#Requires -RunAsAdministrator function New-WDACConfig { [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Get Block Rules', SupportsShouldProcess = $true, PositionalBinding = $false, ConfirmImpact = 'High' )] Param( # 9 Main parameters - should be used for position 0 [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Get Block Rules')][Switch]$GetBlockRules, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Get Driver Block Rules')][Switch]$GetDriverBlockRules, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make AllowMSFT With Block Rules')][Switch]$MakeAllowMSFTWithBlockRules, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Set Auto Update Driver Block Rules')][Switch]$SetAutoUpdateDriverBlockRules, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Prep MSFT Only Audit')][Switch]$PrepMSFTOnlyAudit, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Prep Default Windows Audit')][Switch]$PrepDefaultWindowsAudit, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Policy From Audit Logs')][Switch]$MakePolicyFromAuditLogs, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Light Policy')][Switch]$MakeLightPolicy, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make DefaultWindows With Block Rules')][Switch]$MakeDefaultWindowsWithBlockRules, [ValidateSet('Allow Microsoft Base', 'Default Windows Base')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Make Policy From Audit Logs')] [System.String]$BasePolicyType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make AllowMSFT With Block Rules')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Policy From Audit Logs')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Light Policy')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make DefaultWindows With Block Rules')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Prep MSFT Only Audit')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Prep Default Windows Audit')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Get Block Rules')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Get Driver Block Rules')] [Switch]$Deploy, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Light Policy')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Policy From Audit Logs')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make AllowMSFT With Block Rules')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make DefaultWindows With Block Rules')] [Switch]$TestMode, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make AllowMSFT With Block Rules')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Policy From Audit Logs')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Light Policy')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make DefaultWindows With Block Rules')] [Switch]$RequireEVSigners, [ValidateSet('OriginalFileName', 'InternalName', 'FileDescription', 'ProductName', 'PackageFamilyName', 'FilePath')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Policy From Audit Logs')] [System.String]$SpecificFileNameLevel, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Policy From Audit Logs')] [Switch]$NoDeletedFiles, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Policy From Audit Logs')] [Switch]$NoUserPEs, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Policy From Audit Logs')] [Switch]$NoScript, [ValidateSet([Levelz])] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Policy From Audit Logs')] [System.String]$Level = 'FilePublisher', # Setting the default value for the Level parameter [ValidateSet([Fallbackz])] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Policy From Audit Logs')] [System.String[]]$Fallbacks = 'Hash', # Setting the default value for the Fallbacks parameter # Setting the maxim range to the maximum allowed log size by Windows Event viewer [ValidateRange(1024KB, 18014398509481983KB)] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Prep MSFT Only Audit')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Prep Default Windows Audit')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Make Policy From Audit