
   CREATED BY: Vadim Melamed, EMAIL:
   HashTable of data containing various pieces of login information (PVWA, LoginToken, HeaderType, etc).
   If -token is not passed, function will use last known hashtable generated by New-VPASToken
.PARAMETER TargetMetric
   Specify which report will be run
   Possible values: ApplicationIDsOnSafes, AccountsPulledViaApplicationID
.PARAMETER MetricFormat
   Specify the report output format
   NONE will return the generated hashtable of data that can be assigned to a variable
   Possible values: JSON, HTML, ALL, NONE
.PARAMETER OutputDirectory
   Specify where the location for report output to be saved
   Specify the HTML report type
   Possible values: BarGraph, LineGraph, PieChart, ALL
   Removes the RawData visual from the exported output
   Helpful when exporting to a PDF or document to remove extra not needed information
.PARAMETER IgnoreSafes
   Wildcard value that will cause a record to be ignored from the metrics if the target record SafeName matches
.PARAMETER IgnorePlatforms
   Wildcard value that will cause a record to be ignored from the metrics if the target record PlatformID matches
.PARAMETER IgnoreUsernames
   Wildcard value that will cause a record to be ignored from the metrics if the target record Username matches
.PARAMETER SafeSearchQuery
   Wildcard value that will limit the metrics to only target records that match the searchquery via safe name
.PARAMETER PlatformSearchQuery
   Wildcard value that will limit the metrics to only target records that match the searchquery via platformID
.PARAMETER UsernameSearchQuery
   Wildcard value that will limit the metrics to only target records that match the searchquery via account username
   $GenerateReport = Invoke-VPASMetricsProviders -TargetMetric AccountsPulledViaApplicationID -MetricFormat ALL -OutputDirectory C:\Temp\Metrics\ProviderMetrics -HTMLChart ALL
   $GenerateReport = Invoke-VPASMetricsProviders -TargetMetric ApplicationIDsOnSafes -MetricFormat ALL -OutputDirectory C:\Temp\Metrics\ProviderMetrics -HTMLChart ALL
   HashTable object if successful
   $false if failed

function Invoke-VPASMetricsProviders{

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,HelpMessage="Enter TargetMetric to be generated (ApplicationIDsOnSafes, AccountsPulledViaApplicationID)",Position=0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,HelpMessage="Enter ReportOutput type (JSON, HTML, ALL, NONE)",Position=1)]











        $tokenval,$sessionval,$PVWA,$Header,$ISPSS,$IdentityURL,$EnableTextRecorder,$AuditTimeStamp,$NoSSL,$VaultVersion,$HideWarnings,$AuthenticatedAs,$SubDomain = Get-VPASSession -token $token
        $CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        $log = Write-VPASTextRecorder -inputval $CommandName -token $token -LogType COMMAND

        Write-Verbose "SUCCESSFULLY PARSED TARGET METRIC VALUE: $TargetMetric"
        Write-Verbose "SUCCESSFULLY PARSED METRIC OUTPUT VALUE: $MetricFormat"

            $SkipPlatformsSTR = ""
            foreach($rec in $IgnorePlatforms){
                $SkipPlatformsSTR += "*" + $rec + "*; "
            $SkipUsernameSTR = ""
            foreach($rec in $IgnoreUsernames){
                $SkipUsernameSTR += "*" + $rec + "*; "
            $SkipSafeSTR = ""
            foreach($rec in $IgnoreSafes){
                $SkipSafeSTR += "*" + $rec + "*; "
            $TargetSafeSTR = ""
            foreach($rec in $SafeSearchQuery){
                $TargetSafeSTR += "*" + $rec + "*; "
            $TargetPlatformSTR = ""
            foreach($rec in $PlatformSearchQuery){
                $TargetPlatformSTR += "*" + $rec + "*; "
            $TargetUsernameSTR = ""
            foreach($rec in $UsernameSearchQuery){
                $TargetUsernameSTR += "*" + $rec + "*; "

