
function Set-WTProfile
        Sets the Windows Terminal profile
        Changes the Windows Terminal profile.
        Use Get-Help Set-WTProfile -Parameter * to learn what you can change.
        Set-WTProfile -LaunchMode Maximized

    # If provided, changes the launch mode.
    # Valid launch modes are 'Maximized' and 'Default'.

    # If provided, changes the tab width mode.
    # Valid modes are 'Equal' and 'TitleLength'.

    # When set to true, tabs are always displayed.
    # When set to false and showTabsInTitlebar is set to false,
    # tabs only appear after opening a new tab.

    # When set to true, a selection is immediately copied to your clipboard upon creation.
    # When set to false, the selection persists and awaits further action.

    # When set to true closing a window with multiple tabs open WILL require confirmation.
    # When set to false closing a window with multiple tabs open WILL NOT require confirmation.

    # The InputObject. This is used to provide information to a specific tab profile.

    # The name or ID of the tab profile. This is used to determine which profiles are changed by the -InputObject.

    # If set, will set profile defaults, instead of a particular profile.

    # Properties are specific to each color scheme.
    # ColorTool is a great tool you can use to create and explore new color schemes.
    # All colors use hex color format.

    # If set, will pass the updated objects back to the pipeline.

    process {
        $wtProfile = Get-WTProfile -Global

        if (-not $wtProfile) { return}
        $myParameters = @{} + $PSBoundParameters

        $changed = $false

        #region Global Settings
        if ($LaunchMode -and $wtProfile.LaunchMode -ne $LaunchMode) {
            $LaunchMode = $LaunchMode.Substring(0,1).ToLower() + $LaunchMode.Substring(1)
            $wtProfile | Add-Member NoteProperty launchMode $LaunchMode -Force
            $changed = $true

        if ($TabWidthMode -and $wtProfile.TabWidthMode -ne $TabWidthMode) {
            $TabWidthMode = $TabWidthMode.Substring(0,1).ToLower() + $TabWidthMode.Substring(1)
            $wtProfile | Add-Member NoteProperty tabWidthMode $TabWidthMode -Force
            $changed = $true

        if ($MyParameters.ContainsKey('AlwaysShowTab') -and $wtProfile.alwaysShowTabs -ne $AlwaysShowTab) {
            $wtProfile | Add-Member NoteProperty alwaysShowTabs ([bool]$AlwaysShowTab) -Force
            $changed = $true

        if ($MyParameters.ContainsKey('CopyOnSelect') -and $wtProfile.copyOnSelect -ne $CopyOnSelect) {
            $wtProfile | Add-Member NoteProperty copyOnSelect ([bool]$CopyOnSelect) -Force
            $changed = $true

        if ($MyParameters.ContainsKey('ConfirmCloseAllTabs') -and $wtProfile.confirmCloseAllTabs -ne $ConfirmCloseAllTabs) {
            $wtProfile | Add-Member NoteProperty confirmCloseAllTabs ([bool]$ConfirmCloseAllTabs) -Force
            $changed = $true
        #endregion Global Settings

        if ($ColorScheme -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Overwrite Color Schemes')) {

            $wtProfile | Add-Member NoteProperty Schemes $ColorScheme -Force
            $changed = $true

        #region Profile Specific Settings
        if ($InputObject -and ($ProfileName -or $Default)) {
            $targetProfiles =
                if ($Default) {
                } else {
                    @(foreach ($prof in $wtProfile.profiles.list) {
                        if ($prof.Name -eq $ProfileName -or
                            $prof.Guid -eq $ProfileName -or
                            $prof.Guid -eq "{$profileName}") {

            if (-not $targetProfiles -and -not $Default) {
                Write-Error "Profile '$profileName' not found"

            if ($Default -and -not $targetProfiles) {
                if (-not $wtProfile.profiles.defaults) {
                    $wtProfile.profiles |
                        Add-Member NoteProperty defaults ([PSObject]::new()) -Force
                $targetProfiles = @($wtProfile.profiles.defaults)

            if ($targetProfiles) {
                foreach ($target in $targetProfiles) {
                    if ($InputObject -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                        foreach ($kv in $InputObject.GetEnumerator()) {
                            if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($kv.Value)) {
                            } else {
                                $k = $kv.Key.ToString().Substring(0,1).ToLower() + $kv.Key.ToString().Substring(1)
                                $target |
                                    Add-Member NoteProperty $k $kv.Value -Force
                    } else {
                        foreach ($prop in $ {
                            if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($prop.Value)) {
                            } else {
                                $k = $prop.Name.Substring(0,1).ToLower() + $prop.Name.Substring(1)
                                $target | Add-Member NoteProperty $prop.Name $prop.Value -Force
                $changed = $true
            } else {
                Write-Warning "No Target profiles!"
        #endregion Profile Specific Settings

        #region Write Profile
        if ($changed -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Update $($wtProfile.Path)")) {

            $wtPath = $wtProfile.Path
            $wtProfile |
                ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 |
                Set-Content -LiteralPath $wtPath -Force -Encoding UTF8

        if ($WhatIfPreference -or $PassThru) {
            if ($targetProfiles) {
            } else {
        #endregion Write Profile