
Function Get-CIPolicySetting {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][System.String]$Provider,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][System.String]$Key,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][System.String]$ValueName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter]$SkipVersionCheck
    Begin {
        [System.Boolean]$Verbose = $PSBoundParameters.Verbose.IsPresent ? $true : $false
        [WDACConfig.LoggerInitializer]::Initialize($VerbosePreference, $DebugPreference, $Host)

        Write-Verbose -Message 'Importing the required sub-modules'
        Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName "$([WDACConfig.GlobalVars]::ModuleRootPath)\Shared\Update-Self.psm1" -Force

        # if -SkipVersionCheck wasn't passed, run the updater
        if (-NOT $SkipVersionCheck) { Update-Self -InvocationStatement $MyInvocation.Statement }
    Process {
        try {
            # Create UNICODE_STRING structures
            $ProviderUS = [WDACConfig.WldpQuerySecurityPolicyWrapper]::InitUnicodeString($Provider)
            $KeyUS = [WDACConfig.WldpQuerySecurityPolicyWrapper]::InitUnicodeString($Key)
            $ValueNameUS = [WDACConfig.WldpQuerySecurityPolicyWrapper]::InitUnicodeString($ValueName)

            # Prepare output variables
            $ValueType = [WDACConfig.WLDP_SECURE_SETTING_VALUE_TYPE]::WldpNone
            $ValueSize = [System.UInt64]1024
            $Value = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($ValueSize)

            $Result = [WDACConfig.WldpQuerySecurityPolicyWrapper]::WldpQuerySecurityPolicy([ref]$ProviderUS, [ref]$KeyUS, [ref]$ValueNameUS, [ref]$ValueType, $Value, [ref]$ValueSize)

            $DecodedValue = $null

            if ($Result -eq 0) {
                switch ($ValueType) {
                    'WldpBoolean' {
                        $DecodedValue = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadByte($Value) -ne 0
                    'WldpString' {
                        $DecodedValue = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($Value)
                    'WldpInteger' {
                        $DecodedValue = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($Value)

            Return [PSCustomObject]@{
                Value      = $DecodedValue
                ValueType  = $ValueType
                ValueSize  = $ValueSize
                Status     = $Result -eq 0 ? $true : $false
                StatusCode = $Result
        catch {
            throw $_
        finally {
            # Clean up
        Gets the secure settings value from the deployed CI policies.
        If there is a policy with the same provider, key and value then it returns the following details:
        Value = The actual value of the string
        ValueType = The type of setting: WldpString, WldpInteger or WldpBoolean
        ValueSize = the size of the returned value
        Status = True/False depending on whether the setting exists on the system or not
        StatusCode = 0 if the value exists on the system, non-zero if it doesn't.
        Please use the following resources for more information

    .PARAMETER Provider
        The provider of the secure setting
        The key of the secure setting
    .PARAMETER ValueName
        The name of the secure setting
    .PARAMETER SkipVersionCheck
        If this switch is present, the cmdlet will skip the version check
        Creating the secure settings in a Code Integrity policy
        Set-CIPolicySetting -FilePath 'Policy.xml' -Provider 'WDACConfig' -ValueType 'Boolean' -Value '1' -ValueName 'IsUserModePolicy' -Key '{4a981f19-1f7f-4167-b4a6-915765e34fd6}'
        Creating the secure settings in a Code Integrity policy
        Set-CIPolicySetting -FilePath 'Policy.xml' -Provider 'SomeProvider' -ValueType 'String' -Value 'HotCakeX' -ValueName 'Author' -Key '{495e96a3-f6e0-4e7e-bf48-e8b6085b824a}'
        Creating the secure settings in a Code Integrity policy
        Set-CIPolicySetting -FilePath 'Policy.xml' -Provider 'Provider2' -ValueType 'DWord' -Value '66' -ValueName 'Role' -Key '{741b1fcf-e1ce-49e4-a274-5c367b46b00c}'
        Using the Get-CIPolicySetting cmdlet to query the secure strings among the deployed policies on the system.
        Get-CIPolicySetting -Provider 'WDACConfig' -Key '{4a981f19-1f7f-4167-b4a6-915765e34fd6}' -ValueName 'IsUserModePolicy'
        Using the Get-CIPolicySetting cmdlet to query the secure strings among the deployed policies on the system.
        Get-CIPolicySetting -Provider 'SomeProvider' -ValueName 'Author' -Key '{495e96a3-f6e0-4e7e-bf48-e8b6085b824a}'
        Using the Get-CIPolicySetting cmdlet to query the secure strings among the deployed policies on the system.
        Get-CIPolicySetting -Provider 'Provider2' -ValueName 'Role' -Key '{741b1fcf-e1ce-49e4-a274-5c367b46b00c}'
        Since these settings are secured by Secure Boot, in order to successfully query these settings, you might need to restart once after deploying the CI Policy on the system.
        DWord value is the same as integer or WldpInteger
        In order to set a Boolean value using the Set-CIPolicySetting cmdlet, you need to use 1 for True or 0 for False, that will create a valid policy XML file that is compliant with the CI Policy Schema.
