
Outputs a window with the indicated wpf controls.

Creates a window object with 2-columns (labels and controls) or 1-column (using -HideLabels, with controls only).
Outputs the window without displaying it.
Note, the window doesn't build its own ok/cancel buttons so you are responsible for that.

A scriptblock that outputs the controls you want in the window

A hashtable with items of the form ControlName='Desired label'. If the control is labeled it will use this text instead of the control name.

An array of hashtables of event handlers for controls in the dialog. Each should have Name (control name), EventName, and Action.

The window title

Use this switch if you want no labels at all (no column for them, even)

A hashtable of properties to set on the window

.PARAMETER ShowGridLines
Switch to say whether to show grid lines in all grids (for layout debugging)

Switch to say whether you want the window immediately shown (showdialog()) and if OK pressed
to output the "calculated output of the window". Window with -ShowForValue works similarly to
Dialog function but doesn't automatically add Ok and Cancel button.

$w=Window {
    Textbox Name
    Button Personalize -name mike -action {
                                 $lbl.Content="Hello, $($txt.Text)"}
    Label 'Hello, World' -name 'Greeting'

General notes

function New-WPFBotWindow {
        [hashtable]$labelMap = @{},
    $script:ShowGridLines = $ShowGridLines.IsPresent
    $baseProperties = @{
        SizeToContent = 'WidthAndHeight'
        Margin        = 10
    $w = New-WPFControl -type -properties $BaseProperties, $property 
    [array]$windowContent=& $contents
    if ($windowContent.Count -gt 1){
        $windowContent=StackPanel {$windowContent} -Orientation Vertical
    $w.Content= $windowContent
    $w| add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetControlByName -Value {
    $w | add-member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ShowForValue -Value     {
        if ($this.ShowDialog()) {
            if ($this | Get-Member OverrideOutput) {
            } else {
                if($output | get-member BuiltinDataEntryGrid){
                } else {
    $w | add-member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetWindowOutput -value {
        if ($this | Get-Member -Name OverrideOutput -MemberType NoteProperty) {
            return $this.OverrideOutput

    $control = $null
    foreach ($item in $events) {
        $control = $w.GetControlByName($item.Name)
        if ($control) {
    if ($title) {
        $w.Title = $title
    if ($ShowForValue) {
    } else {


New-Alias -Name Window -Value New-WPFBotWindow -force