function Watch-Command { <# .Description Executes a command multiple times for monitoring results .Notes The output will be trimmed to to fit your console window, Supports resizing you have to force quit the function or it will keep running #> [Alias('Watch')] [cmdletbinding()] param ( # The command to execute each loop [Alias('Replay','Watch','Command')] [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 0 )] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, # how long to delay between executions [Alias('Delay')] $Seconds = 5, [switch] $ShowChanges ) begin { Clear-Host } process { $previous = @() $ghost = @() while($true) { $esc = [char]27 $setCursorTop = "$esc[0;0H" $hideCursor = "$esc[?25l" $showCursor = "$esc[?25h" $message = "{0:HH:mm:ss} Refresh {1}: {2,-60}" -f (Get-Date),$Seconds, $ScriptBlock.ToString() $output = $ScriptBlock.Invoke() | Out-String -Stream Write-Host "$hideCursor${setCursorTop}" -NoNewline Write-Host "$message" for($index = 1; $index -lt $Host.UI.rawui.WindowSize.Height - 1;$index++ ) { if($ShowChanges) { if($output[$index] -ne $previous[$index]) { Write-Host $output[$index] -BackgroundColor DarkGreen } elseif($output[$index] -ne $ghost[$index]) { Write-Host $output[$index] -BackgroundColor DarkCyan } else { Write-Host $output[$index] } } else { Write-Host $output[$index] } } Write-Host $showCursor -NoNewline Start-Sleep -Seconds $Seconds $ghost = $previous $previous = $output } } } |