.Synopsis VALIDATE CSV FILES FOR BULK OPERATIONS CREATED BY: Vadim Melamed, EMAIL: .DESCRIPTION USE THIS FUNCTION TO VALIDATE CSV FILES FOR BULK OPERATIONS .EXAMPLE $CSVFileValidate = VBulkValidateFile -BulkOperation {BULKOPERATION VALUE} -CSVFile {CSVFILE LOCATION} .OUTPUTS $true if successful $false if failed #> function VBulkValidateFile{ [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=0)] [ValidateSet('BulkSafeCreation','BulkAccountCreation','BulkSafeMembers')] [String]$BulkOperation, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=1)] [String]$CSVFile, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=2)] [Switch]$HideOutput ) if(!$HideOutput){ Vout "VALIDATE BULK CSV FILES UTILITY" -type G Vout "*Please note, this only checks syntax of a CSV file, it does NOT go into Cyberark to edit any values and does NOT validate SafeNames, PlatformIDs, SafeMembers, etc." -type C } Write-Verbose "SUCCESSFULLY PARSED BULKOPERATION VALUE: $BulkTemplate" Write-Verbose "SUCCESSFULLY PARSED CSVFILE LOCATION: $CSVFile" try{ $processrun = $true if(Test-Path -Path $CSVFile){ $input = Import-Csv -Path $CSVFile } else{ write-verbose "$CSVFile DOES NOT EXIST, RETURNING FALSE" if(!$HideOutput){ Vout -str "$CSVFile DOES NOT EXIST, RETURNING FALSE" -type E } return $false } if($BulkOperation -eq "BulkSafeCreation"){ $counter = 1 foreach($line in $input){ $errorflag = $false $errorstr = "" if(!$HideOutput){ Write-Host "ANALYZING LINE #$counter...................." -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline } $SafeName = $line.SafeName $CPM = $line.CPM $VersionsRetention = $line.VersionsRetention $DaysRetention = $line.DaysRetention $OLAC = $line.OLAC $Description = $line.Description if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SafeName)){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "SafeName CAN NOT BE BLANK; " $processrun = $false } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($VersionsRetention) -and ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($DaysRetention)){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "EITHER VersionRetention OR DaysRetention CAN BE SPECIFIED, NOT BOTH; " $processrun = $false } else{ if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($VersionsRetention)){ try{ $inttest = [int]$VersionsRetention }catch{ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "VersionRetention MUST BE AN INTEGER; " $processrun = $false } } elseif(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($DaysRetention)){ try{ $inttest = [int]$DaysRetention }catch{ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "DaysRetention MUST BE AN INTEGER; " $processrun = $false } } } if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($OLAC)){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "OLAC MUST BE SPECIFIED AS EITHER True OR False; " $processrun = $false } else{ $OLAC = $OLAC.ToLower() if($OLAC -ne "true" -and $OLAC -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "OLAC MUST BE SPECIFIED AS EITHER True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(!$errorflag){ if(!$HideOutput){ write-host "PASS!" -ForegroundColor Green } } else{ if(!$HideOutput){ Write-Host "FAIL ( $errorstr)" -ForegroundColor Red } } $counter+=1 } } elseif($BulkOperation -eq "BulkAccountCreation"){ $counter = 1 foreach($line in $input){ $errorflag = $false $errorstr = "" if(!$HideOutput){ Write-Host "ANALYZING LINE #$counter...................." -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline } $SafeName = $line.SafeName $PlatformID = $line.PlatformID $Username = $line.Username $Address = $line.Address $Customname = $line.CustomName $SecretType = $line.SecretType $SecretValue = $line.SecretValue $AutomaticManagementEnabled = $line.AutomaticManagementEnabled $extrapass1Safe = $line.extrapass1Safe $extrapass1Username = $line.extrapass1Username $extrapass1Name = $line.extrapass1Name $extrapass1Folder = $line.extrapass1Folder $extrapass3Safe = $line.extrapass3Safe $extrapass3Username = $line.extrapass3Username $extrapass3Name = $line.extrapass3Name $extrapass3Folder = $line.extrapass3Folder $CPMAction = $line.CPMAction if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SafeName)){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "SafeName CAN NOT BE BLANK; " $processrun = $false } if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($PlatformID)){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "PlatformID CAN NOT BE BLANK; " $processrun = $false } if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Username)){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "Username CAN NOT BE BLANK; " $processrun = $false } if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Address)){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "Address