            if($MetricFormat -ne "NONE"){
                    $curUser = $env:UserName
                    $OutputDirectory = "C:\Users\$curUser\AppData\Local\VPASModuleOutputs\Metrics"
                    Write-Verbose "NO OUTPUT DIRECTORY SUPPLIED, USING DEFAULT LOCATION: $OutputDirectory"

                    if(Test-Path -Path $OutputDirectory){
                        #DO NOTHING
                        write-verbose "$OutputDirectory DOES NOT EXIST, CREATING DIRECTORY"
                        $MakeDirectory = New-Item -Path $OutputDirectory -Type Directory
                    if(Test-Path -Path $OutputDirectory){
                        #DO NOTHING
                        $curUser = $env:UserName
                        $OutputDirectory = "C:\Users\$curUser\AppData\Local\VPASModuleOutputs\Metrics"
                        write-verbose "$OutputDirectory DOES NOT EXIST, USING DEFAULT LOCATION: $OutputDirectory"
                        if(Test-Path -Path $OutputDirectory){
                            #DO NOTHING
                            $MakeDirectory = New-Item -Path $OutputDirectory -Type Directory

                $HTMLChart = "BarGraph"

            if($TargetMetric -eq "ApplicationIDsOnSafes"){
                $tagout = "safes"
                #INITIALIZE HASH
                $OutputHash = @{}

                $AllAppIDs = Get-VPASAllApplications
                    Write-Verbose "FAILED TO PULL ALL APPLICATION IDS"
                    Write-VPASOutput -str "FAILED TO PULL ALL APPLICATION IDS" -type E
                    Write-VPASOutput -str $_ -type E
                    return $false
                    $AllAppIDsArr = @()
                    foreach($appID in $AllAppIDs.AppID){
                        $targetAppID = $appID
                        $OutputHash += @{
                            $targetAppID = @{
                                Safes = @()
                                RawData = @()
                                counter = 0
                        $AllAppIDsArr += $targetAppID

                $AllEPVGroups = Get-VPASAllEPVGroups -IncludeMembers
                    Write-Verbose "FAILED TO PULL ALL EPV GROUPS"
                    Write-VPASOutput -str "FAILED TO PULL ALL EPV GROUPS" -type E
                    Write-VPASOutput -str $_ -type E
                    return $false
                    $EPVGroupMatrix = @{}
                    foreach($group in $AllEPVGroups.value){
                        $GroupName = $group.groupName
                        $GroupMembers = $group.members
                        foreach($mem in $GroupMembers.username){
                                    $EPVGroupMatrix.$GroupName.Members += $mem
                                    $EPVGroupMatrix += @{
                                        $GroupName = @{
                                            Members = @($mem)

                if($SafeSearchQuery.count -gt 0){
                    $SafeMatrix = @()
                    $AllSafes = @{
                        value = @()
                        count = 0
                    foreach($query in $SafeSearchQuery){
                        $smallquery = Get-VPASSafes -searchQuery $query
                        foreach($rec in $smallquery.value){
                            $recSafeName = $rec.safename
                                $AllSafes.value += $rec
                                $AllSafes.Count += 1
                                $SafeMatrix += $recSafeName
                    $AllSafes = Get-VPASAllSafes
                    Write-Verbose "FAILED TO RETRIEVE SAFES"
                    Write-VPASOutput -str "FAILED TO RETRIEVE SAFES" -type E
                    Write-VPASOutput -str $_ -type E
                    return $false
                    foreach($safe in $AllSafes.value){
                        $targetSafeName = $safe.safeName
                        $skipval = $false

                            foreach($ignoreval in $IgnoreSafes){
                                if($targetSafeName -match $ignoreval){
                                    Write-Verbose "SKIPPING $targetSafeName : SKIP VALUE $ignoreval FOUND IN SAFE $targetSafeName"
                                    $skipval = $true