Logs')] [System.Int64]$LogSize, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Switch]$SkipVersionCheck ) begin { # Importing resources such as functions by dot-sourcing so that they will run in the same scope and their variables will be usable . "$psscriptroot\Resources.ps1" # Stop operation as soon as there is an error anywhere, unless explicitly specified otherwise $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Detecting if Debug switch is used, will do debugging actions based on that $Debug = $PSBoundParameters.Debug.IsPresent # argument tab auto-completion and ValidateSet for Fallbacks Class Fallbackz : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator { [System.String[]] GetValidValues() { $Fallbackz = ('Hash', 'FileName', 'SignedVersion', 'Publisher', 'FilePublisher', 'LeafCertificate', 'PcaCertificate', 'RootCertificate', 'WHQL', 'WHQLPublisher', 'WHQLFilePublisher', 'PFN', 'FilePath', 'None') return [System.String[]]$Fallbackz } } # argument tab auto-completion and ValidateSet for level Class Levelz : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator { [System.String[]] GetValidValues() { $Levelz = ('Hash', 'FileName', 'SignedVersion', 'Publisher', 'FilePublisher', 'LeafCertificate', 'PcaCertificate', 'RootCertificate', 'WHQL', 'WHQLPublisher', 'WHQLFilePublisher', 'PFN', 'FilePath', 'None') return [System.String[]]$Levelz } } [scriptblock]$GetDriverBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK = { [System.String]$DriverRules = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '').Content -replace "(?s).*``````xml(.*)``````.*", '$1' # Remove the unnecessary rules and elements - not using this one because then during the merge there will be error - The reason is that "<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_ALL_2" />" is the only FileruleRef in the xml and after removing it, the <SigningScenario> element will be empty $DriverRules = $DriverRules -replace '<Allow\sID="ID_ALLOW_ALL_[12]"\sFriendlyName=""\sFileName="\*".*/>', '' $DriverRules = $DriverRules -replace '<FileRuleRef\sRuleID="ID_ALLOW_ALL_1".*/>', '' $DriverRules = $DriverRules -replace '<SigningScenario\sValue="12"\sID="ID_SIGNINGSCENARIO_WINDOWS"\sFriendlyName="Auto\sgenerated\spolicy[\S\s]*<\/SigningScenario>', '' $DriverRules | Out-File 'Microsoft recommended driver block rules TEMP.xml' # Remove empty lines from the policy file Get-Content 'Microsoft recommended driver block rules TEMP.xml' | Where-Object { $_.trim() -ne '' } | Out-File 'Microsoft recommended driver block rules.xml' Remove-Item 'Microsoft recommended driver block rules TEMP.xml' -Force Set-RuleOption -FilePath 'Microsoft recommended driver block rules.xml' -Option 3 -Delete Set-HVCIOptions -Strict -FilePath 'Microsoft recommended driver block rules.xml' # Display extra info about the Microsoft Drivers block list Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DriversBlockListInfoGatheringSCRIPTBLOCK # Display the result as object [PSCustomObject]@{ PolicyFile = 'Microsoft recommended driver block rules.xml' } } [scriptblock]$MakeAllowMSFTWithBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK = { param([System.Boolean]$NoCIP) # Get the latest Microsoft recommended block rules Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $GetBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK | Out-Null Copy-Item -Path 'C:\Windows\schemas\CodeIntegrity\ExamplePolicies\AllowMicrosoft.xml' -Destination 'AllowMicrosoft.xml' Merge-CIPolicy -PolicyPaths .\AllowMicrosoft.xml, 'Microsoft recommended block rules.xml' -OutputFilePath .\AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml | Out-Null [System.String]$PolicyID = Set-CIPolicyIdInfo -FilePath .\AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml -PolicyName "Allow Microsoft Plus Block Rules - $(Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy')" -ResetPolicyID [System.String]$PolicyID = $PolicyID.Substring(11) Set-CIPolicyVersion -FilePath .\AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml -Version '' @(0, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20) | ForEach-Object { Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml -Option $_ } @(3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 18) | ForEach-Object { Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml -Option $_ -Delete } if ($TestMode -and $MakeAllowMSFTWithBlockRules) { 9..10 | ForEach-Object { Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml -Option $_ } } if ($RequireEVSigners -and $MakeAllowMSFTWithBlockRules) { Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml -Option 8 } Set-HVCIOptions -Strict -FilePath .\AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml ConvertFrom-CIPolicy .\AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml "$PolicyID.cip" | Out-Null # Remove the extra files that were created during module operation and are no longer needed Remove-Item '.\AllowMicrosoft.xml', 'Microsoft recommended block rules.xml' -Force [PSCustomObject]@{ PolicyFile = 'AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml' BinaryFile = "$PolicyID.cip" } if ($Deploy -and $MakeAllowMSFTWithBlockRules) { CiTool --update-policy "$PolicyID.cip" -json | Out-Null Write-Host "`n" Remove-Item -Path "$PolicyID.cip" -Force } if ($NoCIP) { Remove-Item -Path "$PolicyID.cip" -Force } } [scriptblock]$MakeDefaultWindowsWithBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK = { param([System.Boolean]$NoCIP) Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $GetBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK | Out-Null Copy-Item -Path 'C:\Windows\schemas\CodeIntegrity\ExamplePolicies\DefaultWindows_Enforced.xml' -Destination 'DefaultWindows_Enforced.xml' # Scan PowerShell core directory and allow its files in the Default Windows base policy so that module can still be used once it's been deployed if (Test-Path 'C:\Program Files\PowerShell') { &$WriteLavender 'Creating allow rules for PowerShell in the DefaultWindows base policy so you can continue using this module after deploying it.' New-CIPolicy -ScanPath 'C:\Program Files\PowerShell' -Level FilePublisher -NoScript -Fallback Hash -UserPEs -UserWriteablePaths -MultiplePolicyFormat -FilePath .\AllowPowerShell.xml Merge-CIPolicy -PolicyPaths .\DefaultWindows_Enforced.xml, .\AllowPowerShell.xml, 'Microsoft recommended block rules.xml' -OutputFilePath .\DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml | Out-Null } else { Merge-CIPolicy -PolicyPaths .\DefaultWindows_Enforced.xml, 'Microsoft recommended block rules.xml' -OutputFilePath .\DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml | Out-Null } [System.String]$PolicyID = Set-CIPolicyIdInfo -FilePath .\DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml -PolicyName "Default Windows Plus Block Rules - $(Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy')" -ResetPolicyID [System.String]$PolicyID = $PolicyID.Substring(11) Set-CIPolicyVersion -FilePath .\DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml -Version '' @(0, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20) | ForEach-Object { Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml -Option $_ } @(3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 18) | ForEach-Object { Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml -Option $_ -Delete } if ($TestMode -and $MakeDefaultWindowsWithBlockRules) { 9..10 | ForEach-Object { Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml -Option $_ } } if ($RequireEVSigners -and $MakeDefaultWindowsWithBlockRules) { Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml -Option 8 } Set-HVCIOptions -Strict -FilePath .\DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml ConvertFrom-CIPolicy .\DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml "$PolicyID.cip" | Out-Null Remove-Item .\AllowPowerShell.xml -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item '.\DefaultWindows_Enforced.xml', 'Microsoft recommended block rules.xml' -Force [PSCustomObject]@{ PolicyFile = 'DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml' BinaryFile = "$PolicyID.cip" } if ($Deploy -and $MakeDefaultWindowsWithBlockRules) { CiTool --update-policy "$PolicyID.cip" -json | Out-Null Write-Host "`n" Remove-Item -Path "$PolicyID.cip" -Force } if ($NoCIP) { Remove-Item -Path "$PolicyID.cip" -Force } } [scriptblock]$DeployLatestDriverBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK = { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile Expand-Archive .