CAN NOT BE BLANK; " $processrun = $false } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SecretType)){ $SecretType = $SecretType.ToLower() if($SecretType -ne "password" -and $SecretType -ne "key"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "SecretType CAN ONLY BE EITHER Password OR Key; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AutomaticManagementEnabled)){ $AutomaticManagementEnabled = $AutomaticManagementEnabled.ToLower() if($AutomaticManagementEnabled -ne "true" -and $AutomaticManagementEnabled -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "AutomaticManagementEnabled CAN ONLY BE EITHER True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass1Safe) -or ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass1Username) -or ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass1Name) -or ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass1Folder)){ if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass1Safe) -or [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass1Username) -or [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass1Name) -or [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass1Folder)){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "IF PASSING LOGON ACCOUNT ALL 4 FIELDS MUST BE SUPPLIED extrapass1Safe, extrapass1Username, extrapass1Name, extrapass1Folder; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass3Safe) -or ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass3Username) -or ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass3Name) -or ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass3Folder)){ if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass3Safe) -or [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass3Username) -or [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass3Name) -or [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($extrapass3Folder)){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "IF PASSING RECONCILE ACCOUNT ALL 4 FIELDS MUST BE SUPPLIED extrapass3Safe, extrapass3Username, extrapass3Name, extrapass3Folder; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($CPMAction)){ $CPMAction = $CPMAction.ToLower() if($CPMAction -ne "verify" -and $CPMAction -ne "change" -and $CPMAction -ne "reconcile"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "CPMAction CAN ONLY BE EITHER Verify, Change, OR Reconcile; " $processrun = $false } } if(!$errorflag){ if(!$HideOutput){ write-host "PASS!" -ForegroundColor Green } } else{ if(!$HideOutput){ Write-Host "FAIL ( $errorstr)" -ForegroundColor Red } } $counter+=1 } } elseif($BulkOperation -eq "BulkSafeMembers"){ $counter = 1 foreach($line in $input){ $requestlvl = 0 $errorflag = $false $errorstr = "" if(!$HideOutput){ Write-Host "ANALYZING LINE #$counter...................." -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline } $SafeName = $line.SafeName $SafeMember = $line.SafeMember $SearchIn = $line.SearchIn $UseAccounts = $line.UseAccounts $RetrieveAccounts = $line.RetrieveAccounts $ListAccounts = $line.ListAccounts $AddAccounts = $line.AddAccounts $UpdateAccountContent = $line.UpdateAccountContent $UpdateAccountProperties = $line.UpdateAccountProperties $InitiateCPMAccountManagementOperations = $line.InitiateCPMAccountManagementOperations $SpecifyNextAccountContent = $line.SpecifyNextAccountContent $RenameAccounts = $line.RenameAccounts $DeleteAccounts = $line.DeleteAccounts $UnlockAccounts = $line.UnlockAccounts $ManageSafe = $line.ManageSafe $ManageSafeMembers = $line.ManageSafeMembers $BackupSafe = $line.BackupSafe $ViewAuditLog = $line.ViewAuditLog $ViewSafeMembers = $line.ViewSafeMembers $AccessWithoutConfirmation = $line.AccessWithoutConfirmation $CreateFolders = $line.CreateFolders $DeleteFolders = $line.DeleteFolders $MoveAccountsAndFolders = $line.MoveAccountsAndFolders $RequestsAuthorizationLevel1 = $line.RequestsAuthorizationLevel1 $RequestsAuthorizationLevel2 = $line.RequestsAuthorizationLevel2 if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SafeName)){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "SafeName CAN NOT BE BLANK; " $processrun = $false } if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SafeMember)){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "SafeMember CAN NOT BE BLANK; " $processrun = $false } if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SearchIn)){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "SearchIn CAN NOT BE BLANK; " $processrun = $false } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($UseAccounts)){ $teststr = $UseAccounts.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "UseAccounts CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RetrieveAccounts)){ $teststr = $RetrieveAccounts.