
function Get-WatchDogError {
        Retrieves errors from the WatchDog module's error list.
        The Get-WatchDogError function retrieves errors from the error list in the WatchDog module,
        which is cached using the PSFTaskEngineCache module. By default, it returns the last error in
        the list, but you can specify the number of errors to retrieve using the Last parameter.
        Specifies the number of errors to retrieve from the error list. The default is 1.
        Retrieves the last error from the WatchDog error list.
        Get-WatchDogError -Last 5
        Retrieves the last 5 errors from the WatchDog error list, index 0 is the latest

    param (

        $errorList=Get-PSFTaskEngineCache -Module WatchDog -Name LastErrors
        if ($null -eq $errorList){
        if($Last -gt 1){
            $partList=$errorList|Select-Object -Last $Last
            return $partList
        return $errorList|Select-Object -Last $Last