\ -DestinationPath 'VulnerableDriverBlockList' -Force Rename-Item .\VulnerableDriverBlockList\SiPolicy_Enforced.p7b -NewName 'SiPolicy.p7b' -Force Copy-Item .\VulnerableDriverBlockList\SiPolicy.p7b -Destination 'C:\Windows\System32\CodeIntegrity' citool --refresh -json | Out-Null &$WritePink "`nSiPolicy.p7b has been deployed and policies refreshed." Remove-Item .\VulnerableDriverBlockList* -Recurse -Force Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DriversBlockListInfoGatheringSCRIPTBLOCK } [scriptblock]$DeployLatestBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK = { (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '').Content -replace "(?s).*``````xml(.*)``````.*", '$1' | Out-File '.\Microsoft recommended block rules TEMP.xml' # Remove empty lines from the policy file Get-Content '.\Microsoft recommended block rules TEMP.xml' | Where-Object { $_.trim() -ne '' } | Out-File '.\Microsoft recommended block rules.xml' Set-RuleOption -FilePath '.\Microsoft recommended block rules.xml' -Option 3 -Delete @(0, 2, 6, 11, 12, 16, 19, 20) | ForEach-Object { Set-RuleOption -FilePath '.\Microsoft recommended block rules.xml' -Option $_ } Set-HVCIOptions -Strict -FilePath '.\Microsoft recommended block rules.xml' Remove-Item -Path '.\Microsoft recommended block rules TEMP.xml' -Force [System.String]$PolicyID = (Set-CIPolicyIdInfo -FilePath '.\Microsoft recommended block rules.xml' -ResetPolicyID).Substring(11) Set-CIPolicyIdInfo -PolicyName "Microsoft Windows User Mode Policy - Enforced - $(Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy')" -FilePath '.\Microsoft recommended block rules.xml' ConvertFrom-CIPolicy '.\Microsoft recommended block rules.xml' "$PolicyID.cip" | Out-Null CiTool --update-policy "$PolicyID.cip" -json | Out-Null &$WriteLavender "`nThe Microsoft recommended block rules policy has been deployed in enforced mode." Remove-Item "$PolicyID.cip" -Force } [scriptblock]$SetAutoUpdateDriverBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK = { # create a scheduled task that runs every 7 days if (-NOT (Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'MSFT Driver Block list update' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'Powershell.exe' ` -Argument '-NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -command "& {try {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile -ErrorAction Stop}catch{exit};Expand-Archive .\ -DestinationPath "VulnerableDriverBlockList" -Force;Rename-Item .\VulnerableDriverBlockList\SiPolicy_Enforced.p7b -NewName "SiPolicy.p7b" -Force;Copy-item .\VulnerableDriverBlockList\SiPolicy.p7b -Destination "C:\Windows\System32\CodeIntegrity";citool --refresh -json;Remove-Item .\VulnerableDriverBlockList -Recurse -Force;Remove-Item .\ -Force;}"' $TaskPrincipal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -LogonType S4U -UserId $env:USERNAME -RunLevel Highest # trigger $Time = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At (Get-Date).AddHours(1) -RepetitionInterval (New-TimeSpan -Days 7) # register the task Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $Time -Principal $TaskPrincipal -TaskPath 'MSFT Driver Block list update' -TaskName 'MSFT Driver Block list update' -Description 'Microsoft Recommended Driver Block List update' # define advanced settings for the task $TaskSettings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -AllowStartIfOnBatteries -DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries -Compatibility Win8 -StartWhenAvailable -ExecutionTimeLimit (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 3) # add advanced settings we defined to the task Set-ScheduledTask -TaskPath 'MSFT Driver Block list update' -TaskName 'MSFT Driver Block list update' -Settings $TaskSettings } Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DriversBlockListInfoGatheringSCRIPTBLOCK } [scriptblock]$PrepMSFTOnlyAuditSCRIPTBLOCK = { if ($PrepMSFTOnlyAudit -and $LogSize) { Set-LogSize -LogSize $LogSize } Copy-Item -Path C:\Windows\schemas\CodeIntegrity\ExamplePolicies\AllowMicrosoft.xml -Destination .