.SYNOPSIS This is a library of helpful functions and variables. .DESCRIPTION This library was intended to provide a common set of functions and variables. This script should be dot-sourced in scripts so that all functions/variables can be updated from one central source. .EXAMPLE . \\myServer\scriptShare\wtools.ps1 .NOTES v0.2 HeyDude378 alpha build 2 v0.1 HeyDude378 alpha build 1 .COMPONENT Requires .NET installed on host OS. Requires ActiveDirectory PowerShell module. #> #Region EnvironmentVariables $infastructureMaster = "$((get-addomain (get-adforest).name).infrastructuremaster)" + ":3268" #EndRegion EnvironmentVariables #Region Functions function New-RandomPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a password of the specified length. .DESCRIPTION Valid characters are selected from all allowed symbols, integers, capital letters, and lowercase letters, excluding: 0Oo1lIi .PARAMETER LENGTH A valid password of the specified number of characters will be created. Range is from 1 to 127. .EXAMPLE New-RandomPassword -length 8 .INPUTS This function does not accept input from the pipeline. .OUTPUTS Returns a string value. .NOTES v1.0 HeyDude378 initial stable build #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateRange(1, 127)][int] $length ) if($length -eq 0){ $length=8 Write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow "Using default length of 8!" } $capitals = [char[]] "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" $lowercases = [char[]] "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" $numbers = [char[]] "0123456789" $specials = [char[]] "~!@#$%^&*_-+=``|\(){}[]:;`"`'<>,.?/" #all special characters that are valid for passwords $exclusions = [char[]] "0Oo1lIi" #characters that look too much like each other $validCharacters = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList" $validCharacters.AddRange($capitals) | Out-Null $validCharacters.AddRange($lowercases) | Out-Null $validCharacters.AddRange($numbers) | Out-Null $validCharacters.AddRange($specials) | Out-Null $exclusions | ForEach-Object {$validCharacters.Remove($_) | Out-Null} $i=0 do {$pwdString += ($validCharacters | get-random -count 1);$i++} while ($i -lt $length) return $pwdString } function Select-File { <# .SYNOPSIS File-explorer GUI based file picker. .DESCRIPTION Opens an OpenFileDialog defaulting to user profile folder. .EXAMPLE $file = Select-File .INPUTS This function does not accept input from the pipeline. .OUTPUTS Outputs a string corresponding to the full path and file name of the selected file. .NOTES v1.0 HeyDude378 initial stable build .LINK (none) .COMPONENT Requires .NET libraries. .FUNCTIONALITY pick, select, file, GUI, explorer #> Write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow "`n`nAttempting to import a file. If you do not see a file dialog, it may be behind another window. This often happens when executing scripts from Visual Studio Code." Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms $null = $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop') } $FileBrowser.showdialog() | Out-Null return $FileBrowser.FileName } function Search-ArrayList { <# .SYNOPSIS Searches an arraylist for values from specified fields. .DESCRIPTION Searches each field of the array for the specified text. Returns all matching elements of the array, or if the SingleResult switch is used, disambiguates to one result. .PARAMETER SearchArray Expects an array or arraylist. Use with a predefined array or arraylist, or use Import-CSV to input at runtime, e.g. Search-ArrayList -SearchArray (Import-CSV -Path $env:userprofile\desktop\myArray.csv) -SearchField "Color" -SearchTerm "Green" .PARAMETER SingleResult Use this switch to specify that you only want one result. If more than one is found, you will choose which one you want. .PARAMETER SearchTerm The text you wish to search for. .PARAMETER SearchField The field (i.e. property) you wish to search in. .EXAMPLE Search-ArrayList -searchArray $myProjectSpreadsheet -SearchField "Project Status" -SearchTerm "In Progress" .INPUTS This function does not accept input from the pipeline. .OUTPUTS Outputs matched elements from the input arraylist. .NOTES v1.0 HeyDude378 initial stable build .LINK (none) .COMPONENT Requires .NET libraries. .FUNCTIONALITY CSV, spreadsheet, search, find, arraylist #> param( [System.Collections.ArrayList]$SearchArray, [switch]$SingleResult, $SearchTerm, $SearchField ) if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SearchTerm)){[string]$SearchTerm = Read-Host "Please enter text to search for"} $result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList ($SearchArray | Where-Object $SearchField -like "*$($SearchTerm)*") | foreach-object{$result.Add($_) | Out-Null} if($result.count -eq 0){ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "No results contain the value: $($SearchTerm)" } else{ if(($result.count -gt 1) -and ($SingleResult)){ $i=0 $result | ForEach-Object { $i++ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "(Result $i)`: " -NoNewline Write-Host "$_" } [int]$oneOfMany = Read-Host "`nYou may choose only one result. Enter number to select result" $result = $result[$oneofMany-1] } return ,$result } } function Import-ValidCSV { <# .SYNOPSIS Imports a CSV and optionally checks if required fields are contained in the CSV. .DESCRIPTION Imports a CSV file using Select-File function and checks that each required field is specified in the file. If not, errors and allows retry. .PARAMETER requiredFields The CSV file will be checked to ensure that it contains these required column headings. .PARAMETER outputType Specify array or arraylist as the output type. .EXAMPLE $MyArrayList = Import-ValidCSV -outputType ArrayList .INPUTS This function does not accept input from the pipeline. .OUTPUTS Outputs an array or arraylist object as specified in outputType parameter. .NOTES v1.0 HeyDude378 initial stable build .LINK (none) .COMPONENT Requires .NET libraries. .FUNCTIONALITY data validation, CSV, import, export, array, arraylist #> param ($requiredFields, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet("array","ArrayList")] $outputType) if($null -ne $requiredFields){ Write-Host "The following required fields have been specified:`n" $requiredfields -separator "`n" "`n" Pause } $csvpath = Select-File if($outputType -eq "array"){ $csvObject = import-CSV -path $csvpath } elseif($outputType -eq "ArrayList"){ $csvObject = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $csvObject.AddRange((import-csv -path $csvpath)) } if($null -ne $requiredFields){ $requiredfields | foreach-object { if(($csvObject | get-member).name -contains $_){Write-Host -foregroundcolor green "Found $_ field"} else{ Write-Host -foregroundcolor red "Didn't find $_ field. CSV does not contain all required fields." if((Read-Host "Try again? Y/N") -eq "Y"){Import-ValidCSV} } } } return ,$csvObject } function Send-Email { <# .SYNOPSIS Sends a plaintext or HTML email. .DESCRIPTION This function uses .NET functionality to construct and send an email message. If no mail server is specified, defaults to value of $mailServer. .PARAMETER requiredFields From is required. You must also specify at least a To, CC, or BCC value. .EXAMPLE Send-Email -From "john@contoso.com" -To "jane@contoso.com" -subject "Favorite Color" -body "What is your favorite color?" .INPUTS This function does not accept input from the pipeline. .OUTPUTS Outputs a success or failure message. .NOTES v1.0 HeyDude378 initial stable build .LINK (none) .COMPONENT Requires .NET libraries. .FUNCTIONALITY email, message, exchange, send, html #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$from, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, [switch]$isHTML, $sendingServer = "$mailServer" ) if(($null -eq $to) -and ($null -eq $cc) -and ($null -eq $bcc)){Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "You must specify at least one To, CC, or BCC. Please try again."} else{ $SMTPMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $from, $to, $subject, $body if($isHTML){ $body = ($body | ConvertTo-Html) $SMTPMessage.IsBodyHtml = $true } if($null -ne $cc){$SMTPMessage.Cc.Add($cc)} if($null -ne $bcc){$SMTPMessage.Bcc.Add($bcc)} $SMTPClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient $SendingServer $SMTPClient.Send($SMTPMessage) } } function Get-ValidADUserObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a valid AD user account object from the current forest. .DESCRIPTION Checks entire AD forest for user, then disambiguates if necessary, then confirms before sending output. .EXAMPLE Get-ValidADUserObject | Set-ADUser -City "London" .INPUTS This function does not accept input from the pipeline. .OUTPUTS Outputs nothing or an AD user object. .NOTES v1.0 /u/HeyDude378 initial stable build .LINK (none) .COMPONENT Requires ActiveDirectory PowerShell module. .FUNCTIONALITY find, get, search, AD, Active Directory, user, account #> param($username) Clear-Variable userObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($null -eq $username){$username = Read-Host "Enter username"} $userObject = Get-ADUser -Filter {samaccountname -eq $username} -Server "$($infrastructureMaster):3268" if($null -ne $userObject){ if($userObject.count -gt 1){ Write-Warning "Found multiple results:`n`n$($userObject.distinguishedname)" $specificDomain = Read-Host "Please type the domain name of the desired user" $userObject = Get-ADUser -Identity $username -Server $specificDomain } } Write-Host "Found $($userObject.distinguishedname)." $selection = Read-Host "Enter C to Continue, R to Retry, or Q to Quit" switch ($selection) { "C" {return $userObject} "R" {Get-ValidADUserObject} default { Write-Host "Exiting." Clear-Variable userObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } #EndRegion Functions #Region Interface Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Successfully loaded WTools! This module is currently in alpha phase development. It is being actively developed by HeyDude378. Type get-help <function name> for more details.`n" Write-Host "Available Functions: Get-ValidADUserObject ((v1.0) Import-ValidCSV (v1.0) New-RandomPassword (v1.0) Search-ArrayList (v1.0) Select-File (v1.0) Send-Email (v1.0) Available Environment Variables: `$im: $im " #EndRegion Interface Export-ModuleMember -Function * |