Function Wait-Path { <# .SYNOPSIS Wait for a path to exist .DESCRIPTION Wait for a path to exist Default behavior will throw an error if we time out waiting for the path Passthru behavior will return true or false Behaviors above apply to the set of paths; unless all paths test successfully, we error out or return false .PARAMETER Path Path(s) to test Note Each path is independently verified with Test-Path. This means you can pass in paths from other providers. .PARAMETER Timeout Time to wait before timing out, in seconds .PARAMETER Interval Time to wait between each test, in seconds .PARAMETER Passthru When specified, return true if we see all specified paths, otherwise return false Note: If this is specified and we time out, we return false. If this is not specified and we time out, we throw an error. .EXAMPLE Wait-Path \\Path\To\Share -Timeout 30 # Wait for \\Path\To\Share to exist, test every 1 second (default), time out at 30 seconds. .EXAMPLE $TempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() if ( Wait-Path -Path $TempFile -Interval .5 -passthru ) { Set-Content -Path $TempFile -Value "Test!" } else { Throw "Could not find $TempFile" } # Create a temp file, wait until we can see that file, testing every .5 seconds, write data to it. .EXAMPLE Wait-Path C:\Test, HKLM:\System # Wait until C:\Test and HKLM:\System exist .FUNCTIONALITY PowerShell Language #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [string[]]$Path, [int]$Timeout = 5, [int]$Interval = 1, [switch]$Passthru ) $StartDate = Get-Date $First = $True Do { #Only sleep if this isn't the first run if($First -eq $True) { $First = $False } else { Start-Sleep -Seconds $Interval } #Test paths and collect output [bool[]]$Tests = foreach($PathItem in $Path) { Try { if(Test-Path $PathItem -ErrorAction stop) { Write-Verbose "'$PathItem' exists" $True } else { Write-Verbose "Waiting for '$PathItem'" $False } } Catch { Write-Error "Error testing path '$PathItem': $_" $False } } # Identify whether we can see everything $Return = $Tests -notcontains $False -and $Tests -contains $True # Poor logic, but we break the Until here # Did we time out? # Error if we are not passing through if ( ((Get-Date) - $StartDate).TotalSeconds -gt $Timeout) { if( $Passthru ) { $False break } else { Throw "Timed out waiting for paths $($Path -join ", ")" } } elseif($Return) { if( $Passthru ) { $True } break } } Until( $False ) # We break out above } |