                            $AllSafeMembers = Get-VPASSafeMembers -safe $targetSafeName -IncludePredefinedMembers
                                foreach($mem in $AllSafeMembers.value){
                                    $targetMember = $mem.memberName
                                        $OutputHash.$targetMember.counter += 1
                                        $OutputHash.$targetMember.Safes += $targetSafeName
                                        $OutputHash.$targetMember.RawData += $safe
                                        $CheckArr = $EPVGroupMatrix.$targetMember.Members
                                        foreach($ArrCheck in $CheckArr){
                                            $OutputHash.$ArrCheck.counter += 1
                                            $OutputHash.$ArrCheck.Safes += $targetSafeName
                                            $OutputHash.$ArrCheck.RawData += $safe

                if($MetricFormat -eq "JSON" -or $MetricFormat -eq "ALL"){
                    $outputfile = "$OutputDirectory/ApplicationIDsOnSafes.json"
                    $OutputDataJSON = $OutputHash | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
                    Write-Output $OutputDataJSON | Set-Content $outputfile
                if($MetricFormat -eq "NONE"){
                    $htmlData += @{
                        datahash = $OutputHash
                if($MetricFormat -eq "HTML" -or $MetricFormat -eq "ALL"){
                    $outputfile = "$OutputDirectory/ApplicationIDsOnSafes.html"
                    $titlesplit = "ApplicationIDs on Safes"
                    $metricTag = "Provider Metrics"
                    $recommendation1 = "An ApplicationID is a critical component of CyberArk's Application Access Manager (AAM), enabling secure and controlled access to sensitive credentials without hardcoding them into applications or scripts"
                    $recommendation2 = "By using AAM, organizations can avoid hardcoding credentials in application code, configuration files, or scripts, which significantly reduces the risk of credential exposure, and decreases the amount of dependencies needed to update if the credential changes"
                    $recommendation3 = "AAM allows the creation of detailed policies that control which applications can access specific credentials, ensuring that only authorized applications have access based on predefined criteria"
                    $OutputDataJSON = $OutputHash | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
                    $curTime = get-date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
                    if($HTMLChart -eq "ALL"){
                        $tablestr = "Bar Graph, Line Graph, Pie Chart"
                        $tablestr = $HTMLChart
                    $metricexplanation = "This metric tracks the number of safes that contain individual ApplicationIDs as safe members. This metric will count a safe twice if multiple ApplicationIDs are found as safe members"

                    $tempstr = ""
                    $tempstr2 = ""
                    $tempstr3 = ""
                    $tempstr4 = ""
                    $AllKeys = $OutputHash.Keys
                    $GetMinMax = @()

                    foreach($key in $AllKeys){
                        $curCount = $OutputHash.$key.counter
                        $GetMinMax += $curCount
                        $textColor =  '#{0:X6}' -f (Get-Random -Maximum 0x1000000)

                        $tempstr += "`"$key`","
                        $tempstr2 += "$curCount,"
                        $tempstr3 += "`"green`","
                        $tempstr4 += "`"$textColor`","

                    if($GetMinMax.count -ne 0){
                        $GetMinMax = $GetMinMax | Sort-Object
                        $mintick = 0
                        $maxtick = $GetMinMax[$GetMinMax.Count - 1]
                        $mintick = 0
                        $maxtick = 0

                        $tempstr = $tempstr.Substring(0,$tempstr.Length-1)
                        $tempstr2 = $tempstr2.Substring(0,$tempstr2.Length-1)
                        $tempstr3 = $tempstr3.Substring(0,$tempstr3.Length-1)
                        $tempstr4 = $tempstr4.Substring(0,$tempstr4.Length-1)

                    $htmlData += @{
                        Recommendation1 = $recommendation1
                        Recommendation2 = $recommendation2
                        Recommendation3 = $recommendation3
                        titlesplit = $titlesplit
                        outputfile = $outputfile
                        metricTag = $metricTag
                        OutputDataJSON = $OutputDataJSON
                        curTime = $curTime
                        tablestr = $tablestr
                        metricexplanation = $metricexplanation
                        HTMLChart = $HTMLChart
                        tempstr = $tempstr
                        tempstr2 = $tempstr2
                        tempstr3 = $tempstr3
                        tempstr4 = $tempstr4
                        datahash = $OutputHash
                        maxtick = $maxtick
                        mintick = $mintick
            if($TargetMetric -eq "AccountsPulledViaApplicationID"){
                $tagout = "accounts"
                #INITIALIZE HASH
                $OutputHash = @{}

