function Set-WTColorScheme { <# .Synopsis Sets the Windows Terminal Color Scheme .Description Sets the color scheme used by a given tab profile in Windows Terminal. If the tab profile is not provided, it will attempt to auto-detect based off of the window title. .Example Set-WTColorScheme -ColorScheme 'AdventureTime' .Example Get-WTProfile -Name 'PowerShell' | Set-WTColorScheme 'AdventureTime' .Link Add-WTColorScheme .Link Get-WTColorScheme #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact='Medium')] [OutputType([Nullable])] param( # The name of the color scheme [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Name')] [string] $ColorScheme, # The name or ID of the tab profiles the color scheme will be applied to. # If this is not provided, it will attempt to auto-detect based off of the window title. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Profile','GUID')] [string[]] $ProfileName, # If set, will pass thru the changes. [switch] $PassThru ) process { $prof = Get-WTProfile -Global if ($_.Name -and $_.Guid) { # If we've been piped in a profile $ProfileName = $_.Guid } #region Find the tab profile target if (-not $ProfileName -and $env:WT_PROFILE_ID) { $ProfileName = $env:WT_PROFILE_ID if (-not $ProfileName) { Write-Warning "Could not find Windows Terminal profile. Changing default instead." } } #endregion Find the tab profile target #region Change Tab profile target $changed = @() foreach ($tabProf in $prof.profiles.list) { if ($ProfileName) { $ok = $false foreach ($tp in $ProfileName) { if ($tabProf.Name -like $tp -or $tabProf.Guid -eq $tp -or $tabProf.Guid -eq "{$tp}" ) { $ok = $true break } } } if ($ok -and $tabProf.colorScheme -ne $ColorScheme) { $changed +=$tabProf | Add-Member NoteProperty colorScheme $ColorScheme -Force -PassThru } } if (-not $changed -and -not $ProfileName) { if ($prof.profiles.default.colorScheme -ne $ColorScheme) { $changed += $prof.profiles.default | Add-Member NoteProperty colorScheme $ColorScheme -Force -PassThru } } #endregion Change Tab profile target #region Update File if ($changed -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Update $($prof.Path)")) { $wtPath = $prof.Path $'Path') $json = $prof | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $tries = 3 do { try { [IO.File]::WriteAllText($wtPath, $JSON, [Text.Encoding]::UTF8) break } catch { $tries-- Write-Warning "$_ : $tries Left" [Threading.Thread]::Sleep(100) } } while ($tries) } if ($WhatIfPreference) { $changed } if ($PassThru) { $changedNames = $changed | Select-Object -ExpandProperty colorScheme -Unique $prof.schemes | Where-Object {$changedNames -contains $_.Name } | ForEach-Object { $_.pstypenames.clear() $_.pstypenames.add('WindowsTerminal.ColorScheme') $_ } } #endregion Update File } } |