Function Remove-DuplicateAllowAndFileRuleRefElements_IDBased { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes duplicates <Allow> elements from the <FileRules> nodes and <FileRuleRef> elements from the <FileRulesRef> nodes in every <ProductSigners> node of each <SigningScenario> node The criteria for removing duplicates is the ID attribute of the <Allow> elements and the RuleID attribute of the <FileRuleRef> elements .PARAMETER XmlFilePath The file path of the XML document to be modified .INPUTS System.IO.FileInfo .OUTPUTS System.Void #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Void])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][System.IO.FileInfo]$XmlFilePath ) Begin { . "$([WDACConfig.GlobalVars]::ModuleRootPath)\CoreExt\PSDefaultParameterValues.ps1" # Load the XML document from the specified file path [System.Xml.XmlDocument]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path $XmlFilePath # Create a namespace manager for handling XML namespaces [System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager]$NsMgr = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager -ArgumentList $XmlDocument.NameTable $NsMgr.AddNamespace('sip', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:sipolicy') } Process { # Remove duplicate <Allow> elements within the <FileRules> section [System.Xml.XmlNodeList]$AllowElements = $XmlDocument.SelectNodes('//sip:FileRules/sip:Allow', $NsMgr) [System.Collections.Hashtable]$UniqueAllowIDs = @{} foreach ($AllowElement in $AllowElements) { [System.String]$AllowID = $AllowElement.ID if ($UniqueAllowIDs.ContainsKey($AllowID)) { Write-Verbose "Removing duplicate Allow element with ID: $AllowID" [System.Void]$AllowElement.ParentNode.RemoveChild($AllowElement) } else { $UniqueAllowIDs[$AllowID] = $true } } # Remove duplicate <FileRuleRef> elements within <FileRulesRef> under <ProductSigners> nodes [System.Xml.XmlNodeList]$SigningScenarios = $XmlDocument.SelectNodes('//sip:SigningScenarios/sip:SigningScenario', $NsMgr) foreach ($Scenario in $SigningScenarios) { $ProductSigners = $Scenario.ProductSigners $FileRulesRefs = $ProductSigners.FileRulesRef foreach ($FileRulesRef in $FileRulesRefs) { [System.Collections.Hashtable]$UniqueFileRuleRefIDs = @{} [System.Xml.XmlElement[]]$FileRuleRefs = $FileRulesRef.FileRuleRef foreach ($FileRuleRef in $FileRuleRefs) { [System.String]$RuleID = $FileRuleRef.RuleID if ($UniqueFileRuleRefIDs.ContainsKey($RuleID)) { Write-Verbose "Removing duplicate FileRuleRef element with ID: $RuleID" [System.Void]$FileRulesRef.RemoveChild($FileRuleRef) } else { $UniqueFileRuleRefIDs[$RuleID] = $true } } } } } End { # Save the modified XML document back to the original file path $XmlDocument.Save($XmlFilePath) } } Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Remove-DuplicateAllowAndFileRuleRefElements_IDBased' |