
function Get-WatchDogConfig {
        Retrieves configuration settings for a WatchDog instance based on the specified name.
        The Get-WatchDogConfig function fetches the configuration settings for a WatchDog instance identified by its name.
        It retrieves and returns a hashtable containing the configuration settings. If no config with this name
        exists it will throw an exception.
        Specifies the name of the WatchDog instance for which configuration settings are to be retrieved.
        Get-WatchDogConfig -Name "LocalPSU"
        Retrieves and returns the configuration settings for the WatchDog instance named "LocalPSU."
        File Name : WatchDogFunctions.ps1

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $storedConfig = Get-PSFConfig -Module WatchDog | Where-Object Name -like "instance.$Name*"
    if ($null -eq $storedConfig) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning "No watchdog instance $name configured."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "No watchdog instance $name configured." -EnableException $true -Level Warning
    ForEach ($psfConfig in $storedConfig) {
        $shortName = $psfConfig.Name -replace "instance.$Name."
        Write-PSFMessage "Fullname: $($psfConfig.Name), Short: $shortName"
        $configHashTable.$shortName = $psfConfig.Value
    Write-PSFMessage "Config: $($configHashTable|ConvertTo-Json -Compress)"
    return $configHashTable