
Function Remove-SupplementalSigners {
    Removes the entire SupplementalPolicySigners block
    and any Signer in Signers node that have the same ID as the SignerIds of the SupplementalPolicySigner(s) in <SupplementalPolicySigners>...</SupplementalPolicySigners> node
    from a CI policy XML file
    It doesn't do anything if the input policy file has no SupplementalPolicySigners block.
    It will also always check if the Signers node is not empty, like
   if it is then it will close it: <Signers />
   The function can run infinite number of times on the same file.
    The path to the CI policy XML file

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
    Begin {
        # Make sure the input file is compliant with the CI policy schema
        if (![WDACConfig.CiPolicyTest]::TestCiPolicy($Path, $null)) {

            throw 'The XML file is not compliant with the CI policy schema'

        # Get the XML content from the file
        [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$XMLContent = Get-Content -Path $Path
    Process {

        # Get the SiPolicy node
        [System.Xml.XmlElement]$SiPolicyNode = $XMLContent.SiPolicy

        # Declare the namespace manager and add the default namespace with a prefix
        [System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager]$NameSpace = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager -ArgumentList $XMLContent.NameTable
        $NameSpace.AddNamespace('ns', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:sipolicy')

        # Check if the SupplementalPolicySigners node exists and has child nodes
        if ($SiPolicyNode.SupplementalPolicySigners -and $SiPolicyNode.SupplementalPolicySigners.HasChildNodes) {

            [WDACConfig.VerboseLogger]::Write('Removing the SupplementalPolicySigners block and their corresponding Signers')

            # Select the SupplementalPolicySigners node using XPath and the namespace manager
            [System.Xml.XmlElement[]]$NodesToRemove_SupplementalPolicySigners = $SiPolicyNode.SelectNodes('//ns:SupplementalPolicySigners', $NameSpace)

            # Get the SignerIds of the nodes inside of the SupplementalPolicySigners nodes - <SupplementalPolicySigners>...</SupplementalPolicySigners>
            [System.Xml.XmlElement[]]$SupplementalPolicySignerIDs = $SiPolicyNode.SupplementalPolicySigners.SelectNodes("//ns:SupplementalPolicySigner[starts-with(@SignerId, 'ID_SIGNER_')]", $NameSpace)

            # Get the unique SignerIds
            [System.String[]]$SupplementalPolicySignerIDs = $SupplementalPolicySignerIDs.SignerId | Select-Object -Unique

            # Select all the Signer nodes in <Signers>...</Signers> that have the same ID as the SignerIds of the SupplementalPolicySigners nodes
            $NodesToRemove_Signers = foreach ($SignerID in $SupplementalPolicySignerIDs) {
                $SiPolicyNode.Signers.SelectNodes("//ns:Signer[@ID='$SignerID']", $NameSpace)

            # Loop through the Signer nodes to remove
            foreach ($SignerNode in $NodesToRemove_Signers) {
                # Remove the Signer from the Signers node

            # Loop through the <SupplementalPolicySigners>..</SupplementalPolicySigners> nodes to remove, in case there are multiple!
            foreach ($Node in $NodesToRemove_SupplementalPolicySigners) {

                # Remove the <SupplementalPolicySigners> node from the parent node which is $SiPolicyNode

        # Check if the Signers node is empty, if it is then close it
        if (-NOT $SiPolicyNode.Signers.HasChildNodes) {

            # Create a new self-closing element with the same name and attributes as the old one
            [System.Xml.XmlElement]$NewSignersNode = $XMLContent.CreateElement('Signers', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:sipolicy')

            foreach ($Attribute in $SiPolicyNode.Signers.Attributes) {
                $NewSignersNode.SetAttribute($Attribute.Name, $Attribute.Value)

            # Select the Signers node using XPath and the namespace manager
            [System.Xml.XmlElement]$OldSignersNode = $XMLContent.SelectSingleNode('//ns:Signers', $NameSpace)

            # Replace the old element with the new one
            [System.Void]$SiPolicyNode.ReplaceChild($NewSignersNode, $OldSignersNode)
    End {
        # Save the modified XML content to a file
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Remove-SupplementalSigners'