
function WriteHost 
            position = 0,

        $State = 'Default'

        $drawWidth =  $Host.UI.rawui.WindowSize.Width
        $backgroundColor = @{}
                $backgroundColor['BackgroundColor'] = 'DarkGreen'
                $backgroundColor['BackgroundColor'] = 'DarkCyan'

        $foregroundColor = @{}
        Switch -regex ($Message)
                $foregroundColor['ForegroundColor'] = 'Red'
                $backgroundColor['BackgroundColor'] = 'Black'
        if($Message.Length -ge $drawWidth)
            $Message = $Message.Substring(0,$drawWidth)
        # Fill line with space so whole line gets color
        $formatted = "{0,-$drawWidth}" -f $Message
        Write-Host $formatted @foregroundColor @backgroundColor

function Watch-Command
    Executes a command multiple times for monitoring results
    The output will be trimmed to to fit your console window, Supports resizing
    you have to force quit the function or it will keep running

        # The command to execute each loop
            Position = 0

        # how long to delay between executions
        $Seconds = 5,


        $previous = @()
        $ghost = @()
            $output = @()
            $esc = [char]27
            $setCursorTop = "$esc[0;0H"
            $hideCursor = "$esc[?25l"
            $showCursor = "$esc[?25h"
            $message = "{0:HH:mm:ss} Refresh {1}: {2,-60}" -f (Get-Date),$Seconds, $ScriptBlock.ToString()

                $errorOffset = $error.Count
                $output = [string[]]@(& $ScriptBlock *>&1  | Out-String -Stream)

                # First line is often blank so drop it if so
                    $output = [string[]]@($output | Select-Object -Skip 1)
                $output = [string[]]@( 
                    # Skipping error[0] because it is our scriptblock.invoke()
                    $startAt = ($error.count - $errorOffset) - 1
                    $error[$startAt..0] | Out-String -Stream | 
            Write-Host "$hideCursor${setCursorTop}" -NoNewline
            WriteHost "$message" -State Default

            # Need to leave room at the end so that we don't scroll console
            $drawArea =  $Host.UI.rawui.WindowSize.Height - 2
            for($index = 0; $index -lt $drawArea; $index++ )
                    if($output[$index] -ne $previous[$index])
                        WriteHost $output[$index] -State Changed
                    elseif($output[$index] -ne $ghost[$index])
                        WriteHost $output[$index] -State Hilight
                        WriteHost $output[$index]
                    WriteHost $output[$index]

            Write-Host $showCursor -NoNewline
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $Seconds
            $ghost = $previous
            $previous = $output