.Synopsis OUTPUT MESSAGES FOR VpasModule CREATED BY: Vadim Melamed, EMAIL: .DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS MESSAGES .PARAMETER str Target string that will be displayed .PARAMETER type The type of the message (Red for errors, Yellow for user input, Magenta for extra information, etc.) Possible values: C, G, M, E, Y, S .PARAMETER Initialized Backend flag to not parse New-VPASToken variables .EXAMPLE $str = Write-VPASOutput -str "EXAMPLE ERROR MESSAGE" -type E .EXAMPLE $str = Write-VPASOutput -str "EXAMPLE RESPONSE MESSAGE" -type C .EXAMPLE $str = Write-VPASOutput -str "EXAMPLE GENERAL MESSAGE" -type M .EXAMPLE $str = Write-VPASOutput -str "EXAMPLE HEADER MESSAGE" -type G .EXAMPLE $str = Write-VPASOutput -str "EXAMPLE INPUT MESSAGE" -type Y .EXAMPLE $str = Write-VPASOutput -str "EXAMPLE SIMULATION MESSAGE" -type S .OUTPUTS String if successful $false if failed #> function Write-VPASOutput{ [OutputType([String])] [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,HelpMessage="Enter string to output",Position=0)] [String]$str, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,HelpMessage="Enter type of string (C, G, M, E, Y, S)",Position=1)] [ValidateSet('C','G','M','E','Y','S')] [String]$type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=2)] [Switch]$Initialized ) Begin{ if($Initialized){ $HideWarnings = $false } else{ $tokenval,$sessionval,$PVWA,$Header,$ISPSS,$IdentityURL,$EnableTextRecorder,$AuditTimeStamp,$NoSSL,$VaultVersion,$HideWarnings,$AuthenticatedAs = Get-VPASSession -token $token } } Process{ if($type -eq "g"){ write-host $str -ForegroundColor Green } elseif($type -eq "c"){ write-host $str -ForegroundColor Cyan } elseif($type -eq "e"){ if(!$HideWarnings){ write-host $str -ForegroundColor Red } } elseif($type -eq "m"){ if(!$HideWarnings){ write-host $str -ForegroundColor Magenta } } elseif($type -eq "y"){ write-host $str -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline } elseif($type -eq "s"){ write-host $str -ForegroundColor Gray } } End{ } } |