                $AllAppIDs = Get-VPASAllApplications
                    Write-Verbose "FAILED TO PULL ALL APPLICATION IDS"
                    Write-VPASOutput -str "FAILED TO PULL ALL APPLICATION IDS" -type E
                    Write-VPASOutput -str $_ -type E
                    return $false
                    $AllAppIDsArr = @()
                    foreach($appID in $AllAppIDs.AppID){
                        $targetAppID = $appID
                        $OutputHash += @{
                            $targetAppID = @{
                                Accounts = @()
                                RawData = @()
                                counter = 0
                        $AllAppIDsArr += $targetAppID

                $AllEPVGroups = Get-VPASAllEPVGroups -IncludeMembers
                    Write-Verbose "FAILED TO PULL ALL EPV GROUPS"
                    Write-VPASOutput -str "FAILED TO PULL ALL EPV GROUPS" -type E
                    Write-VPASOutput -str $_ -type E
                    return $false
                    $EPVGroupMatrix = @{}
                    foreach($group in $AllEPVGroups.value){
                        $GroupName = $group.groupName
                        $GroupMembers = $group.members
                        foreach($mem in $GroupMembers.username){
                                    $EPVGroupMatrix.$GroupName.Members += $mem
                                    $EPVGroupMatrix += @{
                                        $GroupName = @{
                                            Members = @($mem)

                if($SafeSearchQuery.count -gt 0){
                    $SafeMatrix = @()
                    $AllSafes = @{
                        value = @()
                        count = 0
                    foreach($query in $SafeSearchQuery){
                        $smallquery = Get-VPASSafes -searchQuery $query
                        foreach($rec in $smallquery.value){
                            $recSafeName = $rec.safename
                                $AllSafes.value += $rec
                                $AllSafes.Count += 1
                                $SafeMatrix += $recSafeName
                    $AllSafes = Get-VPASAllSafes
                    Write-Verbose "FAILED TO RETRIEVE SAFES"
                    Write-VPASOutput -str "FAILED TO RETRIEVE SAFES" -type E
                    Write-VPASOutput -str $_ -type E
                    return $false
                    foreach($safe in $AllSafes.value){
                        $targetSafeName = $safe.safeName
                        $skipval = $false

                            foreach($ignoreval in $IgnoreSafes){
                                if($targetSafeName -match $ignoreval){
                                    Write-Verbose "SKIPPING $targetSafeName : SKIP VALUE $ignoreval FOUND IN SAFE $targetSafeName"
                                    $skipval = $true

                            $AllSafeMembers = Get-VPASSafeMembers -safe $targetSafeName -IncludePredefinedMembers
                                foreach($mem in $AllSafeMembers.value){
                                    $targetMember = $mem.memberName
                                        #GET ALL ACCOUNTS HERE
                                        $AllAccts = Get-VPASAccountDetails -safe $targetSafeName -ExactMatch
                                        foreach($recacct in $AllAccts.value){
                                            $validtargetplatform = $false
                                            $validtargetsafe = $false
                                            $validtargetusername = $false
                                            $targetPlat = $recacct.platformID
                                            $targetSafe = $recacct.safeName
                                            $targetUsername = $recacct.userName
                                            $targetAccountName = $
                                            $skipval = $false

                                            if($PlatformSearchQuery.Count -eq 0){
                                                $validtargetplatform = $true
                                                foreach($query in $PlatformSearchQuery){
                                                    if($targetPlat -match $query){
                                                        $validtargetplatform = $true

                                            if($UsernameSearchQuery.Count -eq 0){
                                                $validtargetusername = $true
                                                foreach($query in $UsernameSearchQuery){
                                                    if($targetUsername -match $query){
                                                        $validtargetusername = $true

                                            if($SafeSearchQuery.Count -eq 0){
                                                $validtargetsafe = $true
                                                foreach($query in $SafeSearchQuery){
                                                    if($targetSafe -match $query){
                                                        $validtargetsafe = $true

