.SYNOPSIS Outputs a window with the indicated wpf controls. .DESCRIPTION Creates a window object with 2-columns (labels and controls) or 1-column (using -HideLabels, with controls only). Outputs the window without displaying it. Note, the window doesn't build its own ok/cancel buttons so you are responsible for that. .PARAMETER Contents A scriptblock that outputs the controls you want in the window .PARAMETER labelMap A hashtable with items of the form ControlName='Desired label'. If the control is labeled it will use this text instead of the control name. .PARAMETER Events An array of hashtables of event handlers for controls in the dialog. Each should have Name (control name), EventName, and Action. .PARAMETER title The window title .PARAMETER HideLabels Use this switch if you want no labels at all (no column for them, even) .EXAMPLE $w=Window { Textbox Name Button Personalize -name mike -action { $txt=$this.Window.GetControlByName('Name') $lbl=$this.Window.GetControlByName('Greeting') $lbl.Content="Hello, $($txt.Text)"} Label 'Hello, World' -name 'Greeting' } $w.ShowDialog() .NOTES General notes #> function Window { [CmdletBinding()] param([scriptblock]$Contents, [hashtable]$labelMap = @{}, [hashtable[]]$Events, [string]$title, [switch]$HideLabels) $w = new-object -Property @{ SizeToContent = 'WidthAndHeight' Margin = 10 } [System.Windows.UIElement[]]$c = & $Contents $grid = new-object System.Windows.Controls.Grid -Property @{ Margin=5 ShowGridLines=$true } $w.Content = $grid 1..$C.Count | ForEach-Object { $grid.RowDefinitions.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Controls.RowDefinition -Property @{Height='Auto'}))} $controlColumn = 0 if (-not $HideLabels) { $grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add((new-object System.Windows.Controls.ColumnDefinition -property @{Width='Auto'})) $controlColumn = 1 } $grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add((new-object System.Windows.Controls.ColumnDefinition -property @{})) $Row = 0 foreach ($control in $c) { if (-not (Get-Member -InputObject $control -Name HideLabel )) { if (-not $HideLabels) { $labelText = $Control.Name if ($labelMap.ContainsKey($control.Name)) { $labelText = $labelMap[$control.Name] } $l = Label $labelText [System.Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetRow($l, $row) [System.Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetColumn($l, 0) $grid.Children.Add($l) | out-null } } [System.Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetRow($control, $row) [System.Windows.Controls.Grid]::SetColumn($control, $controlColumn) $grid.Children.Add($control) | out-null $row += 1 } $w| add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetControlByName -Value { Param($name) if($this.Content.Name -eq $name){ $this.Content } else { $this.Content.GetControlByName($name) } } $w | add-member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetWindowOutput -value { $output=[Ordered]@{} $this.Content.Children | ForEach-Object { if (($_ | get-member GetControlValue) -and ($_| get-member Name)) { if ($_.Name) { $output.Add($_.Name, $_.GetControlValue()) } }} $output } $control=$null foreach ($item in $events) { $control = $w.GetControlByName($item.Name) if ($control) { $control."Add_$($item.EventName)"($item.Action) } } if ($title) { $w.Title = $title } $w.Width = $grid.width $w } |