Function Remove-SupplementalSigners { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the entire SupplementalPolicySigners block and any Signer in Signers node that have the same ID as the SignerIds of the SupplementalPolicySigner(s) in <SupplementalPolicySigners>...</SupplementalPolicySigners> node from a CI policy XML file .NOTES It doesn't do anything if the input policy file has no SupplementalPolicySigners block. It will also always check if the Signers node is not empty, like <Signers> </Signers> if it is then it will close it: <Signers /> The function can run infinite number of times on the same file. .PARAMETER Path The path to the CI policy XML file .INPUTS System.IO.FileInfo .OUTPUTS System.Void #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Void])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] [System.IO.FileInfo]$Path ) Begin { # Make sure the input file is compliant with the CI policy schema if (![WDACConfig.CiPolicyTest]::TestCiPolicy($Path, $null)) { throw 'The XML file is not compliant with the CI policy schema' } # Get the XML content from the file [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$XMLContent = Get-Content -Path $Path } Process { # Get the SiPolicy node [System.Xml.XmlElement]$SiPolicyNode = $XMLContent.SiPolicy # Declare the namespace manager and add the default namespace with a prefix [System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager]$NameSpace = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager -ArgumentList $XMLContent.NameTable $NameSpace.AddNamespace('ns', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:sipolicy') # Check if the SupplementalPolicySigners node exists and has child nodes if ($SiPolicyNode.SupplementalPolicySigners -and $SiPolicyNode.SupplementalPolicySigners.HasChildNodes) { [WDACConfig.VerboseLogger]::Write('Removing the SupplementalPolicySigners block and their corresponding Signers') # Select the SupplementalPolicySigners node using XPath and the namespace manager [System.Xml.XmlElement[]]$NodesToRemove_SupplementalPolicySigners = $SiPolicyNode.SelectNodes('//ns:SupplementalPolicySigners', $NameSpace) # Get the SignerIds of the nodes inside of the SupplementalPolicySigners nodes - <SupplementalPolicySigners>...</SupplementalPolicySigners> [System.Xml.XmlElement[]]$SupplementalPolicySignerIDs = $SiPolicyNode.SupplementalPolicySigners.SelectNodes("//ns:SupplementalPolicySigner[starts-with(@SignerId, 'ID_SIGNER_')]", $NameSpace) # Get the unique SignerIds [System.String[]]$SupplementalPolicySignerIDs = $SupplementalPolicySignerIDs.SignerId | Select-Object -Unique # Select all the Signer nodes in <Signers>...</Signers> that have the same ID as the SignerIds of the SupplementalPolicySigners nodes $NodesToRemove_Signers = foreach ($SignerID in $SupplementalPolicySignerIDs) { $SiPolicyNode.Signers.SelectNodes("//ns:Signer[@ID='$SignerID']", $NameSpace) } # Loop through the Signer nodes to remove foreach ($SignerNode in $NodesToRemove_Signers) { # Remove the Signer from the Signers node [System.Void]$SiPolicyNode.Signers.RemoveChild($SignerNode) } # Loop through the <SupplementalPolicySigners>..</SupplementalPolicySigners> nodes to remove, in case there are multiple! foreach ($Node in $NodesToRemove_SupplementalPolicySigners) { # Remove the <SupplementalPolicySigners> node from the parent node which is $SiPolicyNode [System.Void]$SiPolicyNode.RemoveChild($Node) } } # Check if the Signers node is empty, if it is then close it if (-NOT $SiPolicyNode.Signers.HasChildNodes) { # Create a new self-closing element with the same name and attributes as the old one [System.Xml.XmlElement]$NewSignersNode = $XMLContent.CreateElement('Signers', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:sipolicy') foreach ($Attribute in $SiPolicyNode.Signers.Attributes) { $NewSignersNode.SetAttribute($Attribute.Name, $Attribute.Value) } # Select the Signers node using XPath and the namespace manager [System.Xml.XmlElement]$OldSignersNode = $XMLContent.SelectSingleNode('//ns:Signers', $NameSpace) # Replace the old element with the new one [System.Void]$SiPolicyNode.ReplaceChild($NewSignersNode, $OldSignersNode) } } End { # Save the modified XML content to a file $XMLContent.Save($Path) } } Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Remove-SupplementalSigners' |