if ($parameters) {
        '?' + $parameters
Write-Debug "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [ConvertTo-WebQueryString] - Done"
#endregion [functions] - [public] - [ConvertTo-WebQueryString]
#region [functions] - [public] - [Join-WebUri]
Write-Debug "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [Join-WebUri] - Importing"
function Join-WebUri {
        Join a base URI with a child paths.

        Join a base URI with a child paths to create a new URI.
        The child paths are normalized before joining with the base URI.

        Join-WebUri -Path 'https://example.com' -ChildPath 'foo' -AdditionalChildPath 'bar'

        Joins the base URI <https://example.com> with the child paths 'foo' and 'bar' to create the URI <https://example.com/foo/bar>.

        Join-WebUri 'https://example.com' '/foo/' '/bar/' '//baz/something/' '/test/'


        Combines the base URI <https://example.com> with the child paths '/foo/', '/bar/', '//baz/something/', and '/test/'.


    param (
        # The base URI to join with the child path.
        [uri] $Path,

        # The child path to join with the base URI.
        [string] $ChildPath,

        # Additional child paths to join with the base URI.
        [string[]] $AdditionalChildPath

    $segments = $ChildPath, $AdditionalChildPath
    $normalizedSegments = $segments | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim('/') }
    $uri = $Path.ToString().TrimEnd('/') + '/' + ($normalizedSegments -join '/')
Write-Debug "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [Join-WebUri] - Done"
#endregion [functions] - [public] - [Join-WebUri]
Write-Debug "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - Done"
#endregion [functions] - [public]

#region Member exporter
$exports = @{
    Alias    = '*'
    Cmdlet   = ''
    Function = @(
Export-ModuleMember @exports
#endregion Member exporter