                                            if(!$validtargetplatform -or !$validtargetsafe -or !$validtargetusername){
                                                $skipval = $true

                                                foreach($ignoreval in $IgnoreSafes){
                                                    if($targetSafe -match $ignoreval){
                                                        Write-Verbose "SKIPPING $targetAccountName : SKIP VALUE $ignoreval FOUND IN SAFE $targetSafe"
                                                        $skipval = $true

                                                foreach($ignoreval in $IgnorePlatforms){
                                                    if($targetPlat -match $ignoreval){
                                                        Write-Verbose "SKIPPING $targetAccountName : SKIP VALUE $ignoreval FOUND IN PLATFORM $targetPlat"
                                                        $skipval = $true

                                                foreach($ignoreval in $IgnoreUsernames){
                                                    if($targetUsername -match $ignoreval){
                                                        Write-Verbose "SKIPPING $targetAccountName : SKIP VALUE $ignoreval FOUND IN USERNAME $targetUsername"
                                                        $skipval = $true

                                                $AcctID = $
                                                $OutputHash.$targetMember.counter += 1
                                                $OutputHash.$targetMember.Accounts += $AcctID
                                                $OutputHash.$targetMember.RawData += $recacct
                                        $CheckArr = $EPVGroupMatrix.$targetMember.Members
                                        foreach($ArrCheck in $CheckArr){
                                            #GET ALL ACCOUNTS HERE
                                            $AllAccts = Get-VPASAccountDetails -safe $targetSafeName -ExactMatch
                                            foreach($recacct in $AllAccts.value){
                                                $validtargetplatform = $false
                                                $validtargetsafe = $false
                                                $validtargetusername = $false
                                                $targetPlat = $recacct.platformID
                                                $targetSafe = $recacct.safeName
                                                $targetUsername = $recacct.userName
                                                $targetAccountName = $
                                                $skipval = $false

                                                if($PlatformSearchQuery.Count -eq 0){
                                                    $validtargetplatform = $true
                                                    foreach($query in $PlatformSearchQuery){
                                                        if($targetPlat -match $query){
                                                            $validtargetplatform = $true

                                                if($UsernameSearchQuery.Count -eq 0){
                                                    $validtargetusername = $true
                                                    foreach($query in $UsernameSearchQuery){
                                                        if($targetUsername -match $query){
                                                            $validtargetusername = $true

                                                if($SafeSearchQuery.Count -eq 0){
                                                    $validtargetsafe = $true
                                                    foreach($query in $SafeSearchQuery){
                                                        if($targetSafe -match $query){
                                                            $validtargetsafe = $true

                                                if(!$validtargetplatform -or !$validtargetsafe -or !$validtargetusername){
                                                    $skipval = $true

                                                    foreach($ignoreval in $IgnoreSafes){
                                                        if($targetSafe -match $ignoreval){
                                                            Write-Verbose "SKIPPING $targetAccountName : SKIP VALUE $ignoreval FOUND IN SAFE $targetSafe"
                                                            $skipval = $true

                                                    foreach($ignoreval in $IgnorePlatforms){
                                                        if($targetPlat -match $ignoreval){
                                                            Write-Verbose "SKIPPING $targetAccountName : SKIP VALUE $ignoreval FOUND IN PLATFORM $targetPlat"
                                                            $skipval = $true

                                                    foreach($ignoreval in $IgnoreUsernames){
                                                        if($targetUsername -match $ignoreval){
                                                            Write-Verbose "SKIPPING $targetAccountName : SKIP VALUE $ignoreval FOUND IN USERNAME $targetUsername"
                                                            $skipval = $true

