
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
function Remove-CommonWDACConfig {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$CertCN,       
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$CertPath,       
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$SignToolPath,        
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$UnsignedPolicyPath,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$SignedPolicyPath,        
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$StrictKernelPolicyGUID, 
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$StrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, DontShow = $true)][switch]$LastUpdateCheck # DontShow prevents common parameters from being displayed too
    begin {
        # Importing resources such as functions by dot-sourcing so that they will run in the same scope and their variables will be usable
        . "$psscriptroot\Resources.ps1"
        # Stop operation as soon as there is an error anywhere, unless explicitly specified otherwise
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'        

        # Fetch User account directory path
        [string]$global:UserAccountDirectoryPath = (Get-CimInstance Win32_UserProfile -Filter "SID = '$([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User.Value)'").LocalPath

        # Create User configuration folder if it doesn't already exist
        if (-NOT (Test-Path -Path "$global:UserAccountDirectoryPath\.WDACConfig\")) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$global:UserAccountDirectoryPath\.WDACConfig\" -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Write-Debug -Message "The .WDACConfig folder in current user's folder has been created because it didn't exist."

        # Create User configuration file if it doesn't already exist
        if (-NOT (Test-Path -Path "$global:UserAccountDirectoryPath\.WDACConfig\UserConfigurations.json")) { 
            New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$global:UserAccountDirectoryPath\.WDACConfig\" -Name 'UserConfigurations.json' -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Write-Debug -Message "The UserConfigurations.json file in \.WDACConfig\ folder has been created because it didn't exist."
        # Delete the entire User Configs if a more specific parameter wasn't used
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0) {
            Remove-Item -Path "$global:UserAccountDirectoryPath\.WDACConfig\" -Recurse -Force
            &$WritePink 'User Configurations for WDACConfig module have been deleted.'

        # Read the current user configurations
        $CurrentUserConfigurations = Get-Content -Path "$global:UserAccountDirectoryPath\.WDACConfig\UserConfigurations.json"
        # If the file exists but is corrupted and has bad values, rewrite it
        try {
            $CurrentUserConfigurations = $CurrentUserConfigurations | ConvertFrom-Json
        catch {
            Set-Content -Path "$global:UserAccountDirectoryPath\.WDACConfig\UserConfigurations.json" -Value ''

        # An object to hold the User configurations
        $UserConfigurationsObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            SignedPolicyPath                    = ''
            UnsignedPolicyPath                  = ''
            SignToolCustomPath                  = ''
            CertificateCommonName               = ''
            CertificatePath                     = ''
            StrictKernelPolicyGUID              = ''
            StrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID = ''
            LastUpdateCheck                     = ''
    process {
        if ($SignedPolicyPath) {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.SignedPolicyPath = ''
        else {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.SignedPolicyPath = $CurrentUserConfigurations.SignedPolicyPath

        if ($UnsignedPolicyPath) {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.UnsignedPolicyPath = ''
        else {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.UnsignedPolicyPath = $CurrentUserConfigurations.UnsignedPolicyPath

        if ($SignToolPath) {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.SignToolCustomPath = ''
        else {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.SignToolCustomPath = $CurrentUserConfigurations.SignToolCustomPath

        if ($CertPath) {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.CertificatePath = ''
        else {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.CertificatePath = $CurrentUserConfigurations.CertificatePath

        if ($CertCN) {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.CertificateCommonName = ''
        else {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.CertificateCommonName = $CurrentUserConfigurations.CertificateCommonName

        if ($StrictKernelPolicyGUID) {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.StrictKernelPolicyGUID = ''
        else {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.StrictKernelPolicyGUID = $CurrentUserConfigurations.StrictKernelPolicyGUID

        if ($StrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID) {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.StrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID = ''
        else {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.StrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID = $CurrentUserConfigurations.StrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID

        if ($LastUpdateCheck) {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.LastUpdateCheck = ''
        else {
            $UserConfigurationsObject.LastUpdateCheck = $CurrentUserConfigurations.LastUpdateCheck
    end {
        # Update the User Configurations file
        $UserConfigurationsObject | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content "$global:UserAccountDirectoryPath\.WDACConfig\UserConfigurations.json"                
        &$WritePink "`nThis is your new WDAC User Configurations: "
        Get-Content -Path "$global:UserAccountDirectoryPath\.WDACConfig\UserConfigurations.json" | ConvertFrom-Json | Format-List *
Removes common values for parameters used by WDACConfig module
Removes common values for parameters used by WDACConfig module from the User Configurations JSON file. If you don't use it with any parameters, then all User Configs will be deleted.
Windows Defender Application Control, ConfigCI PowerShell module, WDACConfig module
Removes common values for parameters used by WDACConfig module from the User Configurations JSON file. If you don't use it with any parameters, then all User Configs will be deleted.
.PARAMETER SignedPolicyPath
Removes the SignedPolicyPath from User Configs
.PARAMETER UnsignedPolicyPath
Removes the UnsignedPolicyPath from User Configs
Removes the CertCN from User Configs
Removes the SignToolPath from User Configs
Removes the CertPath from User Configs
.PARAMETER StrictKernelPolicyGUID
Removes the StrictKernelPolicyGUID from User Configs
.PARAMETER StrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID
Removes the StrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID from User Configs

# Set PSReadline tab completion to complete menu for easier access to available parameters - Only for the current session
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function MenuComplete