.SYNOPSIS A TreeView control that encapsulates the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) System.Windows.Controls.TreeView class .DESCRIPTION A TreeView control .PARAMETER Name The name of the control .PARAMETER Contents The contents of the control (hashtable...may be refactored) .PARAMETER Property Properties to extend/override the base properties defined in the function .EXAMPLE Dialog{ TreeView Tree Button Load -Action { $tree.AddTreeViewItem($null,@( 'A','B','C' )) $tree.AddTreeViewItem('A',@('A1','A2')) } } .LINK #> function Treeview { [CmdletBinding()] Param([string]$name, [hashtable]$property = @{}) $baseProperties = @{ Name = $Name } $tree = New-WPFControl -type System.Windows.Controls.TreeView -Properties $baseProperties, $property $tree | add-member -Name AddTreeViewItem -membertype ScriptMethod -value ${function:Add-TreeViewItem} $tree | add-member -Name GetTreeViewItemByLabel -membertype ScriptMethod -value ${function:Get-TreeViewItemByLabel} $tree | add-member -Name GetTreeViewItemByObject -membertype ScriptMethod -value ${function:Get-TreeViewItemByObject} $tree | add-member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetControlValue -Value {$item = $this.SelectedItem if ($item -is [System.Windows.Controls.TreeViewItem] -and $item.Tag) { $item.Tag } else { $item }} -PassThru } |