                                                    $AcctID = $
                                                    $OutputHash.$targetMember.counter += 1
                                                    $OutputHash.$targetMember.Accounts += $AcctID
                                                    $OutputHash.$targetMember.RawData += $recacct

                if($MetricFormat -eq "JSON" -or $MetricFormat -eq "ALL"){
                    $outputfile = "$OutputDirectory/AccountsPulledViaApplicationID.json"
                    $OutputDataJSON = $OutputHash | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
                    Write-Output $OutputDataJSON | Set-Content $outputfile
                if($MetricFormat -eq "NONE"){
                    $htmlData += @{
                        datahash = $OutputHash
                if($MetricFormat -eq "HTML" -or $MetricFormat -eq "ALL"){
                    $outputfile = "$OutputDirectory/AccountsPulledViaApplicationID.html"
                    $titlesplit = "Accounts Pulled via ApplicationIDs"
                    $metricTag = "Provider Metrics"
                    $recommendation1 = "An ApplicationID is a critical component of CyberArk's Application Access Manager (AAM), enabling secure and controlled access to sensitive credentials without hardcoding them into applications or scripts"
                    $recommendation2 = "By using AAM, organizations can avoid hardcoding credentials in application code, configuration files, or scripts, which significantly reduces the risk of credential exposure, and decreases the amount of dependencies needed to update if the credential changes"
                    $recommendation3 = "AAM allows the creation of detailed policies that control which applications can access specific credentials, ensuring that only authorized applications have access based on predefined criteria"
                    $OutputDataJSON = $OutputHash | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
                    $curTime = get-date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
                    if($HTMLChart -eq "ALL"){
                        $tablestr = "Bar Graph, Line Graph, Pie Chart"
                        $tablestr = $HTMLChart
                    $metricexplanation = "This metric tracks the number of accounts that can be pulled via specific ApplicationIDs. This metric will count an account twice if multiple ApplicationIDs are found as safe members"

                    $tempstr = ""
                    $tempstr2 = ""
                    $tempstr3 = ""
                    $tempstr4 = ""
                    $AllKeys = $OutputHash.Keys
                    $GetMinMax = @()

                    foreach($key in $AllKeys){
                        $curCount = $OutputHash.$key.counter
                        $GetMinMax += $curCount
                        $textColor =  '#{0:X6}' -f (Get-Random -Maximum 0x1000000)

                        $tempstr += "`"$key`","
                        $tempstr2 += "$curCount,"
                        $tempstr3 += "`"green`","
                        $tempstr4 += "`"$textColor`","

                    if($GetMinMax.count -ne 0){
                        $GetMinMax = $GetMinMax | Sort-Object
                        $mintick = 0
                        $maxtick = $GetMinMax[$GetMinMax.Count - 1]
                        $mintick = 0
                        $maxtick = 0

                        $tempstr = $tempstr.Substring(0,$tempstr.Length-1)
                        $tempstr2 = $tempstr2.Substring(0,$tempstr2.Length-1)
                        $tempstr3 = $tempstr3.Substring(0,$tempstr3.Length-1)
                        $tempstr4 = $tempstr4.Substring(0,$tempstr4.Length-1)

                    $htmlData += @{
                        Recommendation1 = $recommendation1
                        Recommendation2 = $recommendation2
                        Recommendation3 = $recommendation3
                        titlesplit = $titlesplit
                        outputfile = $outputfile
                        metricTag = $metricTag
                        OutputDataJSON = $OutputDataJSON
                        curTime = $curTime
                        tablestr = $tablestr
                        metricexplanation = $metricexplanation
                        HTMLChart = $HTMLChart
                        tempstr = $tempstr
                        tempstr2 = $tempstr2
                        tempstr3 = $tempstr3
                        tempstr4 = $tempstr4
                        datahash = $OutputHash
                        maxtick = $maxtick
                        mintick = $mintick

            $datahash = $htmlData.datahash
            if($MetricFormat -eq "HTML" -or $MetricFormat -eq "ALL"){

