
ipmo C:\git\WapTenantPublicAPI\WapTenantPublicAPI.psd1
#Remove-Module WapTenantPublicAPI

#example deployment 1
$creds = Get-Credential #username as UPN
$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential $creds -URL '' -ADFS -Verbose
$Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Token $token -UserId $creds.UserName -Verbose -PublicTenantAPIUrl -Port 443 -Name 'Test'
#$Subscription | Get-WAPGalleryVMRole
$GI = $Subscription | Get-WAPGalleryVMRole -Name DSCPullServerClient
$OSDisk = $GI | Get-WAPVMRoleOSDisk | Sort-Object -Property AddedTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$NW = $Subscription | Get-WAPVMNetwork -Name internal
$VMProps = New-WAPVMRoleParameterObject -VMRole $GI -OSDisk $OSDisk -VMRoleVMSize Large -VMNetwork $NW
$VMProps.VMRoleAdminCredential = 'Administrator:Welkom01'
$VMProps.DSCPullServerClientCredential = 'Domain\Certreq:password'
$VMProps.DSCPullServerClientConfigurationId = '7844f909-1f2e-4770-9c97-7a2e2e5677ae'
$Subscription | New-WAPVMRoleDeployment -VMRole $GI -ParameterObject $VMProps -CloudServiceName MyCloudService -Verbose

#example deployment 2
$creds = Get-Credential
$token = Get-WAPToken -Credential -URL -Verbose -Port 443
$GI = $Subscription | Get-WAPGalleryVMRole -Name DSCPullServerClient
$OSDisk = $GI | Get-WAPVMRoleOSDisk | Sort-Object -Property AddedTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$NW = $Subscription | Get-WAPVMNetwork -Name internal
$VMProps = New-WAPVMRoleParameterObject -VMRole $GI -OSDisk $OSDisk -VMRoleVMSize Large -VMNetwork $NW
$VMProps.VMRoleAdminCredential = 'Administrator:Welkom01'
$VMProps.DSCPullServerClientCredential = 'Domain\Certreq:password'
$VMProps.DSCPullServerClientConfigurationId = '7844f909-1f2e-4770-9c97-7a2e2e5677ae'
$CS = $Subscription | New-WAPCloudService -Name MyCloudService
$CS | New-WAPVMRoleDeployment -VMRole $GI -ParameterObject $VMProps -Verbose

#example check and work with cloudservices
$Subscription | Get-WAPCloudService
$CS = $Subscription | New-WAPCloudService -Name test -IgnoreSSL
$CS | Get-WAPCloudService
$CS | New-WAPVMRoleDeployment -VMRole $GI -ParameterObject $VMProps -Verbose

#remove cloudservice including VM Role
$CS = $Subscription | Get-WAPCloudService -Name Test
$CS | Remove-WAPCloudService

#remove all cloudservices
$Subscription | Get-WAPCloudService | Remove-WAPCloudService -Force

#remove specified cloudservice
$Subscription | Get-WAPCloudService -Name Test | Remove-WAPCloudService -Force

#get more details about deployed all deployed VM roles
$Subscription | Get-WAPCloudService | Get-WAPVMRole | select *

$temp = $Subscription | Get-WAPCloudService -Name test | Get-WAPVMRole -verbose| select -First 1

#get more details about specific deployed VM Role
$Subscription | Get-WAPCloudService -Name test | Get-WAPVMRole | select *

<#tenantpublicapi requirements!
tenantpublicapi needs to be configured for HybridTenant mode
This will allow token based authentication
The tenantpublicapi by default does not have enough permissions in the database to function correctly
Missing execute permissions can be resolved with the following TSQL script
USE [Microsoft.MgmtSvc.Store]
Grant Execute On To mp_TenantAPI
Grant Execute On Object::mp.GetInvalidatedUserTokens to mp_TenantAPI