.Synopsis ADD ROLE IN IDENTITY CREATED BY: Vadim Melamed, EMAIL: .DESCRIPTION USE THIS FUNCTION TO ADD A NEW ROLE INTO IDENTITY .PARAMETER NoSSL If the environment is not set up for SSL, API calls will be made via HTTP not HTTPS (Not Recommended!) .PARAMETER token HashTable of data containing various pieces of login information (PVWA, LoginToken, HeaderType, etc). If -token is not passed, function will use last known hashtable generated by New-VPASToken .PARAMETER Description An explanation/details of the target resource Best practice states to leave informative descriptions to help identify the resource purpose .PARAMETER RoleName Unique RoleName that will be applied to the new role being created in Identity .EXAMPLE $AddNewIdentityRole = Add-VPASIdentityRole -Name {NAME VALUE} -Description {DESCRIPTION VALUE} .OUTPUTS Unique Role ID if successful $false if failed #> function Add-VPASIdentityRole{ [OutputType('System.Object',[bool])] [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,HelpMessage="Enter new role name to add to Identity (for example: NewTestRole)",Position=0)] [String]$RoleName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=1)] [String]$Description, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=2)] [hashtable]$token, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=3)] [Switch]$NoSSL ) Begin{ $tokenval,$sessionval,$PVWA,$Header,$ISPSS,$IdentityURL = Get-VPASSession -token $token } Process{ Write-Verbose "SUCCESSFULLY PARSED PVWA VALUE" Write-Verbose "SUCCESSFULLY PARSED TOKEN VALUE" try{ if(!$IdentityURL){ Write-VPASOutput -str "LOGIN TOKEN WAS NOT GENERATED THROUGH IDENTITY, TERMINATING API CALL" -type E return $false } Write-Verbose "CONSTRUCTING PARAMS" $params = @{ Name = $RoleName Description = $Description } | ConvertTo-Json Write-Verbose "ADDING ROLE NAME: $RoleName TO PARAMS" Write-Verbose "ADDING ROLE DESCRIPTION: $Description TO PARAMS" if($NoSSL){ Write-Verbose "NO SSL ENABLED, USING HTTP INSTEAD OF HTTPS" $uri = "http://$IdentityURL/Roles/StoreRole" } else{ Write-Verbose "SSL ENABLED BY DEFAULT, USING HTTPS" $uri = "https://$IdentityURL/Roles/StoreRole" } if($sessionval){ $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"Authorization"=$Header} -Uri $uri -Method POST -Body $params -ContentType "application/json" -WebSession $sessionval } else{ $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"Authorization"=$Header} -Uri $uri -Method POST -Body $params -ContentType "application/json" } Write-Verbose "PARSING DATA FROM CYBERARK" Write-Verbose "RETURNING UNIQUE ROLE ID" return $response.Result._RowKey }catch{ Write-Verbose "FAILED TO ADD ROLE TO IDENTITY" Write-VPASOutput -str $_ -type E return $false } } End{ } } |