.Synopsis CREATE ACCOUNT CREATED BY: Vadim Melamed, EMAIL: .DESCRIPTION USE THIS FUNCTION TO CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT IN CYBERARK .PARAMETER token HashTable of data containing various pieces of login information (PVWA, LoginToken, HeaderType, etc). If -token is not passed, function will use last known hashtable generated by New-VPASToken .PARAMETER username Username that will be assigned to the new account .PARAMETER platformID PlatformID that will be assigned to the new account .PARAMETER safeName SafeName that will be assigned to the new account .PARAMETER name ObjectName that will be assigned to the new account .PARAMETER address Address that will be assigned to the new account .PARAMETER secretType Type of secret that will be assigned to the new account Possible values: Password, Key .PARAMETER secret Secret that will be assigned to the new account .PARAMETER accessRestrictedToRemoteMachines Limit if the new account can only connect to specific remote machines Possible values: TRUE, FALSE .PARAMETER remoteMachines Specific remote machines that the new account can connect to .PARAMETER automaticManagementEnabled Enable for the account to be automatically managed by the CPM depending on platform settings and configurations Possible values: TRUE, FALSE .PARAMETER manualManagementReason Specify a reason for automatic management to be disabled .PARAMETER extraProps Include extra properties that can be defined based on platform settings and configurations Pass extra properties in a hashtable following this pattern: @{ OptionalProperty1Tag = "OptionalProperty1Value" } Oracle Example: -extraProps @{ Database = "VmanDB" } .EXAMPLE $CreateAccountJSON = Add-VPASAccount -platformID {PLATFORMID VALUE} -safeName {SAFENAME VALUE} -address {ADDRESS VALUE} -username {USERNAME VALUE} .EXAMPLE $props = @{ Database = "DatabaseName" Port = "1234" } $CreateAccountJSON = Add-VPASAccount -platformID {PLATFORMID VALUE} -safeName {SAFENAME VALUE} -address {ADDRESS VALUE} -username {USERNAME VALUE} -extraProps $props .OUTPUTS JSON Object (Account) if successful $false if failed #> function Add-VPASAccount{ [OutputType('System.Object',[bool])] [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,HelpMessage="Enter platform of new account (for example: WinServerLocal)",Position=0)] [String]$platformID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,HelpMessage="Enter safe of new account (for example: TestSafe1)",Position=1)] [String]$safeName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=2)] [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE')] [String]$accessRestrictedToRemoteMachines, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=3)] [String]$remoteMachines, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=4)] [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE')] [String]$automaticManagementEnabled, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=5)] [String]$manualManagementReason, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=6)] [hashtable]$extraProps, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=7)] [ValidateSet('Password','Key')] [String]$secretType, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=8)] [String]$name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,HelpMessage="Enter Address of new account (for example:",Position=9)] [String]$address, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,HelpMessage="Enter Username of new account (for example: LocalAdmin)",Position=10)] [String]$username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=11)] [String]$secret, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=12)] [hashtable]$token ) Begin{ $tokenval,$sessionval,$PVWA,$Header,$ISPSS,$IdentityURL,$EnableTextRecorder,$AuditTimeStamp,$NoSSL,$VaultVersion,$HideWarnings,$AuthenticatedAs = Get-VPASSession -token $token $CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $log = Write-VPASTextRecorder -inputval $CommandName -token $token -LogType COMMAND } Process{ Write-Verbose "SUCCESSFULLY PARSED PVWA VALUE" Write-Verbose "SUCCESSFULLY PARSED TOKEN VALUE" Write-Verbose "SUCCESSFULLY PARSED PLATFORMID VALUE" Write-Verbose "SUCCESSFULLY PARSED SAFENAME VALUE" Write-Verbose "SUCCESSFULLY PARSED ADDRESS VALUE" Write-Verbose "SUCCESSFULLY PARSED USERNAME VALUE" $pplatformID = $platformID $psafeName = $safeName $pname = $name $paddress = $address $puserName = $username $psecretType = $secretType $psecret = $secret $pautomaticManagementEnabled = $automaticManagementEnabled $pmanualManagementReason = $manualManagementReason $premoteMachines = $remoteMachines $paccessRestrictedToRemoteMachines = $accessRestrictedToRemoteMachines $pextraProps = $extraProps #PLATFORMID SECTION if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($pplatformID)){ Write-Verbose "PLATFORMID CAN NOT BE NULL" Write-VPASOutput -str "PLATFORMID CAN NOT BE NULL" -type E return $false } #SAFENAME SECTION if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($psafeName)){ Write-Verbose "SAFENAME CAN NOT BE NULL" Write-VPASOutput -str "SAFENAME CAN NOT BE NULL" -type E return $false } #RESTRICTED REMOTE MACHINES SECTION if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($paccessRestrictedToRemoteMachines)){ $paccessRestrictedToRemoteMachines = $paccessRestrictedToRemoteMachines.ToLower() if($paccessRestrictedToRemoteMachines -eq "true" -or $paccessRestrictedToRemoteMachines -eq "false"){ $remoteMachinesAccess = @{"remoteMachines"="$premoteMachines";"accessRestrictedToRemoteMachines"="$paccessRestrictedToRemoteMachines"} } else{ Write-Verbose "IF accessRestrictedToRemoteMachines PARAMETERS IS PASSED, IT MUST BE EITHER TRUE OR FALSE" Write-VPASOutput -str "IF accessRestrictedToRemoteMachines PARAMETER IS PASSED, IT MUST BE EITHER TRUE OR FALSE" -type E return $false } } elseif($paccessRestrictedToRemoteMachines -eq ""){ $remoteMachinesAccess = "" } #AUTOMATIC MANAGEMENT SECTION if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($pautomaticManagementEnabled)){ $pautomaticManagementEnabled = $pautomaticManagementEnabled.ToLower() if($pautomaticManagementEnabled -eq "true" -or $pautomaticManagementEnabled -eq "false"){ $secretManagement = @{"automaticManagementEnabled"="$pautomaticManagementEnabled";"manualManagementReason"="$pmanualManagementReason"} } else{ Write-Verbose "IF AutomaticManagementEnabled PARAMETERS IS PASSED, IT MUST BE EITHER TRUE OR FALSE" Write-VPASOutput -str "IF AutomaticManagementEnabled PARAMETER IS PASSED, IT MUST BE EITHER TRUE OR FALSE" -type E return $false } } #EXTRA PROPS SECTION if($pextraProps){ Write-Verbose "HANDLING EXTRA PROPERTIES BEING PASSED" $platformAccountProperties = @{} $AllKeys = $pextraProps.Keys foreach($key in $AllKeys){ $val = $pextraProps."$key" $platformAccountProperties += @{ $key = $val } } } #SECRET TYPE SECTION if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($psecretType)){ $psecretType = $psecretType.ToLower() if($psecretType -eq "password" -or $psecretType -eq "key"){ #DO NOTHING } else{ Write-Verbose "SECRETTYPE CAN ONLY BE OF TYPE password OR OF TYPE key" Write-VPASOutput -str "SECRETTYPE CAN ONLY BE OF TYPE password OR OF TYPE key" -type E return $false } } else{ $secretType = "password" } try{ Write-Verbose "CONSTRUCTING PARAMETERS FOR API CALL" $params = @{ platformId = $platformID; safeName = $safeName; address = $address; userName = $userName; secretType = $secretType; secret = $secret; platformAccountProperties = $platformAccountProperties; secretManagement = $secretManagement; remoteMachinesAccess = $remoteMachinesAccess; } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($pname)){ $params += @{name = $name} } $log = Write-VPASTextRecorder -inputval $params -token $token -LogType PARAMS $params = $params | ConvertTo-Json Write-Verbose "MAKING API CALL TO CYBERARK" if($NoSSL){ Write-Verbose "NO SSL ENABLED, USING HTTP INSTEAD OF HTTPS" $uri = "http://$PVWA/PasswordVault/api/Accounts" } else{ Write-Verbose "SSL ENABLED BY DEFAULT, USING HTTPS" $uri = "https://$PVWA/PasswordVault/api/Accounts" } $log = Write-VPASTextRecorder -inputval $uri -token $token -LogType URI $log = Write-VPASTextRecorder -inputval "POST" -token $token -LogType METHOD if($sessionval){ $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"Authorization"=$Header} -Uri $uri -Method POST -Body $params -ContentType "application/json" -WebSession $sessionval } else{ $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"Authorization"=$Header} -Uri $uri -Method POST -Body $params -ContentType "application/json" } $log = Write-VPASTextRecorder -inputval $response -token $token -LogType RETURN Write-Verbose "PARSING DATA FROM CYBERARK" Write-Verbose "RETURNING JSON OBJECT" return $response }catch{ $log = Write-VPASTextRecorder -inputval $_ -token $token -LogType ERROR $log = Write-VPASTextRecorder -inputval "REST API COMMAND RETURNED: FALSE" -token $token -LogType MISC Write-Verbose "UNABLE TO ADD ACCOUNT INTO CYBERARK" Write-VPASOutput -str $_ -type E return $false } } End{ $log = Write-VPASTextRecorder -inputval $CommandName -token $token -LogType DIVIDER } } |