write-output "
<!DOCTYPE html>
    body {
        font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
        background-color: #c0c0c0;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 20px;
    .metrics-container3 {
        background-color: #333;
        border-radius: 16px;
        box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
        padding: 20px;
        margin: 0;
        color: white;
        font-size: 24px;
        font-weight: bold;
        Text-align: center;
    .metrics-container2 {
        background-color: #333;
        border-radius: 16px;
        box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
        padding: 20px;
        margin: 0;
        color: white;
    .metrics-container {
        background-color: #fff;
        border-radius: 16px;
        box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
        padding: 20px;
        margin: 0;
    .metric {
        margin-bottom: 10px;
    .metric-label {
        font-weight: bold;
<script src=`"`"></script>
<div style=`"max-width: 1200px; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto;`">
    <div style=`"width: 95%; margin-right: 1%; margin-left: 1%`" class=`"metrics-container3`">
        $titlesplit <small><small>(Powered By Vpas)</small></small>
    <div style=`"display: flex; width: 99%;`">
        <div style=`"width:48%; margin-left: 1%; margin-right: 1%;`" class=`"metrics-container`">
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Generated By:</span> $AuthenticatedAs
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Generated Date:</span> $curTime
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Metric Category:</span> $metricTag
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Output Table(s):</span> $tablestr
 | Set-content $outputfile
write-output "
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Target Safe(s):</span> $TargetSafeSTR
 | Add-content $outputfile
write-output "
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Target Platform(s):</span> $TargetPlatformSTR
 | Add-content $outputfile
write-output "
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Target Username(s):</span> $TargetUsernameSTR
 | Add-content $outputfile
write-output "
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Ignore Platform(s):</span> $SkipPlatformsSTR
 | Add-content $outputfile
write-output "
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Ignore Username(s):</span> $SkipUsernameSTR
 | Add-content $outputfile
write-output "
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Ignore Safe(s):</span> $SkipSafeSTR
 | Add-content $outputfile

write-output "
        <div style=`"width:48%; margin-left: 1%; margin-right: 1;%`" class=`"metrics-container`">
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Metric Type:</span><small> $titlesplit</small>
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Explanation:</span> <small>$metricexplanation</small>
 | Add-content $outputfile

                if($HTMLChart -eq "BarGraph" -or $HTMLChart -eq "ALL"){
                    write-output "<div style=`"max-width:95%; margin-right: 1%; margin-left: 1%`"class=`"metrics-container`"><canvas height=`"500%`" id=`"myChartBAR`" style=`"width:100%;`"></canvas></div>`n<br><br>`n" | Add-Content $outputfile
                if($HTMLChart -eq "LineGraph" -or $HTMLChart -eq "ALL"){
                    write-output "<div style=`"max-width:95%; margin-right: 1%; margin-left: 1%`"class=`"metrics-container`"><canvas height=`"500%`" id=`"myChartLINE`" style=`"width:100%;`"></canvas></div>`n<br><br>`n"| Add-Content $outputfile
                if($HTMLChart -eq "PieChart" -or $HTMLChart -eq "ALL"){
                    write-output "<div style=`"max-width:95%; margin-right: 1%; margin-left: 1%`"class=`"metrics-container`"><canvas height=`"500%`" id=`"myChartPIE`" style=`"width:100%;`"></canvas></div>`n<br><br>`n"| Add-Content $outputfile

Write-Output "
    <div style=`"display: flex;`">
        <div style=`"width:33%; margin-right: 1%; margin-left: 1%`" class=`"metrics-container`">
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Totals:</span>
 | Add-Content $outputfile

                if($TargetMetric -eq "AccountsOnboardedXDays"){
                    $countkeys = $datahash.Keys.Count
                    $i = 1
                    while($i -le $countkeys){
                        $Max = $datahash."Set$i".Max
                        $Min = $datahash."Set$i".Min
                        $curCount = $datahash."Set$i".Count
Write-Output "
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`"><small>&emsp;Set$i) $Max-$Min`:</small></span><small> $curCount $tagout</small>
 | Add-Content $outputfile
                        $i += 1
                    foreach($key in $datahash.Keys){
                        $curCount = $datahash."$key".counter

Write-Output "
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`"><small>&emsp;$key`:</small></span><small> $curCount $tagout</small>
 | Add-Content $outputfile

