<# .SYNOPSIS Two-column data entry grid, labels in first column, controls in second column .DESCRIPTION Two-column data entry grid, labels in first column, controls in second column .PARAMETER Name The name of the control .PARAMETER Contents The controls that are contained in the data entry grid .PARAMETER property A hashtable of properties to be set on the control .PARAMETER HideLabels Switch to say whether all labels are hidden .EXAMPLE dialog { TabControl -name Top { TabItem Fred { DataEntryGrid -name Tab1 { TextBox ABC TextBox DEF } } TabItem Barney { listbox -contents (dir c:\temp | select -first 10) -name Barney2 } TabItem Wilma { listbox -contents (dir c:\temp | select -first 10) -name Wilma2 } TabItem Betty { listbox -contents (dir c:\temp | select -first 10) -name Betty2 } } } #> function DataEntryGrid{ [CmdletBinding()] Param($Name, [scriptblock]$Contents, [Hashtable]$property, [Switch]$HideLabels) $baseProperties= @{ Margin = 5 ShowGridLines = $ShowGridLines } $grid = New-WPFControl -type System.Windows.Controls.Grid -Properties $baseProperties,$property if($name){ $Grid.Name=$name } $controlColumn = 0 if (-not $HideLabels) { $grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add((new-object System.Windows.Controls.ColumnDefinition -property @{Width = 'Auto'})) $controlColumn = 1 } $grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add((new-object System.Windows.Controls.ColumnDefinition -property @{})) $Row = 0 $c= & $Contents foreach ($control in $c) { $hideControlLabel = $HideLabels if ((Get-Member -InputObject $control -name HideLabel) -or ($Control.Visibility -eq 'Collapsed')) { $hideControlLabel = $true } if (($hideControlLabel -eq $false) -or $control.Visibility -ne 'Collapsed') { $grid.RowDefinitions.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Controls.RowDefinition -Property @{Height = 'Auto'})) } else { $row = [Math]::Max(0, $row - 1) } if (-not $hideControlLabel) { $labelText = $Control.Name if ($labelMap.ContainsKey($control.Name)) { $labelText = $labelMap[$control.Name] } $l = Label $labelText [System.Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetRow($l, $row) [System.Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetColumn($l, 0) $grid.Children.Add($l) | out-null } if($control -isnot [System.Windows.Controls.Menu] -and $control -isnot [System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.StatusBar]){ [System.Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetColumn($control, $controlColumn) $row += 1 } [System.Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetRow($control, $row) $grid.Children.Add($control) | out-null } $grid | add-member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetControlByName -Value $function:GetControlByName $Grid | add-member -Name Window -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {[System.Windows.Window]::GetWindow($this)} $Grid | add-member -Name GetControlValue -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {$d = @{} $this.Children | ForEach-Object {if ($_| get-member GetControlValue) { $d.Add($_.Name, $_.GetControlValue()) } } [pscustomobject]$d } $grid | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HideLabel -Value $True -PassThru } |