function Get-WTProfile { <# .Synopsis Gets a Windows Terminal Profiles .Description Gets Windows Terminal profiles. By default, Get-WTProfile gets all tab profiles. To get the global profile, use Get-WTProfile -Global To get color schemes, use Get-WTProfile -ColorScheme * .Link Set-WTProfile .Example Get-WTProfile .Example Get-WTProfile -Global #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Name')] [OutputType('WindowsTerminal.Profile','WindowsTerminal.ColorScheme')] param( # Returns Windows Terminal tab profiles, by name. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Name',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Name')] [string[]] $ProfileName, # Returns Windows Terminal tab profiles, by GUID. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Guid',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Guid[]] $Guid, # Returns Windows Terminal Color Schemes [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ColorScheme',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $ColorScheme, # If -Global is present, Get-WTProfile returns the global profile. [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName='Global',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Setting', 'Settings')] [switch] $Global, # If -Default is present, Get-WTProfile returns the default profile settings. [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName='Default',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Defaults')] [switch] $Default, # If -Current is present, Get-WTProfile attempts to determine the current profile [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName='Current',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [switch] $Current ) begin { #region Locate the Profile if (-not $script:WTProfilePath) { $script:WTProfilePath = if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -ne 'Windows' -and (Test-Path '/mnt')) { Get-ChildItem '/mnt' | Get-ChildItem -Filter Users -ErrorAction Ignore | Get-ChildItem -Filter $env:USER | Get-ChildItem -Filter AppData -Force | Get-ChildItem -Filter Local -Force | Get-ChildItem -Filter Packages | Get-ChildItem -Filter Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_* | Get-ChildItem -Filter LocalState | Get-ChildItem -Filter settings.json } elseif ($PSVersionTable.Platform -like 'Win*' -or -not $PSVersionTable.Platform) { Resolve-Path "$env:APPDATA\..\Local\Packages" | Get-ChildItem -Filter Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_* | Get-ChildItem -Filter LocalState | Get-ChildItem -Filter settings.json } } #endregion Locate the Profile if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt '7.0') { # If we're using an older version of PowerShell, ConvertFrom-JSON won't handle comments. # So override it. function ConvertFrom-Json { [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='', RemotingCapability='None')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string] ${InputObject} ) begin { try { $outBuffer = $null if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) { $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1 } $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\ConvertFrom-Json', [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet) $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters } $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($myInvocation.CommandOrigin) $steppablePipeline.Begin($PSCmdlet) } catch { $_ | Write-Error } $regexTimeout = [Timespan]'00:00:02.5' # This RegEx will match block comments in JSON. $JSONBlockComments = [Regex]::new(' /\* # The open comment (?<Block> # capture the comment block. It is: (?:.|\s)+? # anything until (?=\z|\*/) # the end of the string or the closing comment )\*/ # Then match the close comment ', 'IgnoreCase, IgnorePatternWhitespace', $regexTimeout) } process { try { if ($PSBoundParameters.InputObject) { $_ = $PSBoundParameters.InputObject } # First, strip block comments $inObj = $_ $in = if ($InputObject.Contains('*/')) { $JSONBlockComments.Replace($inObj,'') } else { $InputObject } $hasComment = [regex]::new('(?:^|[^:])//','IgnoreCase',$regexTimeout) $CommentOrQuote = [Regex]::new("(?