Function Get-FileRules { <# .SYNOPSIS Create File Rules based on hash of the files no longer available on the disk and store them in the $Rules variable .PARAMETER HashesArray The array of hashes of the files no longer available on the disk .INPUTS System.Object[] .OUTPUTS System.String #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Object[]]$HashesArray ) # Importing the $PSDefaultParameterValues to the current session, prior to everything else . "$ModuleRootPath\CoreExt\PSDefaultParameterValues.ps1" $HashesArray | ForEach-Object -Begin { $i = 1 } -Process { $Rules += Write-Output -InputObject "`n<Allow ID=`"ID_ALLOW_AA_$i`" FriendlyName=`"$($_.'File Name') SHA256 Hash`" Hash=`"$($_.'SHA256 Hash')`" />" $Rules += Write-Output -InputObject "`n<Allow ID=`"ID_ALLOW_AB_$i`" FriendlyName=`"$($_.'File Name') SHA256 Flat Hash`" Hash=`"$($_.'SHA256 Flat Hash')`" />" $Rules += Write-Output -InputObject "`n<Allow ID=`"ID_ALLOW_AC_$i`" FriendlyName=`"$($_.'File Name') SHA1 Hash`" Hash=`"$($_.'SHA1 Hash')`" />" $Rules += Write-Output -InputObject "`n<Allow ID=`"ID_ALLOW_AD_$i`" FriendlyName=`"$($_.'File Name') SHA1 Flat Hash`" Hash=`"$($_.'SHA1 Flat Hash')`" />" $i++ } return [System.String]($Rules.Trim()) } # Export external facing functions only, prevent internal functions from getting exported Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-FileRules' |