\AllowMicrosoft.xml Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\AllowMicrosoft.xml -Option 3 [System.String]$PolicyID = Set-CIPolicyIdInfo -FilePath .\AllowMicrosoft.xml -ResetPolicyID [System.String]$PolicyID = $PolicyID.Substring(11) Set-CIPolicyIdInfo -PolicyName 'PrepMSFTOnlyAudit' -FilePath .\AllowMicrosoft.xml ConvertFrom-CIPolicy .\AllowMicrosoft.xml "$PolicyID.cip" | Out-Null if ($Deploy) { CiTool --update-policy "$PolicyID.cip" -json | Out-Null &$WriteHotPink "`nThe default AllowMicrosoft policy has been deployed in Audit mode. No reboot required." Remove-Item 'AllowMicrosoft.xml', "$PolicyID.cip" -Force } else { &$WriteHotPink "`nThe default AllowMicrosoft policy has been created in Audit mode and is ready for deployment." } } [scriptblock]$PrepDefaultWindowsAuditSCRIPTBLOCK = { if ($PrepDefaultWindowsAudit -and $LogSize) { Set-LogSize -LogSize $LogSize } Copy-Item -Path C:\Windows\schemas\CodeIntegrity\ExamplePolicies\DefaultWindows_Audit.xml -Destination .\DefaultWindows_Audit.xml -Force # Making Sure neither PowerShell core nor WDACConfig module files are added to the Supplemental policy created by -MakePolicyFromAuditLogs parameter # by adding them first to the deployed Default Windows policy in Audit mode. Because WDACConfig module files don't need to be allowed to run since they are *.ps1 and .*psm1 files # And PowerShell core files will be added to the DefaultWindows Base policy anyway if (Test-Path 'C:\Program Files\PowerShell') { New-CIPolicy -ScanPath 'C:\Program Files\PowerShell' -Level FilePublisher -NoScript -Fallback Hash -UserPEs -UserWriteablePaths -MultiplePolicyFormat -FilePath .\AllowPowerShell.xml New-CIPolicy -ScanPath "$psscriptroot" -Level hash -UserPEs -UserWriteablePaths -MultiplePolicyFormat -FilePath .\WDACConfigModule.xml Merge-CIPolicy -PolicyPaths .\DefaultWindows_Audit.xml, .\AllowPowerShell.xml, .\WDACConfigModule.xml -OutputFilePath .\DefaultWindows_Audit_temp.xml | Out-Null Remove-Item DefaultWindows_Audit.xml -Force Rename-Item -Path .\DefaultWindows_Audit_temp.xml -NewName 'DefaultWindows_Audit.xml' -Force Remove-Item 'WDACConfigModule.xml', 'AllowPowerShell.xml' -Force } Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\DefaultWindows_Audit.xml -Option 3 [System.String]$PolicyID = Set-CIPolicyIdInfo -FilePath .\DefaultWindows_Audit.xml -ResetPolicyID [System.String]$PolicyID = $PolicyID.Substring(11) Set-CIPolicyIdInfo -PolicyName 'PrepDefaultWindows' -FilePath .\DefaultWindows_Audit.xml ConvertFrom-CIPolicy .\DefaultWindows_Audit.xml "$PolicyID.cip" | Out-Null if ($Deploy) { CiTool --update-policy "$PolicyID.cip" -json | Out-Null &$WriteLavender "`nThe defaultWindows policy has been deployed in Audit mode. No reboot required." Remove-Item 'DefaultWindows_Audit.xml', "$PolicyID.cip" -Force } else { &$WriteLavender "`nThe defaultWindows policy has been created in Audit mode and is ready for deployment." } } [scriptblock]$MakePolicyFromAuditLogsSCRIPTBLOCK = { if ($MakePolicyFromAuditLogs -and $LogSize) { Set-LogSize -LogSize $LogSize } # Make sure there is no leftover files from previous operations of this same command Remove-Item -Path "$home\WDAC\*" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Create a working directory in user's folder New-Item -Type Directory -Path "$home\WDAC" -Force | Out-Null Set-Location "$home\WDAC" ############################### Base Policy Processing ############################### switch ($BasePolicyType) { 'Allow Microsoft Base' { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $MakeAllowMSFTWithBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK | Out-Null $xml = [xml](Get-Content .\AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml) $BasePolicyID = $xml.SiPolicy.PolicyID # define the location of the base policy $BasePolicy = 'AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml' } 'Default Windows Base' { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $MakeDefaultWindowsWithBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK | Out-Null $xml = [xml](Get-Content .\DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml) $BasePolicyID = $xml.SiPolicy.PolicyID # define the location of the base policy $BasePolicy = 'DefaultWindowsPlusBlockRules.xml' } } if ($TestMode -and $MakePolicyFromAuditLogs) { 9..10 | ForEach-Object { Set-RuleOption -FilePath $BasePolicy -Option $_ } } if ($RequireEVSigners -and $MakePolicyFromAuditLogs) { Set-RuleOption -FilePath $BasePolicy -Option 8 } ############################### Supplemental Processing ############################### # Produce a policy xml file from event viewer logs &$WriteLavender 'Scanning Windows Event logs and creating a policy file, please wait...' # Creating a hash table to dynamically add parameters based on user input and pass them to New-Cipolicy cmdlet [System.Collections.Hashtable]$PolicyMakerHashTable = @{ FilePath = 'AuditLogsPolicy_NoDeletedFiles.xml' Audit = $true Level = $Level Fallback = $Fallbacks MultiplePolicyFormat = $true UserWriteablePaths = $true WarningAction = 'SilentlyContinue' AllowFileNameFallbacks = $true } # Assess user input parameters and add the required parameters to the hash table if ($SpecificFileNameLevel) { $PolicyMakerHashTable['SpecificFileNameLevel'] = $SpecificFileNameLevel } if ($NoScript) { $PolicyMakerHashTable['NoScript'] = $true } if (!$NoUserPEs) { $PolicyMakerHashTable['UserPEs'] = $true } &$WriteHotPink "`nGenerating Supplemental policy with the following specifications:" $PolicyMakerHashTable Write-Host "`n" # Create the supplemental policy via parameter splatting for files in event viewer that are currently on the disk New-CIPolicy @PolicyMakerHashTable if (!$NoDeletedFiles) { # Get Event viewer logs for code integrity - check the file path of all of the files in the log, resolve them using the command above - show files that are no longer available on the disk [scriptblock]$AuditEventLogsDeletedFilesScriptBlock = { foreach ($event in Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName = 'Microsoft-Windows-CodeIntegrity/Operational'; ID = 3076 }) { $xml = [xml]$event.toxml() $ | ForEach-Object { $hash = @{} } { $hash[$] = $_.'#text' } { [pscustomobject]$hash } | ForEach-Object { if ($_.'File Name' -match ($pattern = '\\Device\\HarddiskVolume(\d+)\\(.*)$')) { $hardDiskVolumeNumber = $Matches[1] $remainingPath = $Matches[2] $getletter = $DriveLettersGlobalRootFix | Where-Object { $_.devicepath -eq "\Device\HarddiskVolume$hardDiskVolumeNumber" } $usablePath = "$($getletter.DriveLetter)$remainingPath" $_.'File Name' = $_.'File Name' -replace $pattern, $usablePath } if (-NOT (Test-Path $_.'File Name')) { $_ | Select-Object FileVersion, 'File Name', PolicyGUID, 'SHA256 Hash', 'SHA256 Flat Hash', 'SHA1 Hash', 'SHA1 Flat Hash' } } } } # storing the output from the scriptblock above in a variable $DeletedFileHashesArray = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $AuditEventLogsDeletedFilesScriptBlock } # run the following only if there are any event logs for files no longer on the disk and if -NoDeletedFiles switch parameter wasn't used if ($DeletedFileHashesArray -and !$NoDeletedFiles) { # Save the the File Rules and File Rule Refs to the Out-File FileRulesAndFileRefs.txt in the current working directory (Get-FileRules -HashesArray $DeletedFileHashesArray) + (Get-RuleRefs -HashesArray $DeletedFileHashesArray) | Out-File FileRulesAndFileRefs.txt # Put the Rules and RulesRefs in an empty policy file New-EmptyPolicy -RulesContent (Get-FileRules -HashesArray $DeletedFileHashesArray) -RuleRefsContent (Get-RuleRefs -HashesArray $DeletedFileHashesArray) | Out-File .\DeletedFilesHashes.xml # Merge the policy file we created at first using Event Viewer logs, with the policy file we created for Hash of the files no longer available on the disk Merge-CIPolicy -PolicyPaths 'AuditLogsPolicy_NoDeletedFiles.xml', .\DeletedFilesHashes.xml -OutputFilePath .