
    Compare to a Style object...contains Setter objects which say what properties to set to what values
    Compare to a Style object...contains Setter objects which say what properties to set to what values
    A collection of setter objects to add to the style
    Optionally, the type to apply the style to. If not supplied, the style will be added to the type of the object that contains this style
    TextBlock -name Name -text Fred -property @{Resources=(style {setter ([System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock]::BackgroundProperty) ([Brushes]::Green)})}
    #use as a value of the Resources key in the property hashtable for a control or a window
function Style {
    $style=new-object System.Windows.Style 

     foreach($setter in (& $setters)){
        Add-member -InputObject $style -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TypeToStyle -Value $TypeName