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "RetrieveAccounts CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ListAccounts)){ $teststr = $ListAccounts.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "ListAccounts CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AddAccounts)){ $teststr = $AddAccounts.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "AddAccounts CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($UpdateAccountContent)){ $teststr = $UpdateAccountContent.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "UpdateAccountContent CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($UpdateAccountProperties)){ $teststr = $UpdateAccountProperties.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "UpdateAccountProperties CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($InitiateCPMAccountManagementOperations)){ $teststr = $InitiateCPMAccountManagementOperations.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "InitiateCPMAccountManagementOperations CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SpecifyNextAccountContent)){ $teststr = $SpecifyNextAccountContent.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "SpecifyNextAccountContent CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RenameAccounts)){ $teststr = $RenameAccounts.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "RenameAccounts CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($DeleteAccounts)){ $teststr = $DeleteAccounts.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "DeleteAccounts CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($UnlockAccounts)){ $teststr = $UnlockAccounts.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "UnlockAccounts CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ManageSafe)){ $teststr = $ManageSafe.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "ManageSafe CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ManageSafeMembers)){ $teststr = $ManageSafeMembers.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "ManageSafeMembers CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($BackupSafe)){ $teststr = $BackupSafe.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "BackupSafe CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ViewAuditLog)){ $teststr = $ViewAuditLog.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "ViewAuditLog CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ViewSafeMembers)){ $teststr = $ViewSafeMembers.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "ViewSafeMembers CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AccessWithoutConfirmation)){ $teststr = $AccessWithoutConfirmation.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "AccessWithoutConfirmation CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($CreateFolders)){ $teststr = $CreateFolders.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "CreateFolders CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($DeleteFolders)){ $teststr = $DeleteFolders.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "DeleteFolders CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($MoveAccountsAndFolders)){ $teststr = $MoveAccountsAndFolders.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "MoveAccountsAndFolders CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RequestsAuthorizationLevel1)){ $teststr = $RequestsAuthorizationLevel1.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "RequestsAuthorizationLevel1 CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } else{ $requestlvl += 1 } } if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RequestsAuthorizationLevel2)){ $teststr = $RequestsAuthorizationLevel2.ToLower() if($teststr -ne "true" -and $teststr -ne "false"){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "RequestsAuthorizationLevel2 CAN ONLY BE True OR False; " $processrun = $false } else{ $requestlvl +=1 } } if($requestlvl -ge 2){ $errorflag = $true $errorstr += "EITHER RequestsAuthorizationLevel1 OR RequestsAuthorizationLevel2 CAN BE SELECTED...NOT BOTH; " $processrun = $false } if(!$errorflag){ if(!$HideOutput){ write-host "PASS!" -ForegroundColor Green } } else{ if(!$HideOutput){ Write-Host "FAIL ( $errorstr)" -ForegroundColor Red } } $counter+=1 } } if($processrun){ if(!$HideOutput){ Write-Host "NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED" -ForegroundColor Green } return $true } else{ if(!$HideOutput){ Write-Host "SOME ERRORS WERE DETECTED" -ForegroundColor Red } return $false } }catch{ Write-Verbose "FAILED TO OPEN CSV FILE: $CSVFile" Vout -str "FAILED TO OPEN CSV FILE: $CSVFile" -type E vout -str "$_" -type E return $false } } |