
### WTX is a PowerShell module that lets you customize Windows Terminal.
Here are a few handy things you can do with WTX:
#### Adding a new Profile
Add-WTProfile -Name kali-linux-pwsh -CommandLine 'wsl -d kali-linux -e pwsh'
#### Adding a new color scheme
Add-WTColorScheme -Name AdventureTime
#### Changing the color scheme
Set-WTColorScheme -Name AdventureTime # The profile is automatically detected.
#### Starting a new Terminal
Start-WT -ProfileName PowerShell -CommandLine 'powershell -nologo -noexit -command $psVersionTable'
#### Flashing an image in Terminal
# The profile is automatically detected
# The .gif will play once and then dissapear.
Show-WT -ImagePath $home\Picture\Gif\Whoa.gif