\SupplementalPolicy.xml | Out-Null } # do this only if there are no event logs detected with files no longer on the disk, so we use the policy file created earlier using Audit even logs else { Rename-Item 'AuditLogsPolicy_NoDeletedFiles.xml' -NewName 'SupplementalPolicy.xml' -Force } # Convert the SupplementalPolicy.xml policy file from base policy to supplemental policy of our base policy Set-CIPolicyVersion -FilePath 'SupplementalPolicy.xml' -Version '' [System.String]$PolicyID = Set-CIPolicyIdInfo -FilePath 'SupplementalPolicy.xml' -PolicyName "Supplemental Policy made from Audit Event Logs on $(Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy')" -ResetPolicyID -BasePolicyToSupplementPath $BasePolicy [System.String]$PolicyID = $PolicyID.Substring(11) # Make sure policy rule options that don't belong to a Supplemental policy don't exit @(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20) | ForEach-Object { Set-RuleOption -FilePath 'SupplementalPolicy.xml' -Option $_ -Delete } # Set the hypervisor Code Integrity option for Supplemental policy to Strict Set-HVCIOptions -Strict -FilePath 'SupplementalPolicy.xml' # convert the Supplemental Policy file to .cip binary file ConvertFrom-CIPolicy 'SupplementalPolicy.xml' "$policyID.cip" | Out-Null [PSCustomObject]@{ BasePolicyFile = $BasePolicy BasePolicyGUID = $BasePolicyID } [PSCustomObject]@{ SupplementalPolicyFile = 'SupplementalPolicy.xml' SupplementalPolicyGUID = $PolicyID } if (-NOT $Debug) { Remove-Item -Path 'AuditLogsPolicy_NoDeletedFiles.xml', 'FileRulesAndFileRefs.txt', 'DeletedFilesHashes.xml' -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if ($Deploy -and $MakePolicyFromAuditLogs) { CiTool --update-policy "$BasePolicyID.cip" -json | Out-Null CiTool --update-policy "$policyID.cip" -json | Out-Null &$WritePink "`nBase policy and Supplemental Policies deployed and activated.`n" # Get the correct Prep mode Audit policy ID to remove from the system switch ($BasePolicyType) { 'Allow Microsoft Base' { $IDToRemove = ((CiTool -lp -json | ConvertFrom-Json).Policies | Where-Object { $_.FriendlyName -eq 'PrepMSFTOnlyAudit' }).PolicyID } 'Default Windows Base' { $IDToRemove = ((CiTool -lp -json | ConvertFrom-Json).Policies | Where-Object { $_.FriendlyName -eq 'PrepDefaultWindows' }).PolicyID } } CiTool --remove-policy "{$IDToRemove}" -json | Out-Null &$WriteLavender "`nSystem restart required to finish removing the Audit mode Prep policy" } } [scriptblock]$MakeLightPolicySCRIPTBLOCK = { # Delete the any policy with the same name in the current working directory Remove-Item -Path 'SignedAndReputable.xml' -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Invoke-Command $MakeAllowMSFTWithBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK -ArgumentList $true | Out-Null Rename-Item -Path 'AllowMicrosoftPlusBlockRules.xml' -NewName 'SignedAndReputable.xml' -Force @(14, 15) | ForEach-Object { Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\SignedAndReputable.xml -Option $_ } if ($TestMode -and $MakeLightPolicy) { 9..10 | ForEach-Object { Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\SignedAndReputable.xml -Option $_ } } if ($RequireEVSigners -and $MakeLightPolicy) { Set-RuleOption -FilePath .\SignedAndReputable.xml -Option 8 } $BasePolicyID = Set-CIPolicyIdInfo -FilePath .\SignedAndReputable.xml -ResetPolicyID -PolicyName "Signed And Reputable policy - $(Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy')" $BasePolicyID = $BasePolicyID.Substring(11) Set-CIPolicyVersion -FilePath .\SignedAndReputable.xml -Version '' Set-HVCIOptions -Strict -FilePath .\SignedAndReputable.xml ConvertFrom-CIPolicy .