
Function Select-LogProperties {
        Selects, processes and sorts the properties for the Code Integrity and AppLocker logs.

    Param (
    Return $Logs | Select-Object -Property @{
        Label      = 'File Name'
        Expression = {
            # Can't use Get-Item or Get-ChildItem because the file might not exist on the disk
            # Can't use Split-Path -LiteralPath with -Leaf parameter because not supported
            [System.String]$TempPath = Split-Path -LiteralPath $_.'File Name'
            $_.'File Name'.Replace($TempPath, '').TrimStart('\')
        Label      = 'Full Path'
        Expression = { $_.'File Name' }
    'Validated Signing Level',
    'Requested Signing Level',
    'SI Signing Scenario',
        Label      = 'Publishers'
        Expression = { [System.String[]]$_.'Publishers' }
    'SHA256 Hash',
    'SHA256 Flat Hash',
    'SHA1 Hash',
    'SHA1 Flat Hash',
    'Process Name',
    'SignerInfo' | Sort-Object -Property TimeCreated -Descending

    Return [System.Linq.Enumerable]::OrderByDescending(
        [System.Func[System.Object, System.DateTime]] { param($Item) $Item.TimeCreated }

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Select-LogProperties'