function Remove-WatchDog { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a WatchDog instance, unregistering its event listener and deleting its configuration settings. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-WatchDog function removes a WatchDog instance by unregistering its event listener and deleting its configuration settings. This ensures that the WatchDog instance is no longer active and its configuration is cleared. .PARAMETER Name Specifies the name of the WatchDog instance to remove. This name should match the name of the WatchDog instance to be deleted. .EXAMPLE Remove-WatchDog -Name "LocalPSU" Removes the WatchDog instance named "LocalPSU" by unregistering its event listener and deleting its configuration settings. .NOTES Prerequisite : PowerShell 5.1 or later #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSFramework.TabExpansion.PsfArgumentCompleterAttribute("WatchDog.instances")] [string]$Name ) Unregister-WatchDog -Name $Name $storedConfigs = Get-PSFConfig -Module WatchDog | Where-Object Name -like "instance.$Name*" $storedConfigs | ForEach-Object { $_.AllowDelete = $true } $storedConfigs | Unregister-PSFConfig $storedConfigs | Remove-PSFConfig -Confirm:$false } |