\SignedAndReputable.xml "$BasePolicyID.cip" | Out-Null # Configure required services for ISG authorization Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Windows\System32\appidtel.exe' -ArgumentList 'start' -Wait -NoNewWindow Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe' -ArgumentList 'config', 'appidsvc', 'start= auto' -Wait -NoNewWindow if ($Deploy -and $MakeLightPolicy) { CiTool --update-policy "$BasePolicyID.cip" -json | Out-Null } [PSCustomObject]@{ BasePolicyFile = 'SignedAndReputable.xml' BasePolicyGUID = $BasePolicyID } } # Script block that is used to supply extra information regarding Microsoft recommended driver block rules in commands that use them [scriptblock]$DriversBlockListInfoGatheringSCRIPTBLOCK = { [System.String]$owner = 'MicrosoftDocs' [System.String]$repo = 'windows-itpro-docs' [System.String]$path = 'windows/security/application-security/application-control/windows-defender-application-control/design/' [System.String]$ApiUrl = "$owner/$repo/commits?path=$path" [System.Object[]]$Response = Invoke-RestMethod $ApiUrl [datetime]$Date = $Response[0] &$WriteLavender "`nThe document containing the drivers block list on GitHub was last updated on $Date" [System.String]$MicrosoftRecommendeDriverBlockRules = (Invoke-WebRequest '').Content $MicrosoftRecommendeDriverBlockRules -match '<VersionEx>(.*)</VersionEx>' | Out-Null &$WritePink "The current version of Microsoft recommended drivers block list is $($Matches[1])" } if (-NOT $SkipVersionCheck) { . Update-self } $DriveLettersGlobalRootFix = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DriveLettersGlobalRootFixScriptBlock } process { switch ($true) { # Deploy the latest block rules { $GetBlockRules -and $Deploy } { & $DeployLatestBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK; break } # Get the latest block rules $GetBlockRules { & $GetBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK; break } # Deploy the latest driver block rules { $GetDriverBlockRules -and $Deploy } { & $DeployLatestDriverBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK; break } # Get the latest driver block rules { $GetDriverBlockRules } { & $GetDriverBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK; break } $SetAutoUpdateDriverBlockRules { & $SetAutoUpdateDriverBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK; break } $MakeAllowMSFTWithBlockRules { & $MakeAllowMSFTWithBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK; break } $MakePolicyFromAuditLogs { & $MakePolicyFromAuditLogsSCRIPTBLOCK; break } $PrepMSFTOnlyAudit { & $PrepMSFTOnlyAuditSCRIPTBLOCK; break } $MakeLightPolicy { & $MakeLightPolicySCRIPTBLOCK; break } $MakeDefaultWindowsWithBlockRules { & $MakeDefaultWindowsWithBlockRulesSCRIPTBLOCK; break } $PrepDefaultWindowsAudit { & $PrepDefaultWindowsAuditSCRIPTBLOCK; break } default { Write-Warning 'None of the main parameters were selected.'; break } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Automate a lot of tasks related to WDAC (Windows Defender Application Control) .LINK .DESCRIPTION Using official Microsoft methods, configure and use Windows Defender Application Control .COMPONENT Windows Defender Application Control, ConfigCI PowerShell module .FUNCTIONALITY Automate various tasks related to Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC) .PARAMETER GetBlockRules Create Microsoft recommended block rules xml policy and remove the allow rules .PARAMETER GetDriverBlockRules Create Microsoft recommended driver block rules xml policy and remove the allow rules .PARAMETER MakeAllowMSFTWithBlockRules Make WDAC policy by merging AllowMicrosoft policy with the recommended block rules .PARAMETER SetAutoUpdateDriverBlockRules Make a Scheduled Task that automatically runs every 7 days to download the newest Microsoft Recommended driver block rules .PARAMETER PrepMSFTOnlyAudit Prepare the system for Audit mode using AllowMicrosoft default policy .PARAMETER PrepDefaultWindowsAudit Prepare the system for Audit mode using DefaultWindows policy .PARAMETER MakePolicyFromAuditLogs Make a WDAC Policy from Audit event logs that also covers files no longer on disk .PARAMETER MakeLightPolicy Make a WDAC Policy with ISG for Lightly Managed system .PARAMETER MakeDefaultWindowsWithBlockRules Make a WDAC policy by merging DefaultWindows policy with the recommended block rules .PARAMETER SkipVersionCheck Can be used with any parameter to bypass the online version check - only to be used in rare cases #> } # Set PSReadline tab completion to complete menu for easier access to available parameters - Only for the current session Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function MenuComplete |