>(?<CommentStart>//)|(?<SingleQuote>(?<!')')|(?<DoubleQuote>(?<!\\)`"))", 'IgnoreCase', '00:00:15') $in = if (-not $hasComment.IsMatch($in)) { # If the JSON contained no comments, pass it directly down $in } else { $lines = $in -split "(?>\r\n|\n)" $newlines = foreach ($line in $lines) { # otherwise, go line by line looking for comments. $lineHasComments = try { $hasComment.IsMatch($line) } catch {$false} if (-not $lineHasComments) { $line;continue } # If the line didn't contain a comment, echo it. $lineParts = try { $CommentOrQuote.Matches($line) } catch{ $null } if (-not $lineParts) { $line continue } $trimAt = -1 $singleQuoteCounter = 0 $doubleQuoteCounter = 0 foreach ($lp in $lineParts) { # Count up thru the quotes. if ($lp.Groups["SingleQuote"].Success) { $singleQuoteCounter++ } if ($lp.Groups["DoubleQuote"].Success) { $doubleQuoteCounter++ } if ($lp.Groups["CommentStart"].Success -and -not ($singleQuoteCounter % 2) -and -not ($doubleQuoteCounter % 2)) { # If the comment occurs while the quotes are balanced $trimAt = $lp.Index # that's where we trim. break } } if ($trimAt -ne -1) { # If we know where to chop the line $line.Substring(0, $trimAt) # get everything up until that point } else { # otherwise, $line # echo the line. } } $newlines -join [Environment]::NewLine } if ($PSBoundParameters.InputObject) { $PSBoundParameters.InputObject = $in $steppablePipeline.Process($PSBoundParameters.InputObject) } else { $steppablePipeline.Process( $in ) } } catch { $_ | Write-Error } } end { try { $steppablePipeline.End() } catch { $_ | Write-Error } } } } } process { if (-not $script:WTProfilePath) # If we could not find the profile { Write-Error "Could not locate Windows Terminal profile" # error and return. return } $paramSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName if ($_.Guid -as [guid] -and $_.Name) { # If we were passed an input object with a GUID $paramSet = 'Guid' # trick the parameter set so we match just that one. $guid = $_.Guid } $wtProfile = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($script:WTProfilePath.FullName) | # Read the profile ConvertFrom-Json # convert it from JSON $wtProfile.pstypenames.clear() $wtProfile.pstypenames.add('WindowsTerminal.Settings') # decorate it as a 'WindowsTerminal.Settings' $wtProfile | # and keep the path Add-Member NoteProperty Path $script:WTProfilePath.FullName -Force if ($paramSet -eq 'ColorScheme') { if (-not $ColorScheme) { $ColorScheme = '*' } :nextColorScheme foreach ($wtScheme in $wtProfile.schemes) { foreach ($cs in $ColorScheme) { if ($wtScheme.Name -notlike $cs) { continue } $wtScheme.pstypenames.clear() $wtScheme.pstypenames.add('WindowsTerminal.ColorScheme') $wtScheme continue nextColorScheme } } } elseif ($paramSet -eq 'Name') { if (-not $ProfileName) { $ProfileName = '*' } :nextProfile foreach ($wtProf in $wtProfile.profiles.list) { foreach ($pn in $ProfileName) { if ($wtProf.Name -notlike $pn -and $wtProf.guid -notlike $pn) { continue } $wtProf.pstypenames.clear() $wtProf.pstypenames.add('WindowsTerminal.Profile') $wtProf continue nextProfile } } } elseif ($paramSet -eq 'Guid') { foreach ($wtProf in $wtProfile.profiles.list) { if ($guid -notcontains $wtProf.guid) {continue } $wtProf.pstypenames.clear() $wtProf.pstypenames.add('WindowsTerminal.Profile') $wtProf } } elseif ($paramSet -eq 'Global') { $wtProfile } elseif ($paramSet -eq 'Default') { $defaultProf = $wtProfile.profiles.default if ($defaultProf) { $defaultProf.pstypenames.clear() $defaultProf.pstypenames.add('WindowsTerminal.Profile') $defaultProf } } elseif ($paramSet -eq 'Current') { if (-not $ENV:WT_PROFILE_ID) { return } foreach ($Prof in $wtProfile.profiles.list) { if ($prof.Guid -eq $ENV:WT_PROFILE_ID) { $prof.pstypenames.clear() $prof.pstypenames.add('WindowsTerminal.Profile') $prof } } } } } |