Write-Output "
        <div style=`"max-width:58%; width: 68%; margin-right: 1%; margin-left: 1%`" class=`"metrics-container`">
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`">Recommendations:</span>
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`"><small>&emsp;1)</small></span> <small>$recommendation1</small>
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`"><small>&emsp;2)</small></span> <small>$recommendation2</small>
            <div class=`"metric`">
                <span class=`"metric-label`"><small>&emsp;3)</small></span> <small>$recommendation3</small>
 | Add-Content $outputfile
Write-Output "
    <div style=`"max-width:95%; width: 95%; margin-right: 1%; margin-left: 1%`" class=`"metrics-container`">
        <div class=`"metric`">
            <span class=`"metric-label`">Raw Data:</span>
            <div><button onclick=`"copyText()`">Copy JSON</button></div>
            <div style=`"max-width:95%; width: 95%; margin-right: 1%; margin-left: 1%`" class=`"metrics-container2`">
            <span id=`"CopyText`" ><small>$OutputDataJSON</small></span>
 | Add-Content $outputfile

Write-Output "
 | Add-Content $outputfile
                if($HTMLChart -eq "BarGraph" -or $HTMLChart -eq "ALL"){
                    write-output "const xValuesBAR = [$tempstr];" | Add-Content $outputfile
                    write-output "const yValuesBAR = [$tempstr2];" | Add-Content $outputfile
                    write-output "const barColorsBAR = [$tempstr3];" | Add-Content $outputfile
                if($HTMLChart -eq "LineGraph" -or $HTMLChart -eq "ALL"){
                    write-output "const xValuesLINE = [$tempstr];" | Add-Content $outputfile
                    write-output "const yValuesLINE = [$tempstr2];" | Add-Content $outputfile
                if($HTMLChart -eq "PieChart" -or $HTMLChart -eq "ALL"){
                    write-output "const xValuesPIE = [$tempstr];" | Add-Content $outputfile
                    write-output "const yValuesPIE = [$tempstr2];" | Add-Content $outputfile
                    write-output "const barColorsPIE = [$tempstr4];" | Add-Content $outputfile

if($HTMLChart -eq "BarGraph" -or $HTMLChart -eq "ALL"){
Write-Output "
new Chart(`"myChartBAR`", {
    type: `"bar`",
    data: {
        labels: xValuesBAR,
        datasets: [{
            backgroundColor: barColorsBAR,
            data: yValuesBAR
    options: {
        scales: {
            yAxes: [{
                ticks: {
                    beginAtZero: true
        legend: {display: false},
        title: {
            display: true,
            text: `"$titlesplit`"
 | Add-Content $outputfile
if($HTMLChart -eq "LineGraph" -or $HTMLChart -eq "ALL"){
Write-Output "
new Chart(`"myChartLINE`", {
    type: `"line`",
    data: {
        labels: xValuesLINE,
        datasets: [{
            label: `"$titlesplit`",
            fill: false,
            lineTension: 0,
            backgroundColor: `"rgba(0,0,255,1.0)`",
            borderColor: `"rgba(0,0,255,0.1)`",
            data: yValuesLINE
    options: {
        legend: {display: true},
        scales: {
            yAxes: [{ticks: {min: $mintick, max:$maxtick}}],
 | Add-Content $outputfile
if($HTMLChart -eq "PieChart" -or $HTMLChart -eq "ALL"){
write-output "
new Chart(`"myChartPIE`", {
    type: `"pie`",
    data: {
        labels: xValuesPIE,
        datasets: [{
            backgroundColor: barColorsPIE,
            data: yValuesPIE
    options: {
        title: {
            display: true,
            text: `"$titlesplit`"
function copyText() {
        var copyText = document.getElementById(`"CopyText`");
        var textArea = document.createElement(`"textarea`");
        textArea.value = copyText.textContent;
        alert(`"JSON copied to clipboard`");
 | Add-Content $outputfile

                write-output "</script>`n</body>`n</html>" | Add-Content $outputfile
            return $datahash

            Write-Verbose "UNABLE TO RUN REPORT...RETURNING FALSE"
            Write-VPASOutput -str "UNABLE TO RUN REPORT...RETURNING FALSE" -type E
            Write-VPASOutput -str $_ -type E
            return $false
        $log = Write-VPASTextRecorder -inputval $CommandName -token $token -LogType DIVIDER