function Ensure-NewPS { Param( [switch]$Git = $false, [switch]$Install, [switch]$Interactive = $false ) if (-not $Git) { try { if ($(Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.PowerShell*) -eq $null) { if ($Install) { $selected = "Release" Write-Output "text" if ($Interactive) { $Options = "Release", "Preview" $selected = Get-Select -Prompt "[OPER] Select which PowerShell version you'd like to install:" -Options $Options } if ($selected -eq "Release") { winget install 9MZ1SNWT0N5D --source msstore --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements } if ($selected -eq "Preview") { winget install 9P95ZZKTNRN4 --source msstore --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements } return $true } else { return $false } } $ignr = winget upgrade 9MZ1SNWT0N5D $ignr = winget upgrade 9P95ZZKTNRN4 return $true } catch { Write-ColorOutput red "[ERROR] Elevated access needed to check WSL settings or installation" return $false } } if ($Git) { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" $psvs = $response | % { New-Object System.Version ($_.tag_name -replace '-preview' -replace '-rc' -replace 'v') } | Sort -Descending if ($Interactive) { $selected = Get-Select -Prompt "[OPER] Select which PowerShell version you'd like to install:" -Options $psvs } if (-not $Interactive) { $selected = $psvs.item(0) } $candidates = $response | Where-Object {$($_.tag_name -replace '-preview' -replace '-rc') -Like "*$selected*"} | Select -Expand tag_name $selected = $candidates if ($candidates.Count -ne $null -And $candidates.Count -ne 1) { if ($Interactive) { $selected = Get-Select -Prompt "[OPER] Select which PowerShell release you'd like to install:" -Options $candidates } if (-not $Interactive) { $selected = $candidates | Where-Object { $_ -match 'v(\d\.){3}' } if ($selected -eq $null) { $selected = $candidates | Where-Object { $_ -match 'v(\d\.){2}\d\-rc' } } if ($selected -eq $null) { $selected = $candidates | Where-Object { $_ -match 'v(\d\.){2}\d\-preview' } } } } $selected = $response | Where-Object { $($_.tag_name -eq "$selected") } $available = $selected.assets | Where-Object {$_.browser_download_url -like '*.msi'} $is64 = [Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem if ($candidates.Count -ne $null) { if ($Interactive -And $is64) { $selected = Get-Select -Prompt "[OPER] Select whether you need 64bit or 32bit:" -Options $($ $selected = $available | Where-Object { $ -eq "$selected" } } if (-not ($Interactive -And $is64)) { if ($is64) { $selected = $available | Where-Object { $ -like '*x64.msi' } } if (-not $is64) { $selected = $available | Where-Object { $ -like '*x86.msi' } } } } New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$(Get-Location)\tmp" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $selected.browser_download_url -OutFile "$(Get-Location)\tmp\PowerShell.msi" if ($Install) { Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList "/I ""$(Get-Location)\tmp\PowerShell.msi"" /norestart" } Remove-Item -Path "$(Get-Location)\tmp" -Recurse | Out-Null } return $true } |